Lucy Lus works

Chapter 675: Exploring the Deep Mountain Cave


there. It would be very dangerous to just barge in."This photographer seems to know this area very well.He paused, his eyes falling back to Qiao Bao'er. "Miss Qiao has a lighter on her. Bringing an o...Raphael urged coldly, "Get down!"

The hole was just big enough for Qiao Baor'er's frame to squeeze through. 。"We have explosives," 。He would rather destroy the ancient artifacts in this cave than allow her to venture inside alone. 。

Raphael chuckled sarcastically, "Explosives We can't even tell if the mountain is hollow right now. Are you seriously going to use explosives and bury us all here" 。You, Junzhi Mu, would sacrifice the lives of all your brothers for your great love, wouldn't you 。The last sentence has a bit of a divisive meaning. 。Lu Qinian rebutted first, "Since you said so, there are unknown dangers lurking in the cave entrance, we don't know what kind of beasts or traps… You want Qiao Baor to go in and die! You can't possibly ask any of us to go in." 。Although Jun Zhimu and Qiao Baier are husband and wife, everyone can see that Qiao Baier has no special privileges. She struggles just like the others. 。"Have the Count come down." 。Raphael's attempts to sow discord failed, so he had to compromise. 。Jo Baoer used her rattan net to hold the earl and slowly lowered him down with a rope. 。Count Black, as a creature with the gift of communication with spirits, understood their words. Even when he was thrown to the edge of the cliff, he didn't panic or cry out, maintaining his noble and aloof demeanor. As he approached the small opening, Count Black leaped directly into it. 。

A cat's eyes can see clearly in the dark. Count, unhurried, looked around the inside of the den. After about half an hour, there was still no movement. 。 Qiao Bao'er reluctantly worried a little about this stinky cat. 。>> 。Just when everyone thought the Earl had perished so heroically, the spot where Lu Qinan was standing suddenly collapsed, scaring the few of them into a chorus of startled cries, "The ground just caved in..." They retreated hastily. 。Luckily, it was only a very brief tremor. A cloud of dust rose around them, but soon Kuni no Bokushi and the others could see where the collapse had occurred: a deep pit. 。Rafael felt that the landslide was unsafe, and quickly climbed up from the edge of the cliff. 。

"This is the entrance" 。Raphael glanced at the collapsed spot and immediately understood. 。Jun Zhimu and Lu Qinnan held up their lighters, the bright flames illuminating the collapsed pit. They could clearly see a series of steps below, which meant this was the real entrance. 。。It seems the Earl touched the switch, opening a path for them. 。Old Ghost's eyes lit up, thinking to himself that this cat was really smart. It would be great if he could have a well-behaved one. Too bad it belonged to Raphael, that crazy cat lover. 。Rafael gazed into the chasm, his expression unable to contain his excitement; he seemed almost impatient. 。He knew there had to be something in there he wanted. 。

"Half of the people go down" 。Under the command of the lord, Jun led Lao Gui, Crab and several other strong fighters down. 。The rest stayed put, in case something else happened. 。Jo Baoer didn't care about his rules at all. Taking a lighter, she immediately ran downstairs. Lu Qinan was already itching to move. Seeing someone disobey, he immediately followed suit. 。

The shepherd is a bit angry. 。

He couldn't control her. 。Raphael was in a good mood, he glanced at them, rarely joking, “……My dear brother-in-law, you must behave well.” 。“When I heard the word ‘brother-in-law’, I got goosebumps all over.” 。Their feet trod upon 39 steps of stone and mud, finally reaching the spacious mountainside. Just as Raphael's raven had prophesied, the mountain was indeed hollow. 。The cave was poorly ventilated, making the air feel heavy and stagnant. However, the cavern within the mountain was spacious, and a small opening connecting to a crevice on one side allowed some airflow, preventing suffocation. 。

"This is man-made..." The faces of the people with raised lighters in their hands were grim as they surveyed the mountain's interior. 。On this wall, it is full of murals, densely packed. 。The painting depicts some people working in the mountains, others fishing in the sea, and also large ships with their sails set for the open ocean... It shows them gathering around a bonfire after a harvest, drumming, dancing, and celebrating. 。These murals all record the daily life of the original inhabitants of this place. 。The original inhabitants depicted in this mural were not ordinary people, but wild men. 。It seems these are the remains left by the ancestors of wild people. 。... Samba's ancestors had already learned to use tools thousands of years ago. 。The ancestors of wild men were not less intelligent than humans. 。But it is unclear why, although humans have evolved to the civilized society we see today, Samba and his people remain stuck in a primitive way of life. 。Raphael is not interested in things about wild people. 。Rafael continued to delve deeper into the mountain's belly, his raised lighter probing little by little, Count Blackcat leading the way ahead. 。ld return to his original life and avoid being dragged down by people like Jun Zhimu, lest he get into big trouble."Lu Qinnan snorted, finding her overprotective of that big oaf. What was so great abo...