<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 605: The Slums


Fan fiercely and said to the outside."Um!" Lin Meiyue replied with a sound, her high heels clicking on the floor as she walked away. Lin Meixin's heart, which had been hanging in her throat, finally e...At night, thick dark clouds covered the moon, preventing moonlight from penetrating through. The entire sky was pitch black. 。As the evening breeze picked up, the leaves of the trees lining the road rustled softly. 。The rustling sound was just like the sound of ants devouring a human body. 。At this moment, Tutu's dagger flew through the air. Savior's left hand and the flesh on his arm were already little more than scraps. 。The white bones stood out in the dark night, looking extraordinarily terrifying. 。"Andre, arrange a car for Tutu." 。If Saville were put in the car, Li Su would probably faint. 。Seeing Saville, whose arm had already become bone, Ye Fan could only speak. 。Just glancing at it, Li Su was already finding it difficult to bear. Let alone seeing Tutus so focused, like an art master carving on Saville's body. 。Moreover, during the carving, Saviel doesn't have blood spurting from him, but rather a spray of ink all over his face. 。But, harboring a desire for revenge against Bathian, he made sure each slash inflicted the most agonizing pain on Saviel. 。He woke up again and again because of the pain, and fell unconscious again and again... Soon, Andre arranged a car for Tutu. 。Ye Fan let Tutujiang Saville into the car and then followed their convoy. 。This time, because Tutu drove alone, the driver became Jinyin. 。His driving skills are no less than Toto's. 。Once they left, there wasn't much left except for some faint bloodstains and the flesh cut from Savil's body. 。Tonight is a night of revelry. 。But tonight, the weather isn't cooperating. 。Thick clouds covered the moon, and the sky grew darker and darker. 。Darkness foretells both sin and new power, tearing back the veil and taking center stage. 。One can only imagine the shock that will grip the city of Johnstown tomorrow when Johnny’s death, and the demise of the old Samiel family, becomes known. 。Especially the elder Sami family, they have a very high reputation and power on this land. 。However, there will be one person who thanks Ye Fan for doing all this. 。This man, is Kunka, a warlord who came to power through a coup. 。Sami's presence has severely impacted his rule. 。And Ye Fan's gift, also as a meeting gift for Andre's cooperation with him, he will definitely be very happy. 。Even, without Ye Fan having to worry much, Kunka would settle everything, including integrating the remnants of the Old Sami family's power and those who supported the Old Sami on the Zhengtan. 。As for whether anyone will investigate this matter When Kunta sees Ye Fan truly kill Lao Sami, will he allow anyone to investigate this matter

There is also one person who will successfully take the stage

This man is Sebika, the leader of the mercenary organization Hollanders. 。After helping Ye Fan with tonight's affairs, he will sweep away Tony's men with force and become the undisputed overlord of Johnborough's underground forces. 。And he, too, will receive covert support from Kunkka. 。A new era is about to come. 。Kunka's rights have become more secure, and she will also seize more mines and resources from the Samir family. 。As for the position left vacant by Old Sami, just leave it open. 。Quenca, never again will anyone be allowed to limit their rights, wanting to achieve a true oligarchy in government and the military. 。The weather is so gloomy, tomorrow's Johnstown will surely be overcast. 。Unlike the vibrant nightlife of the city center, Johnstown's poverty-stricken district was eerily quiet, with nearly every dwelling plunged into darkness. 。For the people in the slums, a vibrant nightlife is only a dream. 。What they need to do is get a good night's sleep so that they have the energy the next day to work, earn a living, and ensure their family can survive in this city of gold and intoxication. 。In the slums, there are signs of decay everywhere. 。The trash, dilapidated houses, beggars on the street, and dirty environment all make this area unpopular. 。But, the city of Johannesburg still has a large population of civilians living there. 。On the westernmost edge of the slums lay a struggling factory. The former owner, a West African, had been bought out by a businessman from an island nation just two days prior, who simultaneously fired all the workers. 。The factory was divided into aboveground and underground sections. Aboveground, there were three dilapidated floors, while the basement housed a vast workshop. All the machinery in the workshop had been removed and replaced with expensive individual combat tents. 。Over these past few days, Andre and Ren Zhihua spent a great deal of time and effort, but they were unable to find out where these island nation ninjas were hiding. 。Even if they considered the possibility of ninjas being in the slums, there were simply too many slums in Johannesburg. It would be impossible to investigate them all within a few days. 。Under such circumstances, Aoki Onoda and they hid for several days and calmly discussed countermeasures. 。At the same time, in order not to expose their whereabouts, Aoki Ono and all the ninjas had been sleeping in individual combat tents for the past few nights. 。When Ye Fan and his men split into two groups, time also reached eleven o'clock at night. 。At this point, the sky grew even darker, pitch black to the point where you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. 。But, tonight, many people still haven't fallen asleep. 。Including Aoki Otono, the remaining twenty-nine ninjas did not fall asleep. 。It's not that they don't want to sleep, it's that they can't. 。After discovering Johnny and others' movements, they sent ninjas to infiltrate the nightclub. 。However, the ninja hasn't returned after hastily reporting the information. 。However, they weren't too worried about what might happen. 。Each and every one of them has undergone rigorous training, especially in the area of torture. 。In their view, even if the spy was captured, he wouldn't divulge any information. 。At this time, under the leadership of Aoki Onoda, they sat in the light and discussed assassination plans. 。"Mr. Aoki, I think tonight is the most suitable time to act." 。"Okabe, radiating a chilling aura, voiced his opinion: "Because they've already clashed with Johnny and his crew, they must be at their weakest. We can take advantage of this opportunity." 。Of all the ninjas who came to South Africa, Okamoto was the strongest in combat. 。However, he still had to obey Aoki Onodera. 。This is the difference between chunin and jonin, with a strict hierarchical concept. 。The rule of the shinobi world is that Jonin leads Chunin, and Chunin commands Genin. 。Hearing what Okamoto said, several ninjas also stood up and agreed with him. 。 Aoki Ono coldly scanned them with his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Foolish" 。That Chinese man caused such a commotion in Johnstown with Andre and his group. 。You guys aren't seriously considering this, are you 。Why is he so close to Andrei Especially, after Fujiwara-kun's son was killed by this Chinese man, Andrei stopped all cooperation with the Sanku group. 。ster involuntarily, and his blood began to boil frantically. The feeling from his fingertips made him feel a little dizzy."Xiao Fan, this isn't right..." Si Kong Yanran tried her best to maintain her...