Young Master Liang S works

Chapter 546: The First Move


t you before. 。“Maudley muttered again, her voice tinged with resentment. Then she said, “Don't worry, I'll take care of it.” 。Just wait for the message tomorrow. 。Ye Junlang nodded, and finally, und...Wang Yue Chunxiang didn't even have time to turn around. Before she could react, everything went black and her entire body went limp.

Ye Junlang rubbed his face while muttering, "Damn it, is it easy for me to keep this zombie face I'm suffocating..."

Then, Ye Junlang picked up Wang Yuechunxiang's phone, opened her recent call records, and recorded a phone number.

This phone number should be the contact information of the person behind the scenes, and also the master of Waiting for the Moon Spring Fragrance. 。"This woman is really insidious, if I hadn't been wary of the Eastern Illusion Arts beforehand, I'd probably be in trouble." 。Ye Junlang muttered to himself. 。Then, a thought flashed through his mind—could the rogue agent Cao Wei have been seduced by magic illusions first, revealing all his secrets before being forced to betray This guess was also very possible. Not everyone could resist the influence of psychedelic illusions like Ye Junlang. 。Ye Junlang looked at the unconscious Xiang Yuechun lying on the ground, his eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't expect this woman to be a divine consciousness cultivator. 。According to the information from Mamba, besides the Psychic Flow School, experts from the Shinto Flow School have also arrived. 。The power of that person behind the scenes is unimaginable. He was able to make these two major schools listen to him, and from his status, it must be extremely noble. 。

"It's rude not to reciprocate! Don't think you're the only one who can charm me, I can charm you too!"

Ye Junlang opened his mouth, taking out a pen. After opening the cap, he twisted a part at the top, revealing a tiny hollow inside containing some white powder. 。Ye Junlang took a cup, filled it with some water and poured in a tiny bit of white powder. After the white powder dissolved in the water, he helped Wang Yuechunxiang up, opened her mouth and poured the water into her. 。Now, you won't wake up for a day and a night. 。Ye Junlang said: 。After finishing all of that, Ye Junlang's phone suddenly rang. He picked up his phone and saw that it was Tie Zheng calling. He immediately answered the call, "Old Iron, what's wrong""Just received news from the Cobra side, they have tracked down Nakamura Shan Island's whereabouts!" Tie Zheng said in a low voice over the phone. 。Ye Junlang's eyes hardened. Nakamura Shima, the head of the Yamaguchi-gumi organization in Tokyo, had participated in a joint pursuit operation. 。Ye Junlang suspected that Nakamura Shima led the Yamaguchi-gumi members to chase after Liu Shan Yue and the other four Dragon Shadow warriors at the time. 。So, as long as you find Nakamurajima, you can get a preliminary understanding of the situation with Liu Shan Yue and the other four Dragon Shadow Warriors. 。"Gather your brothers, prepare for action! I'll come to you at your hotel." 。"Ye Junlang said in a deep voice," 。"Understood!" Tie Zheng said. 。After hanging up the phone, Ye Junlang looked at Wang Yue Chunxiang. What to do with this woman was a problem. 。To put her on the bedWasn't that too cheap for her Wouldn't it be possible to let her lie so comfortablyThis woman, when she thought she was in control of her own spirit and consciousness, only bothered to ask about his identity. She didn't even have a shred of self-awareness to order him to rip off her clothes and give her a good thrashing... 。

At a glance, she's clearly a woman who doesn't know her place.

So, Ye Junlang was very unhappy and thought that he couldn't let this woman have a good time. 。He picked up Wang Yuechunxiang, opened the closet door, and shoved her inside. 。Anyway, his room already had a "Do Not Disturb" sign on it. The hotel staff wouldn't enter to clean the room, so no one noticed the ethereal woman hiding in the closet. 。As for the East Asian spy who seemed like a ghost, watching from the opposite room, since he had no intention of infiltrating his room at the beginning, there was naturally no need to infiltrate later. 。

Next, the question becomes how to leave this hotel.

The hotel is being watched by Eastern spies. Leaving directly through the door isn't realistic, as soon as he leaves he will be targeted by Eastern spies, and his actions will certainly be restricted on many fronts. 。Right now, how could he possibly leave without anyone noticing Ye Junlang had a headache. He suddenly remembered something and immediately took out his phone to contact You Mei. 。The call connected, Ye Junlang immediately asked, "Youmi, where are you There's a mission tonight, but I'm trapped in the room and don't know how to escape the eyes of the East Ying people..." 。I live in the guest room on the floor below you. 。If you stick your head out the window, you'll see me. 。From the phone, came You Mei's cold voice. 。When Ye Junlang heard this, his face lit up with joy. He walked to the window of the guest room facing outwards, pulled open the curtains, and opened the window. He looked down and saw a hand holding a cell phone waving outside the window of the guest room on the floor below. 。

"You, You're truly prescient."

Then I'll go to your room first, and leave with you from your room. That way no one will notice. 。"Ye Junlang excitedly said" 。"I have a grappling hook here. I'll throw it up to you, and once you catch it, you can come down using the rope." 。"The Netherworld spoke," 。"Good!" Ye Junlang nodded. He was looking out the window... 。Looking down from above, I saw shadowy figures emerge from the windows of the rooms on the lower floor. She stood on the windowsill, holding a grappling hook in her hand. With her right hand, she gripped the rope and began to swing it back and forth. 。The swinging speed increased, reaching a frenzied whirl before finally screaming through the air. Next, Ye Sha fiercely whipped his arm upward, the hook attached to the rope shooting up like a streak of light, hurtling towards the sky with incredible speed. 。The grappling hook whooshed past Ye Junlang's eyes. With a flick of his wrist, he snatched the rope and hooked it onto the windowsill. He tugged hard to test its security, satisfied that it held firm, he grabbed the rope and began to descend, moving like a gecko clinging to the wall. 。Finally, Ye Junlang stood on the windowsill of You Mei's room and leaped inside. 。You Mei was already waiting nearby, her face still covered by a mask of green skin and fangs. Her aura was as cold as ten thousand glaciers. 。Ye Junlang smiled, his voice filled with gratitude as he said, "Youmei, thank you so much." 。< How are you looking at me like you're prepared It feels like you know I'm being watched and can't escape. > 。"When I checked into the room below yours," You Mei said coldly, "I sensed someone watching you from the shadows." 。If you were to take action, I imagine it would be quite inconvenient to be watched. 。So I've got my grappling hook ready. If you want to avoid being seen leaving the hotel, you can come to my room first. 。Ye Junlang couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It was no wonder You Mei was known as the world's first assassin in the dark world. Such delicate thoughts and meticulous plans were beyond the reach of ordinary people. 。"You can't get out like this." 。There are surveillance cameras outside the hotel, so you'll need to disguise yourself. 。"With a whisper, she motioned Ye Junlang to sit at the dressing table. She then took out a leather case and opened it, revealing various tools for disguise. She began to transform Ye Junlang's appearance." 。

You Mei didn't use a human skin mask. Instead, she stuck whiskers on Ye Junlang's face, making him look older. In the end, Ye Junlang looked at himself in the mirror and felt incredibly unfamiliar.

The mirror reflected a man in his thirties or forties, with a beard and a world-weary expression. He was unrecognizable from his former self.

Ye Junlang was very satisfied and said with a smile, "It looks pretty good." 。Then let's go. 。You Mei nodded, and walked out of the room with Ye Junlang. 。

First release on Traditional Novel Networkpoke, she winked at Ye Junlang again, then walked out and closed the door behind her.Ye Junlang frowned, a little unclear about the meaning in Annabella's words.Be careful tonightWhat does this meanCo...