Lucy Lus works

Chapter 394: Waiting, Love's Uncertain Grip


ellowish paper seems quite old, with a rough texture that doesn't feel like anything made today. The black ink map, drawn by hand, feels like it was created by someone centuries ago, maybe even longer...It snowed again.

Outside the stone house, flakes of white snow drifted down. A cold wind blew, causing the snowflakes to dance and flutter as they fell. There was no romantic beauty, only a feeling of panic and unease in their hearts.

Jo Bao'er took out her phone, it only had 15% battery left.

Although the area was devoid of mobile signal due to equipment failure, at least the phone could barely function as a flashlight. The faint illumination was better than complete darkness where one couldn't see their hand in front of their face, offering a sliver of comfort.

She also noticed that the phone display showed it was 9 pm now.

Time passes so slowly.

Hiding in this crude, filthy stone hut, when will it be dawn

"Will anyone come to save us"

"The people at the hotel are all waiting for rescue, they wouldn't dare risk going down to save us...they probably think we're all dead."

The man with a big beard and his wife were whispering to each other, their faces stern and menacing just moments ago, but now their voices were filled with dejection and helplessness.

They all sat directly on the filthy soil, each one exhausted and haggard. There was only one thought in their minds: hoping for daybreak soon. Trapped in this snow-covered mountain, they had no idea where they were now. Outside, darkness reigned, filled with danger. Besides waiting, what else could they do

"The firewood is not enough." Suddenly, the photographer man sitting in the corner spoke.

The four words caused Qiao Bao'er to suddenly become alert.

Looking down at the pile of broken wood behind her, she saw that the wooden bed and cabinet inside the stone hut had been kicked apart and used as firewood. She calculated in her mind that this pile of planks could only burn until midnight at most.

But the second half of the night is the most dangerous time.

Without an open flame, any sudden event could be fatal.

"If the firewood isn't enough, then burn it slower. Otherwise, what are we going to do With this weather, are we supposed to go out and collect more"

The bearded man, his temper flaring, shouted, “I absolutely will not go out!”

Xia Chui Xue, sitting on the other side, had her legs secured with wooden planks. A half-disabled woman, she was now both cold and exhausted. Inside this primitive stone cave dwelling, she was utterly weary in body and spirit, filled only with despair and rage.

She looked utterly despairing, her face ashen. It was the stifled fury of her soul finally erupting in a sudden, angry roar, "Is that all it takes to survive To burn just slowly enough This stone house is so cold, the firewood isn't enough. Let me freeze to death."

Xia Chui's face was smeared with mud and tears, dirty and disheveled. All those manners she usually observed were flung aside in anger.

These selfish people, with their big beards, are just like those self-proclaimed nobles before them, who think they're better than everyone else.

"It's all your fault!!"

If it weren't for those so-called elites forcing them to the ski resort, she wouldn't have to endure this!

Qiao Bao'er hugged Pei Yi in her arms and turned to look at Xia Chui Xue, who had a ferocious and resentful expression on her face. It was the first time she had seen this female elite white-collar worker so out of control.

Probably, also too scared.

Such waiting is really oppressive and desperate.

Qiao Bao'er reached out and touched Pei Yi's forehead, not participating in their conversation.

"Are you hungry" she asked him in a low voice, her head bowed.

Pei Yi clung to her, his small body trembling with insecurity. Qiao Baoer kept urging him to close his eyes and rest, but he was too afraid. He didn't dare to shut his eyes, even though he was still young, he understood what the big men were saying.

These adults said that no one would come to save them.

I thought they were all dead.

"Will Aunt Zhu be alright"

He kept his head bowed low, his childish voice choked with sobs, wanting to cry but afraid to make a sound.

Qiao Bao'er stared straight at the falling snow outside, and after a while, she spoke, "It will be fine."

"Xiao Zhu ran in the direction where the avalanche's impact was weaker, as long as she ran fast enough, she shouldn't be swept down the mountain…" Not good at lying, Qiao Baoer didn't even sound confident.

I hope so.

Pei Yi lowered her head, choking back tears, silent for a long while. She probably knew that she shouldn't cry or make trouble at this time, as she couldn't burden the adults, so she behaved very cautiously.

The person I most want to see is him, my dearest dad. "My father would never abandon me."

Qiao Bao'er looked at his immature little face and felt a touch of emotion in her heart.

She had read some parenting books when she was pregnant. They were bought by Jun Zhimu and kept in his study. She casually picked one up and flipped through a few pages.

According to the book, every child has a fear deep down in their heart of being abandoned by their parents, and they may unconsciously try to imitate and please them.

Even someone as strong-willed as Junzhi's father must have tried to get closer to his mother when he was a child...

