Notebook No. 2 works

Chapter 30: Lu Ci Gone Mad


ere compared to her neighbors.In that instant, Lin's confidence, which had been suppressed by the family and sect, swelled.My heart shifted from a subtle sense of inferiority to extreme confidence.Her...::

The pitch-black sky was pierced by a white light.

The immense pressure and force slammed into the delicate lightning, directly tearing the lightning net sketched by the Lei Shehua in half.

Lin Qi's dantian's spiritual energy was also drained in an instant.

She held her sword in one hand, propping herself up on the ground, breathing heavily.


Lin Qi has been working hard for so long, she's very confident that she will definitely succeed in the end.

But the moment the phantom of the Ice Phoenix burst out of the night, an indescribable joy surged within me.

After regaining some of her strength, Lin Qi put away the wooden sword in her hand.

"As expected of the Divine Secret Technique, a single move nearly drained my dantian. It seems I'll have to be more careful when using it in the future."

Otherwise, after using this move, she won't even have the ability to protect herself.

After Lin Qi stopped, the backyard fell silent. The half of the Thunder Serpent Flower was now wilting, as if it would wither in the next second.

Lin Qi retracted the gauze, and the contrast between the sides and the thunder snakes was exceptionally striking.

She clapped her hands and let out a light hum, "You guys tried to electrify me, now it's my turn to torment you!"

Using the attack of a viper flower to stimulate herself and unleash her Residual Phoenix Shadow is just an immature thought for Lin Qi.

She's always been bold and when she has an idea, she puts it into action.

Unexpectedly, she succeeded on the first try.

Lin Qi returned to the training room satisfied, stuffed a few snacks, and then began to wander through the underground palace.

When she was in the depths of despair, Chen En and Tan Yueqing were by her side. She didn't want to face them and reveal what happened in the underground palace, so Lin Qi put aside matters concerning it and focused on cultivating.

Speaking of which, it has also been a long time since she last entered the underground palace.

Lin Qixi's mind shifted, and she appeared in the underground palace.

This place remained unchanged. Lin Qi, adeptly, walked to the desk and picked up a brush beside it, beginning to draw on the scroll.

Now that her dantian's spiritual energy is several times thicker, she should be able to draw a complete character, right

Qi flowed from the dantian to the tip of the pen. Lin Qi's heart was as calm as water, and she calmly controlled the movement of the pen tip.

One stroke falls, another follows, a faint glow emerges on the scroll.

As the end was in sight, Lin Qi relaxed slightly, and his spiritual energy lost control, beginning to dissipate around him.

The characters on the scroll, almost formed, faded away in an instant.

Lin Qi sighed, "Do I really have a talent for talisman making I've been practicing this first-order Thunder Blast Talisman for so long, and I can't even write the first character."

Lin Qi counted on her fingers how long she had practiced, ignoring the fifteen days spent in the icy abyss.

Well, she hasn't practiced for very long either.

After a moment of restlessness, Lin Qi ate a Rejuvenation Pill and continued writing with her pen.

This time, I actually succeeded in drawing the first character.

But there are five characters in the thunderbolt talisman!

Lin Qi was patient, and she also had a stubborn streak. She picked up her brush and put the spirit-replenishing pills aside, ready to fight through the night.

After a sleepless night, Lin Qi felt like her brain had been emptied, and fatigue gradually crept in from all directions.

This is still her first time experiencing this feeling after staying up late.

It seems that there's a pretty big difference between cultivating overnight and making talismans overnight.

Lin Qi rubbed her head, stuffed a handful of peppermint into her mouth and finished it. In an instant, she felt refreshed.

She carried her little wooden sword out the door and just happened to run into Luo Ci, who was still half-asleep.

"Second Sister, good morning!" Luo Ci smiled brightly.

Lin Qi slowly replied, "Good morning!"

He still looks a bit aloof.

Luo Ci knew this was because Lin Qi reacted slowly, so she simply spoke concisely and didn't mind.

Two people walked together near the stone steps. Lin Qi was surprised to actually see Master Yuan Xi here.

Even from a distance, she happily ran to Yuanxi's side.

Luo Ci was left behind, watching Lin Qi instantly change her expression. He couldn't help but feel depressed.

It turns out it's not aloofness, but differentiated treatment!

Lin Qi ignored Xiao Ai's little grievance and happily asked Yuan Xi, her senior sister, for advice on her doubts.

As she spoke, Lin Qi demonstrated, while Yuan Xi adjusted her posture.

After practicing swordsmanship several times, Lin Qi and Luo Ci prepared to go down the mountain to find some food.

Yuan Xi shijie had something to attend to, so she didn't go down the mountain with the other two this time.

Luoci finally got a chance to ask Lin Qi.

Last night I saw a white light suddenly rush out of your backyard, with the sound of a phoenix roaring faintly. You haven't been sleeping at night, are you still practicing some kind of sorcery

Lin Qi: "Did you see that"

Luoci nodded frantically, hitting the soul with her question: "Don't you still carry me on your back and keep working at night!"

Lin Qi pretended to be surprised and said, "What do you mean by working hard behind your back Isn't the evening time so long just for cultivation"

She asked, "Don't you practice in the evening"

Luo Ci stared at Lin Qi with his mouth agape, he couldn't help but swallow nervously.

He uttered a faint voice, carefully inquiring, "Shouldn't people be sleeping at night"

Lin Qi gave him a glance and shot Luo Ci a look that spoke volumes, then stepped lightly up the stairs.

Luo Ci trailed behind, listlessly. Her feet felt light and airy as if she were floating, everything seemed unreal.

Lin Qi saw that he had been silent all this time, feeling a bit cruel to herself. She wanted to comfort Luo Ci, but then she heard a scream.

A black shadow, like a gust of wind, brushed past her.

She was stunned, only having time to see Luo Ci's terrified expression and his figure falling through the air.

Lin Qi wouldn't sword fly, only able to comfort Luo Ci loudly: "It's alright, with the jade pendant protecting you, nothing will happen to you!"

Between the vast and desolate mountains, Lin Qi faintly heard a desperate cry for help.

Her hand trembled.

Well then, maybe let's be a bit kinder next time.

If this keeps up, Luo Ci doesn't know if she'll be able to grow up healthy.

When Ling Qi found Luo Ci at the foot of the mountain, he was sitting there with a gloomy and sorrowful expression, as if he had suffered an unbearable blow.

Lin Qi pursed her lips and went up to comfort him, "Junior Brother..."

Luo Ci suddenly turned her head, her eyes flashing with a resolute light, as if she had made a heartbreaking decision.

"The night is for cultivation!"

"Uh... Junior brother, did you hit your head"

Luo Ci crawled up from the ground, patted her butt, and a resolute look filled her little face.

When I came to the sect, my mother said that as a cultivator, one must not fear hardship or fatigue. From today onwards, I will not sleep at night and will cultivate!

The last two words were almost squeezed out from between his teeth, which showed how much determination Luo Ci had at this moment.

"Junior brother, I've told you, I have reasons that force me to work hard. You don't have to be so harsh on yourself."

But Luo Ci was as if she hadn't heard, still muttering about cultivation and heading towards Tianyi Peak by herself.

Lin Qi followed behind him. Seeing Luo Ci move freely and seemingly unharmed, she put her heart at ease.

After finishing his meal, Lin Qi caught sight of Xu Ying giving a passionate speech at a table.

This time, there were twice as many people surrounding her as last time.etting on I'm putting my money on Zhu Gongzi winning this round!""I bet on Master Zhu too!"Only occasionally a small voice would whisper: "Although Nan Zhou Lin Qi's martial arts is not very famous, i...