Lucy Lus works

Chapter 599: The 'Market' of the Wildmen


uential as the Jun family.For the past few years, she has been complaining that her husband works too hard and doesn't spend enough time with her, making her feel unappreciated. She even met some youn...The "market" of savages.

Qiao Bao'er felt that compared to the primitive forests and desolate plains she had encountered before, this simple trading market was bustling and lively.

The "market" of the wild people should be equivalent to the power center of this island.

I never thought that even wild people would know how to set up a stall and do business.

Like a rural marketplace, the savages had no fixed stalls or houses. They hauled their wares—animals, furs, and such—and simply staked out a small patch of ground, hawking their goods to passersby. Some even resorted to brute force, grabbing unsuspecting travelers and forcing them to buy.

Jo Bao'er's eyes met nothing but ferocious barbarians. They wore menacing expressions and shouted incessantly, looking more like they were about to fight than sell goods.

This really opened her eyes.

At the same time, this scene in front of her made Qiao Bao'er even more certain that the savages on this island must have been influenced by modern civilization.

That is to say, at the marketplace here, Qiao Baier is more likely to encounter modern people who can communicate.

Her heart pounded, her eyes darted back and forth, desperately searching for others of her kind.

But Qiao Baoer's appearance stood out among these wild people. She was much smaller and whiter than them, and her features and physique were vastly different. Because of this, many wild people around her would curiously glance at her as she passed by, and even several strong men roared at her.

I don't know what these wild animals are howling about, the sound is terrifying.

qiao Bao'er felt as if she were being stared at by countless beastly eyes. Her scalp tingled, and she meekly followed the 'master' wild man, immediately bowing her head and daring not to look around, reducing her presence.

Qiao Baoer noticed that gold, on this island, should be a very scarce precious metal, and only a small number of wild people should possess it.

Many primitive people choose to barter when trading, for example, one wild man traded a mature water buffalo for an iron pot.

Here, the prey is the least valuable. Her 'master-serving' wild man intended to trade a male elk and two young oxen for a small box of matches.

Jo Bao'er watched from the side. The homeless man selling matches seemed reluctant, thinking that a male elk and two calves were not worth a box of matches.

He pointed at Qiao Bao'er, who was trailing behind, and said he would only sell if she was included.

She 'served' the wild man, who had a bad temper and yelled at the match seller like he was bargaining.

The last match seller looked fierce and drove them away.

In modern terms, it means if you can't afford it, get lost.

Wondered if the wild man had any sense of self-respect, Joe noticed that he ‘served’ the wild man and dared not speak up. In the end, he could only pull her and those animals away.

Jo Baoer knew very well that for her safety, she absolutely couldn't participate in any of the wild men's activities. Even if they killed each other, it wasn't her concern.

But Qiao Baor didn't know what came over her, she actually walked forward and patted the "serving master" savage's thick arm. Then, she took out two black stones from her pocket and forcefully collided them multiple times, causing sparks to fly. Soon, a pile of dry grass by the roadside was ignited, billowing smoke and flames.

The savage was extremely shocked.

His massive body even crouched down, using his hand to personally feel the fire on the hay to see if it was real, and at the same time, his thick fingers were burned.

He had a full beard and two dark, sharp eyes that glared at Qiao Bao'er. He then looked at the two black stones in her hands. Even though she was being stared down by the wild man, Qiao Bao'er's heart still pounded with fear. She immediately threw the flint to him generously.

This means that there's no need to sell matches anymore, as flint can also be used to start a fire.

The wild man picked up two flint stones, looked at Qiao Baoer with a calculating gaze for a long time, and finally carefully put them away, stuffing them into a beast-skin woven pouch at his waist.

Jo Baoer found it amusing to see him cherish those two pieces of rock so much. At the same time, she felt a surge of pride. After all, she was a higher intelligence being; those two fire stones were actually picked up from the plain rock belt.

She found that the giant rocks scattered across the plain were incredibly dense, made of a stone she couldn't identify. Bored, she idly picked up a rock and smashed it against another, and sparks flew out.

