Lucy Lus works

Chapter 676: Secret Passageway and Hidden Chamber


untenance darkened slightly.We went to Qiao's house and the hospital before, but she wasn't there. She didn't answer our calls either. I don't know where she went. Lu Qinian said lightly, turning to...This is hand-excavated, a whole mountain has been dug out.

The stone walls are covered with paintings of all sorts, depicting the daily lives of the primitive inhabitants who once lived here, their ancient wild ancestors. They show their joys and sorrows, celebrations, and funeral rites.

The murals crudely sketch the wisdom of the ancestors who lived then. They worked in the mountains, planted crops, sailed, and gathered fruit. During harvest season, they danced and celebrated around a bonfire, beating drums. There were also collective funeral rites for elders who had passed away.

The Jun's shepherds were awestruck by the frescoes on the walls, which may have been thousands, or even tens of thousands of years old.

"Who painted all these murals" They cover the ceiling of the cave, and judging by the style, it was likely done by the same person.

Lao Gui and the crab held their torches high, admiring these remnants of ancient civilizations with earnest attention.

Qiao Bao'er and Lu Qinan glanced at the wall. Neither of them were cultured people, so they had no interest in such rigid murals.

Two shady-eyed figures quickly quickened their pace, walking forward. They felt that this kind of place must surely contain many golden treasures, gold, which they loved.

"Don't wander off." Junzhi Mu called out to them.

Jo Bao'er also seriously replied, "We followed Raphael in front of us..."

As soon as she spoke, the old ghost and crab at her head were still discussing the paintings with great interest. "Don't the people in this cave need to hunt for food How could they be so free to paint so many murals"

The crab rambled, "… could it be that we're trapped here, unable to leave, just passing the time"

In this very moment.

Almost everyone inside the mountain heard it at roughly the same time: a deafening, violent roar that caused the entire mountain to shudder slightly.

Suddenly coming to his senses, Junzhimu's face changed drastically. He was the first to shout, "The stone gate at the entrance is closed!"

Oh, you jinx!

Lao Gui and Crab no longer had the mood to observe these murals and hurried back.

Just then, they also heard the anxious shouts of their companions who were left outside the entrance, "What happened in there!"

"Young Jun, the stone gate at the entrance is closed!!"

Such a heavy and massive stone gate, they were unable to open it again with human power, they could only watch helplessly as the entrance closed, the entire cave became even more dark and suffocating.

At that moment, they all lost their previous interest in admiring these ancient artifacts and became anxious instead.

Soon Junzhi Mu and the others reacted, discovering that Raphael, who had been in front of them, was already gone. Moreover, Lao Gui found that there were many mechanisms hidden inside the mountain belly.

“This is an active stone brick.” Lao Gui brought the torch closer to a wall, carefully examining it. Between the intricate murals, he could make out many such hidden active stone bricks.

Without a doubt, Raphael must have triggered some kind of mechanism to close the entrance and leave them in the lurch.

"Damn it!" the crabs shouted angrily.

Rafael is a real psychopath with no integrity. He'll take any chance to screw you over.

And suddenly they realized their numbers were short, two people missing, Qiao Bao'er and Lu Qinnan.

Jun Zhi's face was extremely sullen. He didn't need to say anything, Lao Gui and the others immediately divided into several small teams of two, rushing around to search for them.

The deeper they went into the mountain, the more they realized it was not just a simple cave, but a labyrinth with several passages branching out before them, leaving them unsure of which path to take.

" Qiao Bao'er, Lu Qinian…" Their voices echoed through the cave.

Luckily, they heard a voice soon after. “We’re lost!” it was Qiao Bao'er’s shout, and perhaps fearing reprimand, she quickly added, “We’re following Rafael, don’t worry.”

Following that freak would definitely be the safest option. In Qiao Ba'er's opinion, Raphael would surely find a way out. She and Lu Qinan didn't know yet about the entrance being closed.

At the same time they were pleased, Junzhi's disciples looked at the several branching paths before them with confusion.

"Jo Bao'er!"

"Which way did you just come from!" the crab tried to shout at her.

But this time, it seemed as if Qiao Baoer had already walked far away. She didn't hear and didn't reply again.

This made them all anxious. They each felt that the two leftmost passages sounded like they were coming from there, but they couldn't be sure.

Which two passages are these

Now the original entrance has been deliberately closed by Raphael. Although Qiao Bao'er and Lu Qinnan followed him, they are currently unaware of this and don't want to be trapped within the mountain. They must find this unscrupulous man, Raphael, as soon as possible.

"...Divide the troops into two groups." This was the only way to make sure they wouldn't miss any opportunity.

Because once you enter one of the passages, you may not be able to return the same way and have to go your separate ways. As long as one of them finds Raphael, they can solve the problem.

Junzhi Mu led a few people quickly forward toward the leftmost passage. Lao Gui and Crab led the rest of the people down another passage.

Jun Zhimu's footsteps were measured and steady as he ran with a few others, which quickly caught Qiao Baoer's attention who was walking slowly ahead.

"Someone is behind us," she said to Lu Qinian beside her.

"Are those the shepherd and his flock Why are they running so hurriedly Could something dangerous have happened in the cave" Lu Qinan thought, becoming a bit anxious.

Lu Qinnan knows Jun Zhimu very well. If he wasn't facing an emergency, he would definitely not be flustered and must have something wrong.

While Raphael, who was in the lead, smirked at this point, thinking to himself that they were actually quite capable. They could even catch up to him.

Count Black seemed to have a telepathic connection with his master. His golden cat eyes glanced their way, and he instantly knew what his master wanted.

A few cat leaps, whoosh! A small black shadow disappears into this dark and narrow hallway.

While Qiao Bao'er wasn't as clever as her brother Rafael, she sensed something was wrong when she saw the Count suddenly speed up. Almost instinctively, she took off running in the direction the Count had disappeared.

"Fool! Don't touch that stone brick!"

Rafael, who had always been calm and composed, suddenly became agitated and yelled at Qiao Bao'er.

Qiao Baoer didn't understand, she had already stepped down with one foot.

Almost in that very instant, the hurried footsteps behind them grew closer. Jun Zhi Mu had already arrived and saw Qiao Bao'er and Raphael...

The narrow stone corridor suddenly spun, and with a deafening boom, the massive stone gate swung open. Qiao Baoer screamed as the surrounding stone walls whirred with mechanisms.

In a flash, it was over with a final bang as the dust settled.

They were both locked into the secret chamber, separated on either side. On one side was Jun Zhi Mu and Lu Qi Nan, while on the other was Qiao Bao Er and Rafael.

They all ate a mouthful of dust, embarrassed. Jun Zhimu immediately re-lit the lighter, counted heads and anxiously shouted at the thick stone wall, " Qiao Bao'er!"e at high noon, a chill permeated the hospital ward. The air, thick with the smell of disinfectant, weighed heavily on the spirit and filled the chest with worry and anxiety.A man leaning on a cane, w...