Lucy Lus works

Chapter 632: The Rules of Making Money as a Barbarian >


instead, she felt anxious and uneasy.Suddenly, a large hand pressed against her abdomen. The force wasn't great, but Qiao Bao'er jumped up in surprise and looked at the man beside her, "What's wrong"...Qiao Baoer began her flint business.

Even without any business experience, the fact that lighters and matches sell so well at the savage market probably indicates that even savages know how crucial fire is to their survival.

Matches and lighters, these everyday items, are too small for the hands of a wild man. They are thick and difficult to use, and they break easily. Moreover, once they are burned out, the wild man has to buy new ones again.

And this natural, durable flint is also better sized for primitive people to handle.

It should be profitable.

Qiao Bao'er and Samba decided to return, going back to the rocky area.

"... What are these stones"

From the day Qiao Bao'er arrived on the island, she was captivated by these rocks of varying sizes, some even weighing hundreds of tons. These black rocks were scattered throughout the entire island, and their concentration was particularly high in certain areas.

Sambo didn't know what to do, she was looking at them, seemingly interested in the stones.

"Where did these stones come from" Qiao Baoer looked at Samba, and she deliberately repeated the question several times.

Samba looked at her for a long time, then with his thick fingers, he pointed to the sky.

Influenced by Qiao Baoer, Samba also learned to do some behavioral languages.

Samba picked up a handful of small pebbles from the ground and then, from a height, threw all the pebbles to the ground in one go.

“So, you’re saying all these stones here just fell from the sky”


Qiao Baoer was really surprised, this was a meteorite that fell from the sky.

With so many meteorites crashing onto this land, wouldn't that have been a huge disaster Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the whole island probably burned down, with countless casualties.

This island has certainly experienced a devastating disaster. There are many legends about these stones, the old chief said they killed many people. A fierce fire raged across the entire island, consuming all the forests and game, drying up the rivers, and leaving the sky gray.

...In the end, the island owner saved them.

Samba himself doesn't understand these legends, and he's not interested in the stones either, because stones can't be eaten.

Samba told Qiao Baoer all the gibberish he knew.

Unfortunately, Qiao Bao'er, this good-for-nothing, couldn't understand the native language at all.

From Samba's expression, one could see some awe and apprehension, as if he had spoken of something terrible.

"... Are you afraid of these meteorites"

Qiao Baoer could only guess that.

Actually, these savages, Samba and the others, aren't afraid of meteorites. They sleep on those rocks. What they fear is their island lord.

qiao ba'er has been working hard to learn the native language, but it's really no use, she can't understand what they are saying.

Crouching down, he carefully picked up the smaller meteorite from the ground.

This meteorite is black and, under light, shows some fluorescence that shimmers in an indigo blue. The meteorite's texture is very hard.

"Ouch..." Qiao Bao'er winced in pain.

She wasn't paying attention and got a sharp stone that cut her finger, the wound was deeper than she expected, and blood started to come out.

Samba's eyes widened as she saw her fingers bleeding. She immediately ran over and raised her voice, as if lecturing her.

qiao bao'er didn't mind this at all, letting samba worry about it.

She took some water from the kettle and rinsed the wound. With her other hand, she pressed down on the injured area. After ten minutes, the bleeding gradually stopped. Qiao Baor didn't act so delicate.

She is now more interested in these meteorites, “....Such a high density, if they were all pointed, they might be even better than iron.”

Unfortunately, the high density prevents it from being polished.

These small fragments of meteorite are probably the result of large meteorites colliding with each other during a major catastrophe.

The small gravels come in various shapes, some are long and pointed, which can be used to make long hair. Even 10 dollars worth.

Jo Baoer found a long, pointed piece of meteorite. She also found a straight tree branch and had Samba use hemp rope to tie the meteorite to the top of the branch, just like a spear.

Qiao Bao'er picked up the meteorite spear and threw it with all her might towards a large tree in front of her. The sharp meteorite pierced deep into the tree, making it a good weapon.

Samba watched on, his eyes wide with surprise.

Jo Baoer handed the spear to Samba, then pointed to a wild rabbit that had just emerged from a burrow in the distance.

Samba quickly understood, Samba was strong and accurate. A javelin flew through the air, the rabbit hadn't even expected a sharp weapon to come down from the sky.

The rabbit became their lunch.

"... Samba, this spear will be your weapon from now on. If anyone bullies you, you can use this to defend yourself. We will never let anyone bully you!"

Samba didn't understand her haughty words, but he understood that this weapon was for him. Samba was very happy.

for his cub.

Qiao Baoer and they want to find more small meteorites, preferably oval-shaped ones, which are best for making fire starters.

Sambo watched her pick and choose, and he soon learned to do the same, gathering a pile of oval-shaped meteorites.

I have to say, Samba is a fast learner.

“We need to take all of these and sell them at the market.” I’ve been picking for half a day, there are at least over a thousand jin. The problem is how to transport these stones.

There are no trucks on this island, and it takes two days of walking just to reach the market from the rocky areas.

Finally, Qiao Ba'er had no choice but to use the most primitive method, which was to carry a pole.

She had Samba gather a large amount of vines, flexible and unbroken. Qiao Bao'er's handicrafts were always clumsy, fortunately she could still weave a net, although it was ugly, as long as it was woven tightly enough.

This large net woven from vines can hold these stones. Qiao Bao'er wove two such large nets, each with about five hundred jin of stones at either end, and then found a sturdy tree trunk.

Samba, like a giant farmer, carries two stones on his shoulders. He walks step by step, carrying a thousand pounds of stones, and he walks quite easily.

Samba even wanted to continue holding her, he felt that Qiao Baobao's illness didn't seem to be completely cured.

Qiao Baoer ran back and forth, messing with the tools, panting from exhaustion. She waved her hand and said, "No, no need to carry me, I want to help too."

She wove two small nets for herself and placed 50 kilograms of stones on each side.

The scorching sun beat down overhead, two figures, one big and one small, trudged along the path with stones on their shoulders. When they grew weary, they would stop to rest for a while.

Jo Baoer had never done any heavy work since she was born. This was the first time she carried a load on her shoulders, and her shoulders ached both painfully and numbly. However, for the sake of earning money, she gritted her teeth and endured it, determined to take these stones to the market to exchange for gold.

"Make money, make money!" For the sake of making money, Qiao Ba'er is willing to do anything.

After all that effort, bringing these flint stones to the market, Qiao Bao'er suddenly felt a bit lost.

I have no experience in business.

How should I price this flint

Lighters are selling for a fortune now, one lighter costs at least an ounce of gold.

However, the flint for her firestarter was completely free. Flint was a new thing to the primitives. If they couldn't accept it, then it wouldn't have any value at all.

Qiao Bao'er didn't rush to set up her stall and sell goods. Instead, she found a hidden place to put the stones away and then pulled Samba around the market, watching how other savages did business.

After observing for two days, Qiao Ba'er had some insights.

Originally, there were no rules for pricing among savages.

The same iron pot can be sold for three cattle or one pig.

Besides, the wild man's stalls are not fixed. Whoever comes first and occupies a place, it belongs to him. And no matter how big a place you like to occupy, they don't care.

The rules for how a savage makes money, what they sell in their business, is all based on their glanced at her. At that moment, she stood right in front of him, less than half a meter away. He reached out his left hand to take her phone, his slender fingers feeling a bit cold as they brushed...