It's kind of like a feeling of anxiety or being on edge.

Qiao Baoer took a deep breath and looked again at the snow falling outside the stone house cave. These complicated melancholias, to be honest, her childhood was very happy, she didn't understand the feeling of gain and loss.

Joe suddenly felt the man in the corner opposite the fire was mocking her.

She turned her head sensitively, looking at the photographer. The man had sharp, deep-set features, clearly European. His lips were thin and curved up slightly, a hint of teasing in their smirk.

Those deep brown eyes, with a knowing smirk, seemed to be laughing at her.

She always thought this man was weird.

"What's your name" Qiao Baier suddenly asked him.

The other party seemed to be startled for a moment, still maintaining the slight smile on his lips, but his eyes deepened, with a hint of something profound.

"What time is it Still in the mood to flirt with men." The burly man muttered irritably.

The photographer man looked at her but didn't speak. Qiao Baoer frowned.

"Lady Jun..."

Pei Yi suddenly called out to her, reaching out a small hand from her pocket to take out a croissant and offering it to her. “Auntie Jun, I have a bread for you.”

Qiao Baoer saw him offering it like a treasure, and in such a difficult situation, she suddenly felt a warm feeling in her heart.

She casually grabbed two planks of wood and added them to the fire, keeping Pei Yi closer to warm him. She smiled softly, "Here you go."

As soon as she spoke, the three members of the bearded man's family all turned their gazes to them. The bearded man's daughter pointed at Pei Yi and said arrogantly, "Give it to me!"

This girl was speaking in Romansh, the local language of Switzerland. Qiao Bao'er couldn't understand her words, but seeing the little girl's princess-like demeanor, she roughly knew that she wanted Pei Yi's bread.

Pei Yi was also very sensitive and immediately hid her egg roll, covering it with her chest.

"My daughter is hungry, please give me your bread." The bearded woman demanded of Jo Baier in English, her tone so righteous.

Qiao Bao'er listened, her face turning ugly. She replied with two words, "No."

“You! You are such a selfish person!” The woman actually shrieked, accusingly.

Qiao Baoer ignored her and said to Pei Yi, "Eat by yourself."

However, the old man's daughter burst into tears and cried out loudly.

The once peaceful stone house had become irritating. The little girl, about 6 or 7 years old, was a foreign girl who was taller than average and particularly spoiled. She pounded her parents' arms. "I want that bread! I want bread!" The girl screamed and cried incessantly, her feet kicking up dust and pebbles on the ground.

A raging bonfire was kicked up by the girl's feet, sending burning planks scattering everywhere. Yet, the couple remained unfazed, consoling their daughter as if she were the wronged party.

Qiao Bao'er couldn't stand it anymore, "Control your daughter!"

The bushy-bearded wife glared back at her, with a look of fury. "You wicked woman!"

Even children you bully, you heartless person!

After scolding Qiao Baoer, the wife turned to her husband and chided him, "How could you allow someone to bully our darling"

Joe Bao'er listened with a sullen face, Pei Yi seemed to be frightened by these people, her small body huddled into a ball.

The bearded man looked menacing, his burly frame towering over her as he stood up, casting a large shadow. He raised his thick arms and bellowed at her, "Give my daughter the bread right now!"

Joe Bao'er held a steel knife tightly in her right hand, furious and ready to teach him a lesson.

Pei Yi, who was nestled in the arms, suddenly took out her little hand-rolled egg pancake. He didn't speak, it was obvious that he wanted to give his egg pancake to that girl.

The old man grunted, snatched the egg roll from Pei Yi's small hand, and strode back to the opposite side of the fire.

Bei Yi turned back and hugged her tightly, his head pressed against her shoulder, suddenly a bit clingy.

Qiao Bao'er was furious. Although Pei Yi's strength was negligible, she could feel him standing beside her, his shoulder pressed against hers. It was as if he were trying to stop her from fighting the burly man, to appease the situation and prevent her from being bullied.

The bearded man's little girl got the crepe, but she was very unhappy. "I don't want it!" she said, acting like a princess, and threw the crepe the bearded man had given her into the fire.

This princess is having a tantrum.

Joe was furious.

"Get out there and gather some branches with me!" she sprang to her feet, marched up to the Bearded Man, her voice demanding.

The bearded man immediately started cursing, "Who do you think you are, who are you to command me..."

Qiao Bao'er quickly swung the steel knife in her right hand, the sharp blade directly against his neck artery, "Go, or don't go!" she gritted her teeth.r, along with the sound of a large horde of beasts running wildly, shaking the ground. 。"Come ashore, those beasts are coming again." 。Lu Qinan took a long bamboo pole and handed it to the lake water,...