anonymous works

Chapter 1252: The Imperial Decree Arrives


nse of security immediately returned.Well, at least the world hasn't reached a point where individual combat prowess is ridiculously overpowered.Everything is still within the realm of human.After gla...Chapter 1252: The Imperial Edict Arrives

Since the war began at Yuet Nga Wan, more than half a month has passed.

When Wu Ban Shan and his men discovered that this time the Liao army was not joking, but really intended to bring their entire army of 600,000 to bear down on them, they immediately sent an urgent military report back to the capital.

To this end, Wu BanShan mobilized the highest level of transmission channels, sending the message to the capital within a day.

But he and Wu Qingcang both believed that even if the imperial court received the news in the shortest possible time, it would take at least half a month to discuss countermeasures and mobilize troops. Then, depending on the distance, it would take three to five days at most, or several months at the slowest, for the supporting troops to reach Yueya Pass and provide effective support.

On the third or fifth day, Ning Wang's army arrived.

Ten days later, troops from Gansu and Shaanxi arrived.

But now, more than half a month after the message was sent back, it turned out to be the Liao-dong army.

No matter who arrives, as long as someone comes with support, it would be like a blessing from heaven for Yueya Pass.

He practically sprinted to the City Lord's Mansion. As soon as Wu Ban Shan entered, he saw a young general talking to his elder brother, Wu Qing Cang.

"Our moonlit pass commander has arrived."

Wu Qingcang saw Wu Ban Shan running over frantically, and he pointed at him with a smile towards Su Pingbei.

Su Pingbei's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to salute Wu Ban shan: "My subordinate, Su Pingbei, is here to lead the Liaodong Army to support Yuecang Pass. I have met Commander Wu."

At this moment, Wu Ban Shan felt extremely happy and relaxed. He laughed aloud: "I knew the court wouldn't abandon us. General Su, please rise. We are in wartime now, there is no need to address each other with military ranks, just use your army ranks."

The is a position, and is a rank.

Although generals are ranked, once they attain the rank of general, they are all senior commanders within the army and there is no difference in status.

This could be considered Wu Ban Shan's courtesy towards Su Ping Bei.

Immediately afterward, he excitedly asked, "General Su, how many people did you bring with you this time, and how much supplies"

Su Pingbei smiled faintly and said, "General, please wait. Let me finish the important matter first."

Wu Ban Shan was taken aback.


What could be more righteous than support and supplies

Before Mount Wu could even speak, Su Ping stepped forward onto the highest step of the platform and cleared his throat. He respectfully took a golden imperial decree from inside his robes and announced loudly to everyone, "The Imperial Decree has arrived!"

"Wu Qingcang, Wu Ban Shan, and all the soldiers of Yueya Pass, receive your orders!"

As soon as the imperial decree was read, from the emperor himself to the officials reading it, and from high-ranking officials like kings and generals down to common peddlers and laborers, everyone knelt down.

Wu Qingcang and Wu Banshan, the brothers, were taken aback. They led all the generals in the room to kneel down and respectfully said, "Your subjects, we receive your imperial decree."

Su Pingbei's gaze swept across the crowd. Seeing everyone with respectful expressions, though there were many people present, it was eerily silent. He thought to himself that the army of Yueya Pass was indeed disciplined and well-ordered. With such military discipline, there weren't many in the country that could compare to it.

Hereby, in consideration of your achievements, you are hereby appointed as the Grand Marshal of Yueya Pass. In times of war, you shall command the three armies, oversee all military affairs, and faithfully carry out these imperial edicts. Through your efforts, may you bring peace to the realm, change customs for the better, promote harmony and cultivate true accomplishments. May you serve your country loyally, repay the nation's trust, and return safely home after fulfilling your duty.

To awe and subdue foreign enemies, to restrain the Liao Dynasty, to deeply cherish the valorous achievements of the Yuan army; let us proclaim the merits of China's illustrious heroes. Using the brilliance of Zhaolu's leopard-like army, we grant temporary military ranks and honor these outstanding deeds in accordance with my will. By imperial decree.alking in the middle."Big brother, what if something happens with the imperial court" Wu Ban Shan asked."I have been in private contact with Zhao Xuanji for many years. Although I have only met him a...