anonymous works

Chapter 1296: Someone Has Arrived, Drag Him Out


within everyone's sight.Li Chen only felt that although this expanse of sword light was brilliant, it wasn't dazzling.He instinctively narrowed his eyes, and after a gust of wind swept past, the white...Chapter 1296: Someone Arrives, Drag Him Out

Hearing this, Soan almost couldn't help but curse.

He originally came here to fleece the Qin Dynasty, but now that he hasn't gotten a single strand of wool, he's about to be shorn by them instead!

Saoantu found this request utterly impertinent, and Huangjixian, as the thirteenth brother of the Jin Kingdom, could under no circumstances agree to it.


"What kind of ore" Huangji Tian asked.

Hearing this, Soantu felt somewhat reassured.

After all, the prince of Qin across from him had a fiery temper. Even if he refused, it wouldn't be good to be too direct. It was best to first ask what kind of ore it was. And no matter what the prince of Qin answered, his thirteenth brother would surely refuse.

Thinking about this, Saoantu still felt that the Thirteenth Brother was quite skillful and not as useless as he had imagined.


Li Chen replied: "This item has consumed a lot recently, and the exploration of saltpeter mines was not extensive before. Now that we urgently need it, there is no time to explore again. I heard that your Jin Kingdom has several saltpeter mines that have already been explored and have huge output. This would be perfect for an emergency."

As soon as he heard the words "saltpeter mine," So An Tu curled his lip in disdain, thinking that the Prince of Qin was being overly ambitious.

Everyone knows that saltpeter is used to make gunpowder.

Formerly, gunpowder played a relatively minor role in warfare. Even during the technologically advanced Qin Dynasty, their advancements were limited to the development of things like red-clad cannons.

Although powerful, it was too cumbersome and expensive, so its actual combat performance was not strong. Otherwise, it would not have been suppressed by the Liao and Jin states militarily for a long time.

Therefore, before that, saltpeter was mostly used by civilians to make gunpowder, fireworks, and alchemists' potions. Although its uses were quite widespread, the consumption volume was actually not large, so the price was very cheap.

Now that the Qin Empire has invented firearms, the demand for gunpowder will skyrocket. This is something the high-ranking officials of the Jin Kingdom had already anticipated.

Even though the two countries are now cooperating to fight against Liao, the necessary restrictions should still be in place.

Therefore, Suan Tu thought that the Thirteenth Brother was even less likely to agree to Li Chen's terms now.

However elaborate Soantu's inner thoughts might be, they have absolutely no effect on Huangji's heavenly disposition.

He simply nodded and said, "No problem. A few years ago, my father bestowed upon me a piece of land with two saltpeter mines, one large and one small. Over the years, we've accumulated quite a stockpile. I can immediately dispatch people to deliver the saltpeter. If Qin still needs more, increasing production wouldn't be difficult."

This time, Soan Tu really couldn't hold it any longer.

He said, "Thirteenth Brother, for such a major matter, how can you make decisions without even asking about the domestic situation"

Huangji Tian frowned and said: "Gunpowder ore isn't something precious to begin with, let alone being on my territory. As the master of this land, everything here is under my control. Why should I consult others"

"Could it be that I would even need the consent of Lord Soan Tu"

Sōan's face flushed red with anger, his beard bristling. He stomped his foot and exclaimed, "The Thirteenth Brother is so foolish!"

What are you talking about

Huangji Tian impatiently said, “You old thing, are you ever going to stop I asked the prince for face to let you stay here, it was so you could listen, not to interrupt at random!”

Soan was about to speak again, but saw Li Chen staring at him with a blank expression.

"Bring him out here."en could punish Ye Wang severely without anyone daring to object.Outside the camp of these sixteen cavalrymen from Yan and Yun, there are 150,000 troops, all loyal to King Ning. If Li Chen killed Ye W...