Notebook No. 2 works

Chapter 896: Who is Lying?


like a sword, sharp and piercing."I, by the command of the sect master and the sleeve moon host, hold a grand competition for the sect. Whatever happens, it must not affect the progress of the sect c...What is going on here

Palace Seven felt confused, and ran to the Confounding Dragon Stele to take a closer look.

Upon closer inspection, some clues emerge.

The dragon's head on the Confounding Dragon Tablet drooped lower and lower, as if its power was being slowly drained away. Its massive body seemed to have shrunk considerably in the silent, unnoticed passage of time.

Instead, it was the chains that bound it, which had somehow thickened to more than twice their original size.

Palace Seven's heart became even more confused.

"Could the chains and demon dragon on the Kunlun Dragon Stele represent the strength and state of both sides"

Gong Qi repeatedly fought against the demonic dragon's soul, and it seemed that the demonic dragon's soul was getting stronger.

But the power of soul cannot be enhanced out of thin air, then how does it become stronger

Could it be that the power of the main body is being absorbed to enhance the soul

If this is the case, it could explain why the demon dragon on the Confinement Dragon Stele looks worse and worse, while the chains binding it become thicker and thicker.

When staring at the Dragon Confinement Stele, Gong Qi became increasingly aware that her emotions were being influenced by it.

The dragon sculpture on the Confounding Dragon Tablet has its head bowed low, its limbs limp and pierced by chains. Its dragon spine is sharply raised, and its entire body exudes an aura of misery.

After a long while, Gong Qi's breathing became somewhat stagnant.

"What on earth is going on" Gong Qi muttered to himself.

She has always been perceptive about her intuition and has always followed her heart.

I originally thought that slaying the demon dragon was no different from completing missions in previous secret realms. I naturally did it.

At this moment, Gong Qi's heart couldn't help but feel a surge of doubt.

Demon Dragon... Could it really be a demon dragon

She stared at the patterns on the Confounding Dragon Stele, always feeling that the demonic dragon was gradually weakening, not only because of her attacks on its soul.

Those chains that pierced the demon dragon's bone marrow did not only aim to confine it, but also seemed to want to completely drain its power.

Gong Qi suddenly raised his head, a dark gleam flashing in his eyes.

Not all dragon spirits are truly dragons, and this Tianze Immortal is not a genuine immortal either.

Actually, when they were at Tianze Plaza, Gong Qi had doubts in her mind.

Heavenly Venerable Tianze's ascension tribulation destroyed the entire sect. Doesn't Heavenly Venerable Tianze need to bear the karmic retribution

After all the disciples perished in the Thunder Tribulation, what did Immortal Tianze do

He used his own fairy power to create an illusion in Tianze Square.

Imagine the scene a day before the thunder tribulation descended upon the sect, as if those disciples who once belonged to the sect were still alive.

Gong Qi, upon hearing this, probably couldn't help but let out a snort of laughter.

How much karma did Tian Ze Xianren's fellow disciples have to accumulate before encountering him

Even if the tribulation eradicates the entire sect, there are always other ways to continue the lineage and strive to save the bloodline of the sect.

In the cultivation world, unless one's soul and spirit are completely extinguished, there is always a possibility of revival.

Especially, Heavenly River Immortal is still an immortal.

He transformed the scene of his sect the day before the tribulation in front of Tianze Square, as if to comfort himself and satisfy the tiny bit of guilt in his heart.

Gong Qi at the time just felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she didn't think about it too much.

But now she couldn't help but think about it more.

This demonic dragon... Could it not be a demonic dragon

A thought struck her mind. Gong Qi raised her palm, staring at the three Han Po immortal needles hovering above it.

It all started when the Cold Spirit Acupuncture Needle trembled, causing the demon dragon to attack her.

In the following battles, Gong Qi attempted several times to use the Cold Soul Immortal Needles against the demon dragon.

Every time it caught a whiff of the Cold Spirit Needle's aura, the demonic dragon's attacks became ferocious, like a madman charging at Palace Qi.

Palace Qi later simply put away the Cold Soul Immortal Needles, preparing to subdue the demon dragon soul with her own strength.

