<The Lone Wolf> works

Chapter 1240 Impulse to Fight


ck, softly saying: "She is my goal. The main purpose of my throwing this party tonight is to pursue her!"Yan Wuque sneered in his heart. He thought to himself, "She's just a woman. He's spent so much...Ke Zhen was suddenly startled. He had a sudden realization: wasn't Wan Sheng his own upstream supplier It wasn't that Wan Sheng Honghe Group disappearing would be the end of the world, but the main issue was that Honghe Group still owed Wan Sheng money.

And it's a considerable sum of money. Although the Honghe Group has received a large amount of funds from the second-rate families headed by the Fang family, they have all been used to deal with the Extraordinary Group. Now, where is there still money to repay this debt

Ko Zhen thought of this possibility, and he couldn't help but feel troubled. He picked up the phone and quickly dialed it.

It's not about calling Yang Yifan. Wan Sheng has already signed a contract with Fei Fan, which is a done deal. He can only face it now. What he's worried about is the twenty or so upstream supply chain companies that have debt disputes with the Red River Group. They usually get along well with Red River, and he needs to call them one by one, at least to reassure them so he can rest easy.

But what chilled Ke Zhen to the bone was that he had called ten upstream companies for support in a row, and all of them told him they couldn't help. They informed him that just recently, they had sold their company to the Extraordinary Group and were now under its ownership.

And judging by their gleeful tone, the offer from the Evergrande Group must have been quite favorable.

Ke Zhen started to panic. Cold sweat began to bead on his forehead relentlessly. He never would have dreamed that the Fei Fan Group would go to such extremes. Their purpose was obvious: to control all the upstream companies of Hong He Group and then refuse to supply them with goods.

These companies are all local enterprises situated by the coast. Red River Group could certainly choose enterprises from other provinces, but that would mean significantly increased costs for Red River Group due to labor costs and travel expenses, among other things.

This time, the Red River Group, in order to target the Extraordinary Group, has spent most of its funds on the partners of the Extraordinary Group. It can be said that the Red River is now out of money.

They simply can't afford this extra cost.

Furthermore, and more importantly, the vast majority of the companies acquired by the extraordinary group had outstanding accounts receivable disputes with Hong He. Hong He was able to drag things on until now only because he relied on his relationship with their bosses. However, if the extraordinary group uses these acquired companies to collectively attack Hong Ke...

Ke Zhen dared not think further. He knew this time the extraordinary group had a high-ranking person in charge. He had made it clear to Hong He, and he could see the intention behind his words, but he was completely helpless.

Even a skilled woman can't cook without rice, let alone a large enterprise like Red River. Now Ko Zhen has no time to ponder how Fei Fan could amass such wealth and acquire so many companies at once. He knows that if he continues like this, when Fei Fan Group finishes acquiring all the companies and launches a simultaneous attack, Red River Group will only be left with bankruptcy.

The truly terrifying opponent is not the one who ambushes you unexpectedly, but the one who clearly tells you what they will do, and yet you can only watch helplessly as they do it, feeling anxious and utterly helpless.

This is a very heartbreaking feeling. This used to be something that Ko Zhen would do, manipulating others at will. Now, it seems unexpected that he, Ko Zhen, would experience this himself.

Ko Chen suddenly stood up and strode out.

"Brother, where are you going" Ke Na shouted behind him repeatedly, but Ko Zhen didn't answer her at all. His footsteps never stopped. The only way he could save himself now was to seek outside help. And right now, the only organization that could provide him with the strength and funds he needed was that mysterious one.

But sometimes people have bad luck, where no matter what they do, nothing goes smoothly.

Kuo Zhen is like this now. He's desperately trying to seek external aid to escape the possible encirclement that lies ahead, but just as he took a step out of the front door, a large group of people surrounded him.

These people were mostly media workers from various temples, and Ko Zhen immediately recognized several of them. They were the very journalists he had invited to his press conference tonight.

Didn't they leave a long time ago How come they're back now

As if sensing something was amiss, several young reporters spotted him and immediately swarmed around, bombarding him with questions of all sorts, leaving Ko Zhen-dong fuming with anger.

Because these reporters asked him some very personal, almost embarrassing questions, Ko Chen's temper flared. He was already in a bad mood and suddenly encountered this situation, so his voice became harsh. He repeatedly shouted at the reporters: "Get out of here! I have nothing to say!"

Those reporters all looked at Ko Zhen with astonishment. This Mr. Ko, usually so well-mannered, was now acting so out of character. It certainly meant something was amiss, and this only heightened the curiosity of these young reporters.

They were about to turn back when, halfway there, they received a series of strange calls urging them to return immediately to the front gate of Honghe Company. There would soon be a most comprehensive report on Ko Zhen's private life.

Ko Zhen is a public figure in the business world. He's been appearing on camera very frequently these past two days, so if they could get firsthand information from him, these young reporters would have a real scoop.

So they didn't bother to check if what the other party said was true or not, and they all turned around and went back together.

That's when the scene of Ke Zhen being blocked appeared.

At this moment, a man with yellow hair hiding in the corner saw what was happening at Honghe Company. He couldn't help but smile coldly at the corner of his mouth. He took out his phone and dialed a number softly. As soon as the call connected, he said: "Ke Zhen has appeared, Operation Number Two begins."

This man with yellow hair is Huang Amao. Big Brother had warned him when he arrived, this Ke Zhen is a formidable character, so don't underestimate him. So he racked his brains and used all his skills to carefully prepare over twenty dishes for Ke Zhen. Those hostesses just now were only the first appetizer. Now this is the second course. He wonders if Ke Zhen can withstand how many rounds of his attack. Don't let himself down.

After hanging up the phone, Huang Amo chuckled slyly in the corner.

Ke Zhen now has a real urge to hit someone, but his reason tells him he absolutely cannot do that. If he were to hit these reporters at Honghe Company, then everything he did tonight would be for nothing.ed! Jiang Kengang was furious. How could this kid be better than him in the eyes of Xue'er In terms of looks, he wasn't as handsome as himself. In terms of family background, his father was the chairm...