Lucy Lus works

Chapter 598 Qiao Bao'er Was Disliked


for thisLooking around, it's vast and quiet, with a mix of emotions swirling within me.Originally, Tang Yu had already sent Mo Gao to arrest An Lei.The moonlight above cast a silver glow, and under t...Walked for a day and a night.

Qiao Ba'er was squatting on a relatively flat boulder, her gaze fixed despairingly upon the now pitch-black night sky, studded with countless stars. The soles of her feet were blistered from walking, and her fractured left leg throbbed with every step. She had gritted her teeth and endured since dawn, when she began her grueling journey.

But, after a day and night of travel, she hadn't yet reached the bustling marketplace she had envisioned.

Could it be that she was mistaken

Where on earth is this savage taking her and the animals It's already night, the road ahead is unknown. Qiao Bao'er is exhausted and hungry. Her feet hurt so much, they feel numb, like they don't even belong to her anymore.

The wild man found a random place to rest for the night, apparently he also felt that traveling at night was unsafe.

After a long day's walk, they finally walked out of the plain rocky area. In front of them, several big trees gradually appeared, offering shade from the sun.

They were resting under a large tree. The wild man tied the hemp rope to a thick trunk, so Qiao Bao'er and the animals could only move in a limited area. Qiao Bao'er climbed onto a flat rock by herself and sat down, while the animals searched for grass to eat around them.

The wild man went to gather some branches to make a fire. His fingers were too thick, so he had difficulty using the lighter. He failed to strike a flame several times. Qiao Bao'er thought that with his strength, he could snap the lighter in half any minute.

This wild man seems to realize that in this desolate wilderness, fire is of paramount importance. If he encounters ferocious beasts, a torch can serve as protection.

Therefore, he walked up to Qiao Baier and tossed the lighter at her feet.

Qiao Bao'er was taken aback. She met his gaze, his face covered in whiskers and his eyes as dark and sharp as a wild animal's. She couldn't refuse. Although she couldn't communicate with the savage, it was clear that he wanted her help to start a fire.

qiao Bao'er's little hand easily ignited the lighter, as if it were child's play for her.

But to this savage, it seemed astonishing, like the first time he saw Jocasta using a lighter. His beard obscured his facial expression, but his eyes clearly widened in surprise.

In her heart, Qiao Bao'er was thinking, these modernized tools were originally meant for these "normal people" to use. If they were going to specifically supply the savages on this island, then they would need a super-sized lighter. Even the metal water bottle at his waist would have to be extra large.

Maybe it's because they think Qiao Baoer won't fetch a good price if she starved to death, or maybe it's because she just used a lighter, making the wild men think she has some value.

In conclusion, Qiao Baier was quite lucky tonight. The savage threw her a piece of dried meat, a large chunk of jerky. It was dried very hard and you couldn't tell what kind of animal it came from, but at least it wasn't rat meat.

Of course Qiao Bao'er wouldn't refuse food. She picked it up and ate it. Because the jerky was so hard, she could only bite off a little piece of meat from the edge, holding it in her mouth and chewing slowly.

Although the meat is tough, it tastes pretty good.

The wild man was also eating the dried meat, it must have been something he had sun-dried earlier. This kind of food is indeed convenient to carry when going out. He drank water from his water bottle mouthful by mouthful, and soon finished it all.

Jo Bao'er secretly looked, feeling extremely jealous inside. She was also very thirsty.

Animals don't lack food, they seem to be satisfied after gnawing on a few blades of grass, and long journeys don't seem very tiring for them.

Although chewing on jerky would make saliva flow, Qiao Bao'er was still incredibly thirsty. She watched the big elk seemingly enjoy eating leaves from a short tree, which stood only one meter tall. The leaves were flat and wide, about the size of a hand, emerald green, and looked very succulent like those fleshy plants found in cacti.

Because Qiao Bao'er was tied to the end of the rope, her movements were more convenient. She dragged her left crippled leg and hobbled over to compete with the elk for food.

The savage began to watch her as she moved, noticing that she ate those leaves. There seemed to be a question in his eyes.

It's hard.

Qiaoba'er grabbed a broad leaf and shoved it into her mouth. Although the leaf was juicy and quenched her thirst, it was slimy and the bitter taste filled her whole mouth.

“Whoa dude, that looks tough. How are you eating so much”

Qiao Baoer looked at the big elk with some reproach. The elk's pure eyes gazed at her, continuing to leisurely enjoy the leaves.

When facing survival, one cannot be picky.

Although this leaf is hard to swallow, it's not poisonous and can quench your thirst. For Qiao Bao'er, this leaf was like a water reservoir. She was so thirsty she could chew on it.

So Qiao Baoer picked a lot, fearing that she wouldn't meet this kind of leaf tomorrow, she had to store some.

The wild man sat by the fire, watching all of Qiao Bao'er's little movements. But he didn't step forward to stop her.

Joe Baoer still tried to break the trunk of this short tree, wanting to make a crutch for herself. However, the trunk of this small tree was too thin and unsuitable, so she gave up.

She wandered around, her movements restricted by the hemp cord tied to her waist. Finally, under the nearest large tree, she picked up a few small broken branches and immediately gathered them up.