Now that I think about it, why was the demon dragon so reactive to the Cold Soul Immortal Needle

Either hatred, or... fear!

Tianze Immortal specifically placed the Han Po Xian Needles in a large formation at the bottom of the Ice Abyss. Perhaps he had his reasons for doing so.

Thankfully, Gong Qi still thought the Wangu Han Yuan Formation was a test, and the cold-soul immortal needles within were rewards for passing. ... She's just too naive.

With a guess in mind, Gong Qi dashed into the depths of the pond alone.

After reaching a certain point, the demon dragon's soul appeared again.

Gong Qi this time did not fight with the Dragon God's soul, but turned and fled.

She fled in the direction of the bottom of the lake—the location of the dragon's true form.

The Demon Dragon Spirit soul watched her direction of escape, extremely enraged, and madly chased after her.

But Gong Qi's ability to escape was simply too great. Her boots, the magical techniques she learned, and the celestial artifacts in her hands were all updated after the Emperor Phoenix Palace's revamp.

The figure was like a beam of light, swiftly shuttling through every direction.

Suddenly, Gong Qi only felt that everything before him suddenly became deathly silent.

Lifting one's gaze forward, a swathe of deep crimson and black surged into view, giving one a strong sense of visual clash.

For a moment, Gong Qi almost thought he had stumbled into some kind of human purgatory.

Within that crimson hue, a colossal dragon's body was pierced by chains, hanging suspended in the pool of water.

The chain is black, thick and heavy, with dark red blood slowly flowing over it.

The enormous body of the demon dragon remained in the same posture as it was on the Constriction Dragon Stele.

Its limbs and head hung limply, its body shriveled and pitifully thin, like a mere sheet of skin stretched over a skeleton.

Getting closer, Gong Qi could clearly see every rib and blood vessel of the giant dragon.

Those chains piercing its flesh, like leeches, sucked the life out of its body bit by bit.

At the sight of this scene, Palace Seven even felt a chill.

In this situation, this demonic dragon hasn't died yet

Is this demon dragon truly as the Celestial Immortal, Tian Ze, said, having committed countless sins and being imprisoned here

What kind of sin was it that even heavenly retribution couldn't eradicate Even the celestial immortal Tianze, despite his lofty status, was unable to completely slay the demonic dragon. Instead, he imprisoned it in the Dragonbinding Pool, subjecting it to a cruel and endless torment.

Yes, murder!

The moment she saw the full form of the demon dragon, two words involuntarily popped into Gong Qi's mind.

At this point, Gong Qi suddenly didn't believe Tianze Immortal's words at all.

Along the way, Gong Qi knew deep down she should trust her instincts more.

She felt that there was probably no such existence in the Profound Heaven Realm.

The Heavenly Dao in the Profound Heaven Realm is not like that of the Cang Wu Realm. It won't allow living beings to run rampant.

If the Heavenly Dao of Xuan Tian Realm truly intends to eliminate a living being, it will never give it a chance to survive!

It was also a coincidence.

Gong Qi in the Imperial Phoenix Palace's library, happened to see a shadow hidden in a corner.

Inside, it records the scene of a ruler from tens of thousands of years ago in the Chaotic Realm being destroyed by heavenly punishment. It is magnificent and terrifying to behold.

This person was also the only cultivator in tens of thousands of years to have unified the entire Chaos Realm. Their strength was so powerful that even the Northern Border and Profound Heaven Realm had to temporarily avoid their edge.

After unifying the Chaotic Realm, he slaughtered all beings who disagreed with him.

This caused the Chaos Realm to remain blood-soaked for hundreds of years, bearing countless bloody debts on its back.

Finally, one day, he angered the Heavenly Dao of the Xuan Tian Realm.

The Heavenly Dao of the Profound Heaven Realm directly descended nine-nine divine thunders, mercilessly slaying this person on the spot. Both their physical body and soul were obliterated.ddenly spoke, "Do you really think you can do what you promised me"Not long after, she let out a cold laugh.Of course, that would be best.She muttered to herself for a moment, then vanished from sight...