Lucy Lus works

Chapter 393: Stone House, Wilderness Survival


ward, a powerfully built man with dark, gleaming skin and an obvious air of superiority strode towards them.Although all the wildmen looked rough, this adult male was about the same height as Samba, a...qiao Baoer had already stood up straight, sheltering Pei Yi behind her, staring directly at the photographer with a hint of scrutiny.

The man with the beard had wounds on his arm, and his expression was very weak and haggard. He didn't really want to fight, he was just selfish and wanted to have this stone house all to himself.

"This stone hut was built by poachers a long time ago. No one has come here for ages, and the inside is dark and deep. There's a good chance that a black bear might be hibernating in there. It would be very dangerous to just barge in."

This photographer seems to know this area very well.

He paused, his eyes falling back to Qiao Bao'er. "Miss Qiao has a lighter on her. Bringing an open flame into the stone house to light a fire and stay warm is the only way to survive the night. Otherwise, we'll all die here."

When the burly man heard the word “death,” his whole demeanor shifted. He seemed rattled, as if suddenly frightened. The avalanche had been terrifying, and he’d only just escaped it by crawling out of the snow himself, barely clinging to life. He didn't want to die.

"How do you know I have a lighter"

Qiao Bao'er's face became even more serious. This photographer seemed to have been eyeing her from the start, and he knew a lot about her.

The photographer, a man, lifted the corner of his lips in a smile that held an ambiguous meaning. His voice was soft, "I also know you have a 15-centimeter steel knife strapped to your waist." He said it nonchalantly.

Qiao Bao'er's face suddenly tightened.

Jo Bao'er contributed her lighter and, after spending nearly half an hour gathering twigs, finally managed to light a fire. The bright flames brought a sense of security.

Qiao Bao'er turned around and continued carrying the Xia Zhuixue, whose legs were inconvenient. Pei Yi followed closely beside her. The thin photographer man held a torch, and even the bearded man dared not have any objections anymore. They carefully approached the stone house together.

The stone house had likely been unoccupied for a long time; the wooden door outside was already dilapidated. Inside, it was pitch black, stuffy and airless. As soon as I stepped inside, I felt a chill.

The stone house was long, only three meters wide, but very deep. Qiao Bao'er and the others were not interested in venturing deep into the stone house. They walked in about ten meters and still couldn't see the end, so they retreated to the entrance of the cave and gathered together.

Jo Bao'er discovered that inside the stone house there was a wooden plank bed and a rickety wooden chest, several simple iron buckets, a large iron bowl, and a large bundle of coarse hemp rope.

She walked over to that cabinet and rummaged through it. She found a hunting rifle, but it was out of bullets and unusable.

“There are really wild animals around here…” She felt a prickle of alertness. The presence of a hunting rifle meant this area was not safe.

Then Qiao Baoer found a dusty bottle at the top of the cabinet, a large bottle of whiskey.

The bearded man saw the whiskey she had found, probably collected by a hunter in the past. Whiskey could warm you up on a cold winter day. He barked at her, "Give me the booze!"

Qiao Bao'er ignored him.

The big man, domineering as he was accustomed to being, scowled and rose to his feet, intending to snatch it away. However, his wife immediately pressed him back down, whispering a few words in his ear, likely about the dagger on Qiao Bao'er's person. Only then did he hesitate and sit back down.

Pei Yi clung tightly to Qiao Bao'er's side. Though young, she could see the malice in people's hearts.

The photographer, a man who seemed very experienced in wilderness survival, looked thin but had explosive strength. He walked to the wooden bed and, with his bare hands, dismantled it into planks. He quickly built a fire pile.

The orange flames danced, finally bringing some warmth to the stone house. Everyone unconsciously moved closer to the fire for comfort.

Jo Bao'er turned her head, gazing at the man opposite her in the flickering firelight.

She suddenly noticed that the photographer didn't seem to be afraid of the cold at all. He was wearing the least amount of clothes, just a two-piece suit, and he was sitting away from the bonfire. It seemed like he disliked being crowded with others, and there was an air of aloofness about him.

At this moment, Xia Chuixue cried out in pain as her legs were badly injured.

Qiao Ba'er again grabbed some planks from the wooden bed frame and a big bundle of hemp rope, walking towards her. She squatted in front of her and then took out a steel knife from her waist.

Xia Chui Xue saw her holding a sharp knife, and screamed in surprise, "What are you doing"

Qiao Bao'er wore no expression on her face and deliberately scared her, "Your foot injury is too severe; it might have to be amputated."