There were many thick vines growing all around, clinging to the dwarf trees. The vines were a deep green color and very strong. Qiao Bao'er was delighted to pull some up because they were too tough for her to break with her strength alone. She picked up a slightly sharp stone from the ground and started to grind it down bit by bit.

When the savage watched, with a sharp stone, using her slight strength to slowly grind through the vine, his brows furrowed in thought. It was likely because he had never considered that such a thing could be done; breaking a so flexible vine.

Jo Bao'er took advantage of the darkness to travel at night. She tinkered all night and finally, using some broken pieces of wood she had found as splints and vines as bandages, she tightly bound her injured left foot. This way, at least tomorrow she wouldn't walk in so much pain.

The savage was very puzzled and surprised by everything she did.

The night on the island was heavy with dew. Qiao Baier's clothes were half-soaked, and the temperature difference between day and night was huge; she woke up in the middle of the night from the cold.

Qiao Bao'er lay on the flat rock, sleeping. She shivered from the cold, her clothes were wet and clammy, making her very uncomfortable.

Exhausted, when she slowly opened her eyes, she looked up at the vast, dark sky. It was still full of stars, before dawn. She felt like her life was cheap, barely existing, clinging to every second of sleep. Every passing moment, she wondered if it would be her last.

She could have just ignored it and kept sleeping, but as she turned her head, she realized the wild man was sitting by the fire, constantly adding branches to keep it burning. He hadn't closed his eyes all night, and his hateful gaze seemed fixed on her the whole time.

Facing the wild man, Qiao Baier was startled and her sleepiness vanished instantly.

Although the wild man had always given her food, Qiao Bao couldn't forget that he was dangerous. She had seen him fight with other wild men, brutal and fierce, and any one of them could have taken her life.

qiao Bao'er didn't want to die, she was unwilling. Although she didn't know where the future lay, if, if she could survive until Jun Zhimu arrived, perhaps she could leave this island.

This is her biggest guiding principle now.

Jo Bao'er sat huddled, lost in thought, while the wild man by the fire looked at her with more scrutiny and contemplation.

After the sun came out, they started their journey again.

After days of walking yesterday, Qiao Bao'er was more experienced today. She hid most of the leftover meat the wild man gave her last night, as well as the succulent leaves she had collected. Her fractured left leg was also fixed with a branch.

Today, Qiao Bao'er felt that the journey was not as difficult as yesterday after walking for a while.

And she found that although the wild man walked with a rope tied to him, he didn't pay much attention to the animals behind him. They grazed along the way, eating, drinking, relieving themselves, and defecating. If the rope became taut because an animal was grazing, it wouldn't move, and the wild man would also stop to drink some water or look around.

Therefore, Qiao Baoer grew bolder. She saw some fruit along the way - small red tomatoes - and she strayed from the group to pick them, trying to gather as many as possible as quickly as she could, fearing that the wild man ahead would get angry.

The wild man felt the hemp rope taut in his hand, and he grumbled as he turned his head. He saw Qiao Baier tugging on the other end of the hemp rope towards a different direction. He thought this small and thin creature was very troublesome, but he was also willing to stay put and wait for her to pick her herbs.

Qiaoba'er's cowardly heart got the better of her. Seeing that the wild man wouldn't really get angry, she picked things up along the way. She collected quite a lot, including a sturdy walking stick that could also be used as a weapon if necessary.

She couldn't carry so much stuff by herself, and she shamelessly tied her personal belongings to the ox.

Qiao Bao'er walked lightly, with no burden on her hands. Little Yellow Cow wagged its tail once, and Qiao Bao'er fed it a handful of fresh grass as a bribe.

The wild man occasionally glanced at her, finding it strange that she made so many small movements. He didn't seem to mind her mistreatment of the little ox as a laborer. As long as he saw that the rope around her waist was still tied and she hadn't run away, the wild man paid her no attention, letting her go about her business.

Actually, Qiao Bao'er really wanted to sit on the back of the big elk. She even thought about feeding it its favorite fleshy leaves at set times, or that it would be happy to be her mount.

All this was just Qiao Bao'er's fantasy. The male elk was very tall, and she had no experience riding an elk. Besides, she had a broken left leg. If she fell, it would be like meeting God early.

In the following days, Qiao Baier gritted her teeth and walked on her own two legs, just like Tang Seng’s pilgrimage to the West, enduring countless trials.

Finally, on the fifth day, Qiao Bao'er and they followed a river downstream.

Jo Baoer was very excited because there was water here. Life on the island was extremely scarce, and now that she could have a drink of water, she felt incredibly moved and grateful to heaven.

Just as she was considering how to store some water for later use.

Qiaobaer followed the river downstream, gazing at its course. Besides the sound of flowing water, she seemed to hear some commotion, like those once bustling markets, with a cacophony of voices, faintly echoing in the distance.

They continued on, and the closer they got to the downstream, the louder the noise became.

< Qiao Bao'er widened her eyes in wonder, finally arriving at the "market." >

Before my eyes, many savages are setting up stalls here to sell goods. They shout and holler, selling all sorts of animals, furs, wooden products, and the stall at the front has the best business selling lighters..” 。"While Liu Yiyie was desperate, Jun Zhimu wanted to support her, and at that moment, she behaved with such dignity as a princess, no one dared to touch her" 。But since Junzhimu no longer wants he...