Lucy Lus works

Chapter 633: Setting Up a Stall to Sell Goods


ued, "That's Qiao Baor'er's wooden box; I have to return it to her personally."It's kind of funny to think about, he'd been married to her for three years and still didn't know anything about Qiao Bao...Jo Bao'er had some ideas and decided to launch a promotional campaign first.

Before dawn broke the next day, Qiao Bao'er woke Samba up and told him to go claim their spot. They chose a location with high pedestrian traffic and shade from a large tree.

Qiao Bao'er was not at all polite. She directly claimed a large stall of over 20 square meters. On the first day, she only brought a small portion of over 500 flint strikers.

Samba found some hay, which would be used for a live demonstration of how to properly use a flint and steel. Hay is very flammable.

He made Samba gather a lot of dry branches and build fires into small piles. There were many delicious fish in the river in front of the market, so he sent Samba to catch five big fish.

The fish was scaled, gutted, and cut into palm-sized pieces. It was washed by the river to remove the fishy smell. Some sweet and sour fruits were also picked to marinate the fish as a condiment. Finally, the clean fish pieces were placed on a spit over the fire and slowly roasted.

After Qiao Bao'er and the others had everything prepared, the other villagers slowly began to set up their stalls.

As the saying goes, "The clumsy bird takes flight first," after meticulous preparation, skewers of grilled fish emerged, their surface golden and crispy. The aroma of the meat wafted through the air.

Like primitive creatures such as wild men, their instinctive desires are very strong, especially for food, and they are particularly sensitive to it.

Jo Bao'er's stall quickly gathered a dozen or so curious wild men, each tall and fierce-looking, staring intently at the several bonfires beside which were strung strings of freshly grilled fish. They looked as if they would pounce to snatch them up.

Samba even thought that Qiao Baoer wanted to sell grilled fish.

A rather stout and portly wild man waddled over, making strange grunting noises to Samba. While Qiao Baoer couldn't understand the words, it was clear he was interested in their grilled fish.

Samba still earnestly told the 'guests' that grilled fish should be traded for gold.

This portly, broad-faced savage should be 'well off,' not even considering it, he directly pulled a small piece of gold out of his animal hide bag.

Samba is getting ready to collect payment.

"No way, no how! Our grilled fish is free!"

Qiao Baoer shook her head at Samba, pointing to the grilled fish, then to the dry branches on the ground, and finally to other people's hunting spoils like cattle and rabbits.

Samba immediately understood what she meant. Fish would be cooked over dry branches or with game in exchange.


Jo Bao'er only needs some dry firewood, game, or even fruit.

Samba seemed slow, staring at her for a long time, as if he couldn't understand. Qiao Baoer had told him before that she wanted gold.

At this point, the brains of the Samba natives had short-circuited.

But the cub gets whatever she wants, Samba is a pushover and does whatever she says.

Thus, Samba communicated with the first 'guest' in his native tongue, stating that to eat grilled fish, one had to offer prey or dried fruits and seeds in exchange.

For the food right in front of them, especially the meat that was steaming and smelling delicious, the cavemen's intelligence seemed to drop a level. No matter what demands were made, they would immediately obey.

Qiao Bao'er and Samba's first business deal.

Five stringed grilled fish meat was exchanged for one fat pig and two wild rabbits.

Jo Bao'er thought it was a steal, and the wild man who bought things was very happy, holding five strings of grilled fish meat, gnawing on them eagerly while swaying back and forth as he walked away.

The number of skewers of barbecue the prey can be exchanged for depends entirely on Qiao Baier's decision. No matter how many skewers she gives, these 'guests' have no objections.

As long as the transaction is successful, we both benefit and are happy.

The wildmen's mimicry skills are excellent, and people are starting to get excited about buying their specially prepared grilled fish.

In less than half an hour, all the grilled fish that had been prepared earlier sold out.

"...He exchanged ten goats, three pigs, sixteen rabbits, and five pheasants. There was also a large pile of firewood and fruit."

Jo Baobao looked at her harvest and couldn't stop smiling, she was very proud.

Actually, Samba was also doing business for the first time. He had been ostracized by his tribe since he was a child and lived alone in the hillside area. He didn't like to interact too much with other wild people.

When Samba saw that the five fish had actually returned with so many prey, he was stunned for a long time, as if he couldn't believe it.

Samba thinks his fish were caught from the river, and they were easy to catch. Usually, other people don't like to eat fish anyway.

The San people's brains couldn't figure it out. There were so many goats and rabbits, which would be harder to catch, why would they want to trade with him for them

This is called increasing product value.

