I eat tomatoes works


ndered for a moment, "About 50%." 。"50%" Xu Jingming vaguely positioned his own strength and that of his master. 。Keep up the good work. 。Liu Hai smiled expectantly. 。>Perhaps it's because he's olde...In the dead of night, the entire city of Lan Yue seemed to fall into a deep sleep, enveloped in utter silence. 。Xu Jingming, Zi Teng, and Mr. Lv, three men in black masks and suits, stood at the corner of an alley, staring intently at a distant house. 。That's Principal Dong's mansion. 。"Mr. Lv pointed to the path and said, "Besides Schoolmaster Dong, there are also several maidservants and servants in the mansion, as well as over ten accomplices." 。These thugs are mediocre, not worth mentioning. But once they fire a flare gun, the Huayue Gang will know immediately and arrive swiftly to provide support. 。Before they arrived, we had already killed Dong Xiao. 。"Zi Teng, the young lady, said confidently," 。。According to the previous plan 。"Xu Jingming said, 'Enter through the side gate and follow the main path.'" 。 。On the contrary, it's a main road... maidservants, servants, and guards often walk it, so it's relatively safe. 。"

Stick to the main road, you'll be easily spotted by the mob" 。Mr. Lv looked at Miss Zi Teng, "Once you find the accomplices, you must kill them immediately and make sure they don't shout." 。Relax. 。Miss Zi Teng nodded. 。<

“Dong Xiao was very afraid of death. Every time he slept, he would always stay in his own small courtyard, that courtyard must have layers of defenses >>> 。"Xu Jingming said, 'When the time comes, I'll be the first to go.'" 。"

Uh 。Both Zi Teng and Mr. Lv nodded. 。The three acted quietly and immediately. 。Having arrived at the east side gate of the manor, first, Miss Zi Teng leaped gracefully over the courtyard wall and silently landed behind the gate. 。Her footsteps were as soft as a cat's paws, landing lightly with almost no sound. 。After landing, Miss Zi Teng carefully looked around. Xu Jingming and Mr. Lü also jumped in at once. 。After achieving cellular-level control, one's steps could indeed be lighter than a cat's, moving through the palace without making a sound. 。

"Go" 。This house is considerably smaller than Chang Yigong's house. 。Enter through the side door, pass through a gate and corridor, and you arrive at the inner courtyard. 。Xu Jingming and his two companions quickly approached. Suddenly, they saw two gang members guarding the inner courtyard entrance. The two gang members were drinking and chatting in low voices. 。"Where is Lao Er He's supposed to be relieving us. We had to stay for an extra half hour today. Next time he better make it up to us." 。"The eldest brother recently gave him a widow, this debt the second brother won't sleep in too long, right" 。"

These two muttered..." 。

Pop pop 。Two darts flew in and struck the two men's heads instantly, causing them to collapse. 。Then Zi Teng appeared, holding her long sword and gently slicing the gate of the inner courtyard. — With her control over blade strength, the sturdy bolt was easily severed, and even the thin wire attached to it snapped clean. 。

"Jingle jingle~~" A tiny bell tied with a thin string suddenly fell to the ground, making a sharp ringing sound in the quiet night. 。

Throughout the entire house, in all the different areas where there were guards stationed, six members of the gang sprang to action. 。Xu Jingming, Mr. Lv, and Miss Zi Teng all changed color. 。"Every door in the inner courtyard has a bell That's too careful, isn't it!" "I can't afford to be careful now >>>" 。Xu Jingming, holding a spear, took the lead and kicked the gate of the inner courtyard with one foot. 。"Bang!" This kick carried tens of thousands of jin of force. The wooden gate exploded directly, and a large amount of splintered wood shot into the inner courtyard, flying in all directions. 。For a time, it inspired many mechanisms, such as traps, ropes, and even hidden weapons that could shoot out. 。This made Xu Jingming, Miss Zi Teng, and Mr. Lv all secretly murmur. 。Everyone says gang members are careful, but this is too much! At night, the whole courtyard is covered in all kinds of traps. 。< Seemingly simple, but once caught... Even experts, if they don't die, they will get hurt > 。。It's the signal flare from the Huayue Gang!