Xia Chui Xue was terrified when she heard this, "No, no, I don't want to have my limbs amputated..."

Qiao Bao'er moved the knife with a practiced ease. A gash had opened in her pants at her knee, and as she pulled the fabric aside, her leg wound was revealed - the blood had clotted.

Qiao Bao'er used her teeth to pry open the whiskey bottle cap in her hand and poured the alcohol onto her wounded leg.

A sharp pain shot through her, Xia Chuixue's face turned ashen, and her body still trembled.

Qiao Baoer saw that she looked like she was about to die, and pursed her lips, "Wine can't disinfect you. I lied. You don't need an amputation."

Summer was in agonizing pain, her eyes blazing with fury as she stared at her, a seed of doubt planted deep within her – could this be a calculated act of revenge

Qiao Bao'er touched her bones, "Fractured, your right leg might leave a scar. Take care of yourself afterwards."

Xia Chuixue's legs were already numb from the cold.

Qiao Baoer tossed and turned, her pain intensified, her face paled. She wanted to say something, but then she saw Qiao Baoer pick up two pieces of wood, clamping them around her injured foot, cutting the rope shorter and wrapping it tightly to fix her fracture.

Qiao Baoer had finished treating her wound and glanced at her with a calm tone, "It hurts better than not feeling anything."

Xia Chuixue gasped in pain, gritting her teeth to endure it.

She knew, as Qiao Bao'er had said, that it was better to feel the pain than have her legs freeze.

This woman simply doesn't have a natural talent for taking care of people. If Qiao Baoer became a nurse, she would probably scare the patients to death.

Joe Bao'er was not idle. She used the remaining three longer pieces of wood above the fire to build a triangular frame, tied a short piece of hemp rope to the top, and took an iron bucket outside to fetch half a bucket of clean snow. She tied the bucket to the hemp rope, and the fire was heating the snow water in the iron bucket, gradually turning it into warm water and then boiling.

There were two large iron bowls on the counter. She took one carefully and scooped out half a bowl of boiling water. She sat down, and Pei Yi pressed close to her.

"Careful, it's hot. Drink it slowly to warm your stomach," Qiao Baoer instructed Pei Yi to drink some hot water.

The other photographer, a man, looked at her quietly, raising an eyebrow as if surprised by her actions.

Seeing her do this, the big bearded man immediately ran over and grabbed another iron bowl. He also scooped hot water out of the bucket and drank it.

After Pei Yi had a few sips, Qiao Baoer also brought some warm water and handed it to Xia Chuixue.

Xia Chui Xue leaned weakly against the dirty, rough wall. She had never been this helpless and miserable as she was tonight. She encountered an avalanche, took shelter in this dilapidated stone house, and her legs were severely injured, her life hanging in the balance.

A feeling of despair washed over me, leaving me utterly lifeless.

But why is Qiao Baoer still so energetic.

Xia Chui Xue did not accept this half bowl of hot water, her dazed look was like being in a semi-conscious state.

Jo Bao'er's actions weren't gentle at all. Seeing her dawdle, she simply placed the bowl by her lips and forced her to drink some.

Xia Chui Xue choked, her chest becoming slightly damp.

She suddenly flared up, glaring at her. " Qiao Bao'er, were you doing this on purpose!" They'd never gotten along, and now that she was hurt, she was deliberately retaliating and tormenting her.

"Sorry, I did it on purpose." Qiao Bao'er said flatly without a hint of remorse.

Pei Yi turned her small body and looked at them, "Summer Aunt, your lips are so dry."

Xia Chui Xue's face was complicated. Qiao Bao Er stood up and returned to Pei Yi's side, then reached out and touched Pei Yi's forehead, worried that he had a fever, fortunately it wasn't hot.

"Does your head hurt" she asked.

Pei Yi looked at her, her little face a bit tired, and shook her head.

"If you're uncomfortable, just say it directly. Otherwise, I won't know." Qiao Baier instructed him seriously.

People around Qiao Ba'er get sick all the time but don't say anything. She isn't someone who is very perceptive. When she feels unwell, she doesn't speak up, and she doesn't know herself either.

Then some people said she was heartless, incompetent, and not worthy of being a wife because she didn't care about her husband.

Qiao Bao'er thought of some unpleasant memories, her eyes were a little thoughtful.

They all thought so, and she didn't feel like were flushed and tender from the kiss, her body soft. She couldn't tell what emotions she was feeling, dazed as if her brain had short-circuited. She even forgot to resist, letting herself be taken...