Those are all natural flint stones, why would you need to buy those crappy matches and get looked down upon by that savage peddler

The wild man gave Qiao Baoer a deep look, his mind unreadable. She hoped he wouldn't hurt her. In reality, she had a sharp stone hidden in her pocket that could be used to sever the hemp rope around her waist, giving her a chance to escape if the opportunity arose.

The savage dragged her through the market, and finally he traded the male elk, two calves, and a fox for a small water jug, the 500-liter kind.

Jo Baoer didn't speak. She only felt that this broken teapot was worth at most 20 yuan, and coming here really made her feel like she was worth a hundred times more.

Rare things are valuable, but that's just the way it is.

It's just strange, this savage had a metal canteen strapped to his waist, a dark green army canteen, very well-made. He must have traded a lot of game for it back then. Why would he want to trade it for another one Such a waste.

This market mostly sells daily necessities. Lighters and matches are the most popular, followed by water bottles, iron pots, and large iron bowls.

Actually, these are all very common household items, and the workmanship is rather rough. Most of them are made of metal, so they are quite durable. On this island, these are rare commodities.

Qiao Bao'er discovered an item that she was very interested in, it turned out to be a Swiss Army Knife being sold at a wild stall, 15 centimeters long, and very sharp.

She stood in front of the stall, not moving, her eyes fixed longingly on the three Swiss Army knives.

She really wanted one.

This Swiss Army knife is the perfect size for her to carry around. It can be used as a weapon, whittle branches and cut fruit, or even gut animals like a butcher's knife.

Joe was still tied to her wild man with a hemp rope. He had been pulling her forward, but suddenly the rope tightened. He turned his head and looked at her, pulling hard. Joe stood stubbornly in front of someone's stall, refusing to move.

It's a bit like a child wanting to buy a toy and refusing to leave.

The wild man walked back to her side, first glancing at her, then at the stall selling Swiss Army knives.

He didn't seem interested in the tools, so Qiao Bao'er immediately gestured excitedly, pointing to a Swiss Army knife among them. "Buy it, buy it, buy it!"

She shouted loudly, afraid he wouldn't understand, and even boldly reached out to pat the leather pouch at his waist where he kept the gold.

The savage selling Swiss army knives mumbled incoherently, and his tone and gaze clearly indicated that he wanted them to leave.

The implication is that it's expensive, and you shouldn't get in his way at his stall.

"...Are you kidding me These primitive people are so powerful" Qiao Bao'er quickly understood his meaning and felt depressed.

It's rare to see a Swiss Army knife, it would be a shame to miss out.

She wasn't sure where she would end up next, and had to be ready to escape at any moment. Convincing this wild man to buy a knife was out of the question.

However, to Qiao Bao'er's shock, the 'serve mistress' savage actually pulled out a gold nugget the size of a thumb and truly bought a Swiss army knife.

I never expected her "serving the master" to be so wealthy.

And the savage readily gave her the Swiss army knife.

qiao Bao'er took the thing in her hand, feeling uneasy in her heart. Just then, seven or eight strong wild men armed with spears rushed over and surrounded qiao Bao'er and her companions.

At the same time, a gruff, aged voice echoed from behind, repeating one word, as if calling out faintly, '... Samba.'

Qiao Bao'er was terrified. Though she had finally gotten the Swiss Army Knife in her hand, there was no way this small knife could withstand the eight wild men surrounding her.

In a little while, a very distinguished-looking primitive wild woman appeared. She seemed quite old, like a chieftain or something, with her head, ears, and neck covered in golden jewelry - genuine rubies, sapphires, and a few strands of brilliant multicoloured feathers.

The tribal chieftain's daughter, the wild woman, shouted at the "servant" wild woman beside Qiao Baoer, "Sanba!"

Qiao Bao'er understood, this was his name.n was also worried, but he said with a sneer, "Just right to get rid of her Qiao Miss's picky eating habits."Raphael deliberately made it difficult for them to find Qiao Baier, but because Qiao Baier...