Young Master Liang S works

Chapter 170 Ye Instructor's Girlfriend!


nlang was dumbfounded, with a surge of anger that made him want to curse. His current pose with An Rumei was already ambiguous and suggestive enough. Now, with An Rumei's words, it was like adding fue...Chapter 170: Ye Instructor's Girlfriend! (1/2)

As a general rule, military training can be quite tedious and dull.

But for girls in a group of three, they didn't find military training boring or tedious. On the contrary, they looked forward to the start of military training every day. They felt fulfilled and happy during the process.

Of course, hardship and toil are unavoidable, and this is also a necessary growth experience for them.

>However, amidst the hardships, they felt a sense of happiness because they believed they were different from other training squads. Their trainer was Ye Junlang, renowned as the most handsome and domineering security guard in the history of Jianghai University.

This also increases their psychological expectation.

During the military training process, whenever they had a break, Ye Junlang would occasionally share some adventurous stories with them. These included anecdotes about extreme environments around the world, such as the primeval rainforest, polar ice caps, the Arctic, the Sahara Desert, and the Grand Canyon...

These insights can't be found in books or on the internet. They can only be truly depicted through firsthand experience.

These anecdotes could broaden the horizons of three girls in a row, making them realize that the world is vast and there are many places they have yet to reach, and many landscapes they have never experienced.

So, when Ye Junlang occasionally mentioned these things, they always listened with relish.

These girls were all curious too, thinking to themselves, "Is Ye Junlang really just a security guard He seems more like an explorer or a wilderness survival expert! Having been to so many extreme places, these experiences are definitely something you can't just talk about."

One day, I'm going to go with you to see the scenery of those original rainforests, polar ice caps, and death deserts!

Qin Yuemeng suddenly spoke, her eyes as beautiful and dreamy as they were clear as autumn water, staring at Ye Junlang.

Ye Junlang smiled and said, “It’s good to have that dream. But wait until the day you can hone your skills to survive in extreme environments.”

"Humph, I'll definitely do it!"

Qin Youmeng snorted, her voice firm as she spoke.

Ye Junlang smiled and said, to be honest, he really didn't take Qin Youmeng's words seriously. Because he knew very well that to survive in such an extreme place, it was definitely not something an ordinary person could do.

Okay, let's continue the military training!

Ye Junlang stepped forward and gathered a row of female soldiers. Then, he continued the military training.

Outside the playground, a beautiful and picturesque figure had quietly stood there at some point. Dressed in casual wear, she exuded both fashion and intellectual beauty. Standing still, she unknowingly radiated an ethereal and solitary beauty like an orchid blooming in a secluded valley.

She is a beautiful sight in herself, and she seems to have stepped out of a painting like a fairy.

She was none other than Su Hongxiu. She had been there for a while, watching Ye Junlang training the new recruits. She didn't go to disturb him and just stood by, watching.

Looking at this man's serious expression under the scorching sun, and seeing his textbook-perfect posture during military training, she found a sense of familiarity, or perhaps a commonality—that of a soldier's unwavering fortitude and coldness!

Remembering this morning when Ye Junlang drank two bowls of porridge, it was so salty. Coupled with the scorching sun overhead and these rookie training sessions, he must be very thirsty now, right

She was carrying a bag in her hand, with a few bottles of water inside. But seeing that Ye Junlang was still undergoing military training, she didn't go to bother him.

She was truly filled with guilt and embarrassment. She rarely cooked for herself, usually relying on takeout or delivery. The thought of personally making breakfast for Ye Junlang had consumed her, but she'd completely overlooked her own cooking abilities.

This also made her secretly determined to practice her cooking skills in the future.

I don't know who said it, but to capture a man's heart, you must first capture his stomach!

"What's wrong with me I'm starting to overthink things..."

Su Hongxiu's cheeks flushed red, and she felt a blush creep up her face as she remembered what he had said.

Gradually, as noon approached, Ye Junlang let the soldiers who were undergoing military training...

Chapter 170 Ye Instructor's Girlfriend! (2/2)

The girl stopped to rest. Su Hongxiu saw this and walked over to her.