Qiao Baoer earnestly educated Samba, "After these fish are processed, they are no longer the original fish."

Qiao Baoer herself is just a half-baked, rambling on about "business principles" nonsensically.

Samba, regardless of whether he could understand it or not, listened attentively from beginning to end. Qiao Baoer was very smug, feeling like her intelligence had surpassed these savages by millions of light-years.

After a short rest, Qiao Baoer asked Samba to help her make barbecue again.

As they had done before, they brought the water to a boil and scalded the hares and other game, then gutted them, seasoned them with herbs and fruit, and roasted them over a low fire.

Passing savages would always stop, staring curiously, even in awe, at how they handled their prey.

Today, Qiao Bao'er and their stall were definitely the most popular.

These ‘guests’ stopped to watch out of curiosity. For the savage people, the way of dealing with prey – plucking fur, opening up the belly, and digging out the intestines – seemed ‘too cruel’.

Jo Ba'er even heard the surrounding wild men screaming and roaring at them.

It seems like they're being accused of being "inhumane" and "going against the natural order."

Qiao Bao'er had long grown accustomed to it. As long as these savages didn't attack her, she didn't care how much they roared.

She was using a Swiss Army knife to process the barbecue, while Samba helped with the sharpened flint spear from yesterday. Working together, they moved quickly.

Now that most of the onlookers have arrived, Qiao Bao'er asked Samba to start a fire with flint and steel as a performance.

After all, you have to teach the savages how to use flint before you can sell it to them.

Half of the wild men were curious about the flint in Samba's hand, staring at it intently, while the other half were more interested in the roasted meat.

One hour later.

Jo Bao'er's string of barbecue began to sizzle and spit oil, the aroma so tempting that it made one's stomach rumble.

The original boisterous wild men, fiercely glared at their skewers of roasted meat, each one silent, swallowing hard with thirst.

Meat grilling is more popular than fish among the savages. These large chunks of meat immediately attracted a huge crowd of savages pushing and shoving, with many savages shouting at Samba urgently.

They want to eat this barbecue, they want to buy it!

"...Calm down, calm down..."

"Don't crowd me, queue up!"

Qiao Bao'er had truly seen the power of a wild, primitive food-obsessed force. For food, they went crazy.

I hate myself for being so reckless, I cooked so much barbecue to tempt them, now it's out of control. Samba can't handle it alone, they're surrounded by a huge mob of wild people, this is terrifying, one wrong move and we'll be trampled like meat patties.

Fortunately, the wild beasts were well-behaved. Although they charged at us with ferocious growls and snarls, they didn't riot or scramble for anything. Instead, they lined up orderly to "pay."

"... Samba, this time we don't want prey, we want barbecue, two skewers of meat plus two fire stones, and a small piece of gold." Qiao Baoer communicated with Samba in her own way.

This time, don't barter. Demand gold.

Samba understood and learned to nod at her.

These wild men were eager to grill meat. They didn't care what those two flint stones were, so they threw a piece of gold and took two skewers of barbecue, gobbling them down hungrily...

Customers who keep coming back for more, Qiao Bao'er implemented a "limited purchase" policy.

"...Tell them, each person can only buy once. We'll come back tomorrow."

Samba stared blankly at Jo Bao'er, seemingly not understanding why she wouldn't want more gold. However, Samba still followed her instructions and told the excited 'guests' in their native tongue.

This also angered these "foodies" greatly, they wanted to buy but they refused to sell anymore.

Luckily, they didn't vandalize anything. They were still feeling smug and angry, so they walked away with two inedible rocks.

However, despite this, the later savages came after one another in droves, none could stop them. Qiao Baoer received so much money that her hands ached from it.

"... We just want more savages to take flint home, so we have to limit purchases. We're not selling barbecue, we're selling rocks."

"This barbecue business is really profitable, but it's too tiring to do everything yourself. It's not the best way to make money by spending your own time. We won't do this kind of business unless we can hire people and buy other people's time."

"Once they become familiar with using flint, we'll start charging for it. These stones are free resources; as long as their value is equal to that of a lighter, we could easily make more gold every day without having to cook for others."

< After a day of barbecuing, Qiao Bao'er refused to do any more. She plopped down on the ground and gave Samba a lecture...She went on and on, but really, she was just lazy. >

Samba didn't seem to understand much, but he nodded seriously at her nonetheless. assigned to a position yet, she doesn't have any work pressure. Like a freshman just entering school, she has a bright and lively face with a cheerful smile."Grandpa, let me tell you, this beauty app...