<The Lone Wolf> works

Ouyang Wudi


spering softly, her lips lightly biting Ye Fan's earlobe. 。What are you thinking about Ye Fan teased her. 。"Oh... Oh, Li Xiangting whimpered softly, but then whispered again: "I feel so excited... so....Chapter 1: Main Text

Section 140: Ouyang Wudi

Ouyang Wudi

(1)ot wouldn't be so coincidental>>>

"No," Ye Fan shook his head, reaching out to continue caressing Xiaoyi's jade peaks. His fingertips traced circles on the grape-like blush. 。"Oh... Ouyang Xi'an let out a comfortable moan and said, "What if No, Xiao Fan, you quickly think of a way. Xiao Yi can't get pregnant now." 。Then you secretly give birth to me, I just want you to give me a child. 。Ye Fan's demonic hand continued to wreak havoc on his little aunt's body. 。Si Kong Yanran shook her head and said, "Let's talk about that later. Now...now we really can't." 。Her tone suddenly turned cold, because this matter was too serious. She looked at Ye Fan seriously. 。Ye Fan also felt a stir in his heart. His little aunt rarely looked at him with such a solemn gaze. He could only nod and say, "Okay, I'll go buy you a Yuting." 。"What is ot 毓婷 ot Xiang ran, as the current head of the Si Kong family, knows nothing about this sort of thing. " Let me know if you'd like anything else translated!。No one had ever mentioned these things to her because there was never an opportunity. 。Ye Fan was sweating profusely, glanced resentfully at his little aunt and said, "That's just the after-coital contraceptive pill." 。"Si Kong Yanran stuck out her tongue and, seeing that Ye Fan seemed to be in a bad mood, she leaned down and kissed him on the face. In a soft voice, she said: "Little uncle... little uncle, I'll definitely give you a child in the future." 。Ye Fan didn't say a word, just stared deeply at his little aunt. 。Then, the whole person flipped over, pressing the little aunt under him. His lips had already kissed the little aunt's lips, and his tongue broke through her teeth like a bamboo shoot, rushing in to search for the little aunt's fragrant tongue. 。"... ot(2) ah… ot felt Ye Fan's baby seem to stiffen again, Si Kong Yanan couldn't help but gasp." 。After enduring a fierce storm, she wondered if she could still withstand another passionate embrace Oh, Xiao Fan... No! 。Little aunt... please forgive your little aunt... *sniffle, sniffle* ... Si Kong Yanran could feel that Ye Fan's large treasure was becoming very hard there, right against her *sensitive spot*, almost sliding into her *private passage*. 。It was precisely because of this that it ended up on her little grain of rice. 。And his devilish hand, was teasing and caressing on her delicate palms, once again making the already exhausted Si Kong Yanran unable to control herself. 。The fire within, like a raging inferno, began to churn and burn. 。The Pandora's Box, was opened once again...This night, who knows how many times it merged… 。Times of desperate clinging, times of mad rain 。On Si Kong Yanran's earlobes, buds, stomach, and Honey Hole, there were traces of Ye Fan's love everywhere. 。And on his back, chest, and especially that mighty prowess of his, the traces of Sirin's lipstick remained...

Lovingly, entwining, demanding, from the initial passivity to later compliance, proactive... 。After all of Si Kong Yanran's sexual desires were aroused, she seemed to have an especially strong craving. 。And Ye Fan was also extremely skilled, satisfying both Little Aunt and himself time and time again. 。Until they were both exhausted and fell into a deep sleep. 。When Ye Fan woke up, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon. 。On the big soft bed, only he was sleeping, but his little aunt (3) was nowhere to be seen. 。Just as I jumped out of bed and put on my clothes, my phone started ringing. 。 。 ot Xiaofan, are you awake The phone rang, and Auntie's sweet voice came through. 。"ot just woke up, little aunt, where are you ot Ye Fan said while walking downstairs." 。I'm at the company, I saw you sleeping soundly so I didn't wake you up 。By the way, your homeroom teacher called this morning, and I took a leave of absence for you. 。Si Kong Yanran continued, "I only took half a day off. The teacher said I must go back to class in the afternoon." 。Okay, I understand, aunt. 。 。At noon, you go out and buy some food yourself. In the evening, when you come back, your aunt will take you to eat something delicious. 。ok, got it. 。After hanging up the phone, I saw a few unread text messages. 。One was sent by Qin Xu, wondering why he didn't go to school. 。As soon as he thought about that little gangster girl, Ye Fan couldn't help but smirk mischievously. 。There's also one from last night, the text message was only two letters: ok 。Ye Fan smiled, knowing that she had already handled things. He deleted the text message and last night's chat records. 。Then turn on the TV and see what the news says. 。As expected, the Linhai City News Channel was replaying a news report about the assassination of the Young Master of the Yun family. 。Because the scene was too brutal, many parts were pixelated. 。But Ye Fan still judged from some scenes that Lin Bing, this woman, used the same method twice when doing things. 。First, they staged a car accident, and then they cut off the heads of the two people, and their bodies were thrown into the woods not far away. 。After extensive investigations conducted by the police, it has been confirmed that Yun Bo, the young master of the Yun family, and his bodyguard, are responsible. 。In just a few short days, such horrific and bloody events took place. The coastal city police were also facing considerable pressure. 。Especially, the Ou-yang family and the Yun family are prominent families in Linhai City. The fact that the heirs apparent of both families were assassinated puts immense pressure not only on the police but also on the other five families in Linhai City. 。No one knows why this happened. Who would continuously target the heirs of two prominent families, brutally killing themIs it revenge, a provocation, or a deliberate attempt to eliminate them This incident is not only intriguing but also carries unusual implications that every current family head has noticed. 。Will the next one be a successor from within our own family No one dares to take it lightly. 。Only the culprit behind these two things, Ye Fan, was leisurely bathing in a wooden tub. 。Recalling the passionate night with my little aunt, Lao Er actually stiffened again slowly. 。After taking a bath, he put on the clothes prepared for him by his aunt and hurried to school with his backpack. 。Meanwhile, Yunjiasheng, the current head of the Yun family in Linhai City, sat gloomily in the car, heading towards the headquarters of Sikong Group. 。Although his son was confirmed to have been assassinated this morning, he still had to appear today to sign a contract with the Sikong family. 。To be able to endure the agony of losing a son and sign a contract, it speaks volumes about Yun Hongsheng's resilience and capacity to bear pain. 。Inside the car, he held his phone and quickly issued several instructions. 。The powerful family influence began to be put into motion, and the police system also received calls from relevant individuals. 。And the leader of the Nam Long gang, Liu Tiannan, also received his call. 。Yun Hongsheng understood that some things the police might not be able to do, but the underworld might be able to investigate. 。He doesn't want to give up any opportunity to investigate the truth behind the murder. 。Between the police's fragmented words, he understood that this case would likely become a cold case, with the perpetrator never being found. 。After hanging up the phone, he pulled out another one. He hesitated for a moment, his face flashing with a hint of madness, and then pressed the call button. 。That phone's name is Ou Yang Wu Di, the current head of the Ou Yang family. 。There are a total of 4,960,90, and it was created on September 30, 2013.allenge all of us by yourself" Ye Qingcheng looked at Xiao Jie, who was still unwilling to give up, and said coldly.Xiao Jie's heart sank. Where was that person Had he given up on him His palms were s...