Three girls walking in a line saw Su Hongxiu approaching. They couldn't help but gasp, feeling that Su Hongxiu, who was walking towards them, was like a fairy descending to earth. She was too beautiful. Just the elegant and ethereal aura emanating from her bones was already very beautiful.

Just as Ye Junlang found these girls' reactions a bit strange, suddenly —

"Army wave!"

A melodious voice sounded from behind him.

Ye Junlang turned around and looked, his face involuntarily froze. "General Su How did you get here"

"Are you thirsty I, I bought some water. You should have some." Su Hongxiu glanced at Ye Junlang with a soft tone of voice.

"I have water." Ye Junlang smiled.

Su Hongxiu gritted her teeth and said, "I'm really sorry, the porridge I cooked this morning was indeed very unpalatable... But why did you keep eating it You could have just told me."

Ye Junlang smiled faintly and said, "I'm already used to not wasting food. Besides, compared to many things, it's already considered very good."

"Are you talking about those roots, stems and wild fruits"

Su Hongxiu couldn't help but smile.

Ye Junlang did not respond to this topic, saying, "This place is really not where you should be. I still have military training, and if Principal Shen saw me, he might accuse me of being lazy and negligent. Then I wouldn't be able to walk out of here."

"Dare she" Su Hongxiu blurted out unconsciously. She then smiled and said, "Don't worry, she won't do anything to you. I just came to see your military training and brought some water over for you. Take it. I happen to have something to talk to Shen Yu about, so I'll go see her first."

As they were talking, she had already handed a plastic bag from her hand to Ye Junlang. The bag contained several bottles of water, mineral water, and some drinks.

Ye Junlang hesitated for a moment, then finally reached out to tie the bag and said, "Well, thank you."

Su Hongxiu smiled and waved at Ye Junlang, saying, "Then I won't disturb your training. Go ahead and be busy."

Saying that, Su Hongxiu left with a smile. All the way, her steps were light and graceful, revealing her joyful mood.

"Wow, Instructor Ye, is this beautiful sister your girlfriend She's so gorgeous, she's practically a goddess!"

"This beautiful woman is prettier than any movie star I've ever seen! Especially her aura, it's truly stunning!"

"Instructor Ye, you're so amazing to have such a girlfriend! Looks like I have no chance now!"

However, seeing Instructor Ye's girlfriend so beautiful, I have to admit defeat...

After Su Hongxiu walked away, the three rows of girls all erupted in excitement. They chattered excitedly, unable to contain their amazement.

Ye Junlang's face darkened. He knew that the misunderstanding between him and Su Hongxiu had been fueled by these girls, and any explanation at this point seemed pale and inadequate.

He merely scowled and said, "All of you, stop gossiping! What girlfriend or no girlfriend, it's none of your business. Fall in line and continue with your training!"

"I am tired, I don't want to practice, I need a rest!"

Qin Youmeng suddenly spoke, her cheeks puffed out. She left the group directly and walked to a shady spot under several trees. She sat down with her legs crossed, hugging them tightly, bending over, and burying her face deep.

It looks like it was deeply wronged.


The WeChat public account "Liang Qishao"'s giveaway activity has ended. I wonder how everyone's luck was.

Don't be discouraged if you didn't get the red envelopes. Because Qishao's other public account, "Liang Qishao Fans Club", is also going to open the red envelope grabbing mode. Are you ready

Liang Qi Shao's fan club, this public account is dedicated to serializing what Qi Shao wrote before. Currently, it is offering a free serialization of "School Flower Strategy," a campus novel written by Qi Shao many years ago. It's free to read!

Therefore, here Seven Shao kindly requests everyone to pay attention to the Liang Qi Shao fan club public account. On WeChat, simply search for "Liang Qi Shao Fan Club" and you will find it, then follow it.

This novel is first published on the Traditional Chinese Novel Network.o do with Ye Junlang, rightSu Hongxiu couldn't help but ask, "Junlang, is she here to find you"Ye Junlang stood up and said, "She's a freshman from Jiang Hai University. I was the temporary instructor...