"Bang bang bang" 。On one side, Mr. Lv also kicked the wall continuously, and in an instant countless stones flew and splashed, hitting all parts of the inner courtyard and the house. 。Anything with a mechanism has almost all been activated. 。

"up" 。Xu Jingming, Mr. Lv, and Miss Zi Teng rushed out from the collapsed wall. With one step, they leaped over ten meters and arrived in front of a large house in the inner courtyard. 。Mr. Lv directly threw out two circular saw blades, which rotated and easily cut through the house, flying into the dwelling and cutting recklessly. 。Xu Jingming's long spear swung against the wall, causing a large section of it to collapse instantly. Countless bricks and stones flew everywhere, while Zi Teng held numerous darts in her hands, always on guard. 。A grand house was instantly destroyed and collapsed by Xu Jingming and his men. Arrows and poison fell down, clearly indicating that some internal mechanisms of the house were damaged during the destruction. 。"So reckless, is this an assassin" Dong Xiao, who had already woken up with the ringing of bells, saw two wheels roaring and cutting in the room, followed by a wall beginning to collapse at any moment, the house was about to collapse, and he felt very suffocated. 。"To be so bold, he must think his strength surpasses mine." 。Just make it through this alive. 。Dongxiao originally wanted to ambush, but after thinking about it, he was scared. He immediately patted the mechanism on the bedside table, and the whole bed sank down instantly, falling into the underground secret room below. 。He has to sleep in his own room every day because it's been modified with many mechanisms and has an escape route. 。"Whoosh!" A shadow of a gunshot swept in with the crumbling wood and stones, and Xu Jingming, Mr. Lv, and Miss Zi Teng had already rushed in. Mr. Lv even threw out his circular blade wheel to cut through all directions, searching for that Dong Xiao... 。"His breath..." Zi Teng pointed to the ground ahead, "Down there!" Every starry life that entered the path of transformation would practice heart-calming techniques. Some were particularly adept at sensing things. 。In terms of sensitivity, Miss Zi Teng is clearly superior to Xu Jingming and Mr. Lv. 。

"Bang bang bang" 。Mr. Lv, upon hearing this, swung his round discs one after another, each at super speed! Each disc, carrying over ten thousand jin of force, cut through the bricks and stones instantly, revealing an underground passage. 。

"Up" 。"

Yuan Lun flew into the underground passage first, followed by Mr. Lv." 。Xu Jingming and Girl Ziteng followed closely behind. 。"Discovering an underground passage, and charging in regardless of whether there are any traps, isn't that reckless" Dong Xiaogang pulled down the gate just as a continuous booming sound drew closer, his face paling. 。A skilled normal person would have to carefully explore the underground passage, lest they trip and fall. 。Obviously, Xu Jingming and his two companions charged at the forefront. The two behind followed closely! Even if a comrade fell, they didn't care! What they cared about was… killing 'Principal Dong' as fast as possible. 。Because in their hearts, Principal Dong's life is worth 900,000 cosmic coins. 。They die once and it costs them 100,000 cosmic coins. 。A great deal!

"Boom" 。The sharp three-pronged wheel tore through the gate, and Mr. Lv at once saw Principal Dong scrambling to escape. 。"Three, who invited you I'll double your money!" Dong Xiaolian shouted loudly, fearing that he would lose his life if he spoke too slowly. 。Whew!

The whistling disc was blocked by Dong School's short spear, flying back into Mr. Lv's hand. 。Mr. Lv, Xu Jingming, and Miss Zi Teng all stared at him, their eyes shining with excitement. 。 reading the inheritance. 。"Marksmanship" Xu Jingming looked at the record of marksmanship. 。Xuan, he wields a gun, and is even a legendary figure from the cosmos. 。He spent countless hours honing hi...