Notebook No. 2 works

Chapter 646: Map Deception Wind


than three years and refined by an alchemist.The White Jade Garment can allow cultivators to remain unaffected by icy or stormy environments, accelerating their cultivation speed and boasting an incr...: []

When Lin Qi was racking his brains on how to forge something that would appear more realistic, the jade pendant which had been silent for a long time suddenly vibrated for a moment.

Lin Qi was taken aback. She opened the jade pendant and suddenly realized this was a strange aura!

When did she record this breath within the jade

With a hint of suspicion, Lin Qi clicked on the message.

A complete map is projected into the sky.

Lin Qi's mind raced faster than ever before.

The complete map of the Five Gods Battlefield!

She scanned the map with a glance, memorizing the direction of every line, then silently erased the information Jade Tablet had left behind.

Lin Qi's mind was a storm, but his face remained calm.

Who gave her the map

Lin Qi immediately thought of Lin Yun and the Chu family. If anyone was most likely to have a complete map of the Five Divine Battlefield, it would be either thieves or the Chu family.

Although the Chu family publicly destroyed all maps confiscated from the thieves in front of everyone, it doesn't prove they didn't look at them beforehand.

The monk's memory was astonishing; he could remember everything after just one glance.

That makes no difference compared to having the complete map.

It's just that the Chu family handled this matter well and unlike the Nangong family, they haven't fallen from power. That's why no one dares to question them.

And to be able to silently leave a trace of breath on Lin Qi's jade pendant, one must possess immense power, surpassing Lin Qi's own.

I have also contacted Lin Qi.

This also only applies to thieves and Gong Shaojun's friends.

It couldn't be a map that thieves gave to Lin Qi, could it

Most importantly, he will secretly give Lin Qi good things. So far, Lin Qi has only met this one!

How rare!

Lin Qi now thought, wondering how many old friends her mother had, and whether they could all send her some warmth at this crucial moment. That would be great...

After a moment of pondering, Lin Qi continued with her own business.

With the help of a five-gods battlefield map given by a kind stranger, Lin Qi's tactics became much easier to execute.

After everything was done, Lin Qi first reported to the Taiji Venerable.

Grandmaster Taiji, not wanting to see Lin Qi, probably thought out of sight, out of mind. He directly had Lin Qi contact the Nascent Soul Master Uncle in charge of managing the disciples.

Lin Qi immediately summoned the heads of the five Southern Zhou Sects in the name of the Taiji Venerable.

Lin Qi opened straight to the point: “I know you’ve all been a little anxious lately and want to know about the Five Gods Battlefield map.”

As soon as these words were uttered, the heads of the five sects' eyes lit up.

These past two days, I've been eagerly awaiting Lin Qi's update on the Wǔshén Battlefield map!

Before the competition, the map that the Five Sects held was shared. This time, Lin Qi obtained a complete map, and the cultivators of the Southern Zhou Five Sects naturally believed they should share it as well.

Unfortunately, after discussing with several respected masters of Tianyi Sect, they haven't given a precise reply and have only been delaying time.

Instead, it created a sense of division among the other four continents, making them think that Tiān Yī Zong wanted to hoard it for themselves.

Especially in recent days, cultivators from the other four continents have been subtly approaching to inquire about news. Their conversations are interspersed with divisive and discordant words.

Everyone was seething with anger, waiting for Tian Yizong's response.

Now that Lin Qi is here in person, this is naturally the best way to handle it.

Have you heard that Lin, your nephew, possesses a complete map of the Five Gods Battlefield Is this true or false

Even if everyone is sure that Lin Qi has the map, they still have to pretend to ask a question as part of the process.

Lin Qi nodded and replied, "Yes."

Tan Yueqing saw Lin Qi's unchanged face as she lied and fooled people. She was truly impressed by her ability and listened attentively, waiting to learn the rest of Lin Qi's words that would fool others.

"I have a map, but I'm afraid I can't get all of it out."

The four cultivators' faces changed color. "What do you mean by that Could it be that Tianyi Sect wants to keep this for themselves"

Of course not. I wouldn't give the entire map of Heavenly One Sect either.

"So you want to keep it all for yourself" someone asked.

She asked cheekily.

Lin Qi smiled but didn't speak, quietly watching him.

The map, which I obtained after much effort and hardship, has been swallowed privately

Obviously, everyone felt that what he said sounded a bit off. They chose to remain silent and wait for what Lin Qi would say next.

Lin Qi smiled and said, "Of course I don't plan to hoard it for myself. Not only that, but I also plan to give the map as a gift to cultivators from all five continents!"

For a moment, the cultivators of Nanzhou didn't know whether to smile happily or cry sadly.

Yuan Xi shijie softly asked, "Do you want to emulate the Chu family"

"Of course not," Lin Qi followed Yuan Xi's outstretched ladder and went straight to the point: "I will give each person a map, but only part of the content on the map is true. These maps with true and false mixed together can be pieced together into a complete Five Gods Battlefield map."

"Then how do we know which part of the map is real"

"That's up to you all to polish your eyes,"

"I didn't give the full Five Gods Battlefield map because I was thinking of all of you in Nanzhou. If I gave you the map, could you keep it Don't let it become a shared map for all five regions by then, would that even make sense"

Lin Qi's words were also understood by the cultivators from Nan Zhou.

These past few days, the other four continents have been openly and secretly probing, with quite a few provocations. While it's satisfying to be feared, there's also a hint of trepidation.

For fear that one day, Nanzhou will become the target of everyone's attack.

It was truly jaw-dropping what Lin Qi had done with the true and false maps.

Lin Qi knew this group of people were probably in the midst of a battle between heaven and man. To avoid trouble, he continued to explain: "Today, I will give each cultivator from Nanzhou a map. Tomorrow, I will send maps to the cultivators of the other four continents."

"As cultivators from the same continent, are our treatments the same as those from the other four continents"

Of course not! I can still tell the difference between insiders and outsiders.

The cultivators from the Southern Regions let out a slight sigh of relief.

Then Lin Qi's voice sounded again, "I will mark the true range of the map on the hands of the cultivators from Nanzhou. This way, the cultivators from Nanzhou can also find the real map more accurately."

Even if it's not perfect, following the marked range can still help create at least a half-width accurate map.

What's the point of having a complete map anyway

Do you really think you can go to so many places!

The area of the Five Gods Battlefield is comparable to half of Zhongzhou. Time is limited during the competition, and it's impressive if someone can complete one-fifth of it.

Hearing about the half-map, it seems that the Nanzhou cultivators have been bought.

Lin Qi still added, "This is something that cultivators from the other four continents don't have."

Southern cultivator: Pleased, but not quite

Lin Qi is indeed a person of action.

While the four Southern States cultivators were still hesitating, Tian Yi Zong's junior disciple was still thinking about whether to sneak out through the back door, she delivered countless versions of maps, mixed with real and fake ones, into everyone’s hands.

Seeing the large circle on the large map, the cultivators of Nanzhou fell silent as a group.eak as she stumbled backward.Ning Sangye immediately stepped forward and helped her up. He let out a deep sigh, "Sangyu, why do you have to do such thankless things"That reminder did not faze Xie Hanz...