Young Master Liang S works

Chapter 238: The First Killer!


" Su Hongxiu spoke, and throughout her words, she remained fixed on Ye Junlang's eyes. Those eyes, deep and tranquil like the starry sky, had long been etched in her mind... 。She only felt that in he...The Blood Wolf shook his head, looking at the Golden Lion and saying, "I don't know. Maybe the Ghostly Phantom angered the Night King somewhere, anyway, the Night King sent us to ambush and capture the Ghostly Phantom, we just have to do it."

“According to intel, Yuemi is already seriously injured. With our combined forces, ambushing her shouldn't be a problem. However, to capture her alive...” The Golden Lion spoke, then paused before continuing, “I’m afraid it might be difficult. Capturing someone alive is different from killing them. If we want to capture her alive, the losses on both sides will definitely be significant.”

"Our losses, the Dark Night King will repay tenfold. Provided we complete this task," Blood Wolf said.

The Golden Lion took a deep breath and said, "Then let's make the necessary arrangements. A severely wounded killer, no matter how skilled she is, will be unable to escape under our layers of defenses! I heard that no one in the dark world has ever seen Phantom's true face, and those who have seen her have died! This time, after capturing this number one assassin, I want to see what she looks like.

A gleam flashed in the blood wolf's eyes as he said, "Let's start making arrangements. According to our intelligence, You Mei might have one more day before she infiltrates the Andes Mountains to escape. As soon as she appears, we launch our attack!"


The golden lion nodded.

Immediately, the Golden Lion and Blood Wolf began to order their mercenary soldiers to set up a series of traps in the depths of this mountain range.

This time, they are facing the world's number one assassin, You Mei, from the dark world.

This terrifying assassin's mystique rivals that of the infamous Dark Queen who reigns over the criminal underworld. Even though they have intel confirming Ghostly has been severely wounded, they still need to be prepared for a fight.

After all, the reputation of You Mei is too terrifying. As the youngest, most mysterious, and most powerful killer in history in the dark world, she can often kill without a trace. Even in a severely injured state, they must treat her with caution.

For these mercenaries, setting up an assassination trap was child's play.

Soon, within the depths of these mountains, a series of lethal traps had been set.

Next, the Blood Wolf and the Golden Lion each assigned their mercenary warriors to ambush in various positions. Layer upon layer of ambushes formed a line of defense. As these mercenary groups took cover, not a single figure could be seen in the deep forest within the mountain range.

Those mercenaries seemed to vanish into thin air, and even the footprints they had left behind disappeared. After some camouflage and preparation, the area looked as if no one had ever been there.

In fact, nestled between the trees, within the thickets, and down in the depressions of the terrain, one could find figures lying in wait. Holding their breath, their camouflage blended seamlessly with the surroundings, making them invisible to the ordinary eye. In the seemingly peaceful mountains, a hidden army of ruthless and bloodthirsty mercenary soldiers lay concealed.


> One day later.

To the north of the mountains, within layers upon layers of dense forest, a figure as faint as smoke suddenly flashed. It was a woman's silhouette, clad in a black tight-fitting combat suit that outlined her graceful yet powerfully wild curves.

Even under the tight confines of her battle fatigues, her ample chest remained defiantly prominent, while her waist tapered to an exquisite slenderness, connecting seamlessly to a derriere that resembled a freshly polished grindstone!

A pair of beautiful legs, long and strong, hinted at the potential for incredible power.

She suddenly stopped in the middle of the dense forest. Her face was obscured by a grotesque mask of green skin and fangs, only her eyes remained visible—twin orbs that glittered like a thousand stars.

But in those eyes, there flickered a light as cold and still as eternal ice.

A mask with green face and fangs, a devilish physique, an icy killing intent that has endured for millennia!

These represent the infamous first assassin in the dark world—the Phantom!

Yuemi crouched down in the forest, and immediately, her brow seemed to furrow. A flicker of pain crossed her usually placid eyes.

She looked at the side of her waist, where a wound was impossible to conceal. It was a gunshot wound, and it seemed that due to the lack of immediate treatment and the continuous fighting, the wound had worsened, emitting a faint stench of decay.

She took a deep breath and in this dense forest, she found some herbs with a peculiar fragrance. After crushing them, she applied the paste to her wound. The primary purpose was to mask the smell emanating from the wound using the scent of these unusual herbs.

She certainly didn't want to attract any unnecessary trouble with this smell, such as the ferocious carnivores dwelling deep within these mountains. They often flocked out in droves after catching a whiff of decaying flesh.

Besides this gunshot wound, she had multiple other injuries. If it were anyone else facing such a variety of wounds, big and small, they would have collapsed long ago.

But she, with her indomitable spirit and extraordinary skills, managed to break through all the layers of defenses set up by the assassination alliance and escape all the way here.

Yes, she has betrayed the assassination league.

Or perhaps, he was forced to betray. Once such news spread, it would inevitably cause a tremor throughout the entire dark world.

Now, for You Mei, the only option is to escape quickly and break free from the deadly trap laid by the Assassin League. She intends to follow the Andes Mountains, seeking refuge in a private port in Colombia, and then flee to Europe from there.

You Mei slightly treated her injuries, taking the opportunity to drink some water and eat some dry rations.

At last, she picked up a sniper rifle in her hand. It was a McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle, the furthest and most precise sniper rifle in the world today.

The ethereal figure moved, continuing to stealthily advance forward.

Even though she was severely injured, her speed remained incredibly fast, and she moved with absolute silence. Along the way, she used the cover of the surrounding forest to conceal herself almost perfectly. Ordinary people wouldn't even notice her.

This is also an essential stealth skill for a top-tier assassin.

After swimming forward for about half an hour, the enigmatic figure suddenly stopped abruptly on a raised piece of terrain, lurking there. A chilling gleam flashed in her eyes.

Out of the killer's intuition, she felt a hint of something amiss.

The woods ahead seemed too quiet. Perhaps this wouldn't be noteworthy to an ordinary person, but for a killer as acutely aware of danger as she was, this stillness was profoundly unusual.

Deep within the mountains, there will always be some sounds, such as the chirping of insects and birds, the growls of beasts, etc.

But there's nothing here!

The only explanation is that there is an invisible killing aura within this area. Under this killing aura, some animals in the forest instinctively avoid it, which is why this place appears extremely quiet!

"There's an ambush!"

First published on the Traditional Chinese Novel Networkl training, making them true warriors in every sense of the word.Each one of them was a master swordsman, capable of taking on seven or eight vicious thugs with ease.And once fifteen or sixteen Shinto...