<<Tang Jia San works

Chapter 1923: United We Stand


forging once in a thousand times is 100%. 。Even Mu Chen himself, when he was impacting the Spirit Forging back then, had only a 50% success rate for every thousand forging. Tang Wulin, although res...At that moment, a man suddenly stood up from among the many lawmakers and strode to the speaker's platform, walking up to the chair of the assembly. 。Please listen to me 。Mo Lan was dressed in a tailored deep blue suit, her long hair tied back neatly, giving her an elegant and sharp look. 。Her gaze was deep and steadfast, devoid of the uncertainty and despair found in others. 。The Speaker hesitated, but did not stop her. 。Among the pigeons, Indigo is now a true leader. 。With the backlash from doves, she already had a high position in parliament. 。Moreover, this is a time when there is no leader and everyone's heart is in turmoil. 。It's better to have someone stand up and say something than for things to remain a complete mess. 。With a shout of "halt" from the blue ink, the eyes of the lawmakers refocused on the chairman's podium. They all naturally recognized the blue ink. 。The noise level also decreased significantly. 。"Everyone, why are we able to sit here Do we represent only ourselves No, we represent the millions upon millions of people in the Douluo Federation." 。It is thanks to their nomination that we have the privilege of sitting here and discussing matters of state. 。If even we give up, then the Douluo Federation, and even all of humanity, are truly finished! The outside world says that our council is divided into hawks, doves, and moderates... 。Some people also say that I am a representative of the doves. 。Then, even with all our strength and peacefulness, I'm unwilling to give up. What reason do you have to give up If we give up, we only have the last three days left. 。This world has never lacked miracles, why can't we all look forward to miracles together” “Frontline soldiers are risking their lives, so many have already died in that icy far north” 。And here we are, in this warm hall. What have we done If we can't even offer them spiritual support, what right do we have to sit here""Now is the time for the Douluo Federation to face its existential crisis, and it's also the time when we should unite as one and fight against the enemy together." 。We cannot give up; if we do, the Union will immediately descend into chaos. 。Only by perseverance and unity can we have the possibility of expecting miracles. 。At least, we must ensure that when miracles happen, the Federation remains under our control and not in chaos. 。Even if there are no miracles, a major disaster truly arrives. 。"Before those alien creatures, we humans should also stand and die with dignity!" Her words were powerful, as if the windowpanes of the entire council hall were trembling. 。If the previous noises were merely a fading din, then her firm and resonant words brought a total silence to the room. 。In such a time of chaos and uncertainty, a strong voice is desperately needed. 。At least every member of parliament sitting here represents a constituency and wields considerable influence in the federation. 。Everything shown in the previous video was truly astonishing, especially the complete annihilation of the three generations fleet, which left everyone in a state of panic. 。Although many people now want to ask, how likely is a miracle But what they need more is the appearance of this backbone. 。And the deep blue undoubtedly united hearts at this most crucial moment. 。Mòlán did not give them more time to think, continuing in a loud voice: "So, I suggest" 。As she spoke those five words, she deliberately paused, and her aura grew increasingly powerful. 。"The most important thing for us now is to unite as one, give our full support to the soldiers on the front lines with the greatest spiritual encouragement." 。We want to tell them, the parliament and the general public 。"Be with them!"


Mingdu 。Looking at the purple sun in the sky, people were filled with unease. 。There are sometimes discordant sounds on the street. 。Many stores have already closed. 。especially those stores that sell household goods 。Within just a day, the prices of various daily necessities soared but were still snapped up. 。No one knew what had happened, but the feeling of oppression that descended from the sky was real. 。Everyone seemed to feel that terrifying pressure. 。This must be a disaster, it has almost become a consensus among everyone. 。The key is that it has been a whole day now, and the government hasn't released any information. Not even the media have said anything. 。Anyone with even a shred of intelligence could guess that something big had happened, something that affected the entire federation. 。Center Plaza 。This is the most prosperous place in Mingdu on a normal day, with many landmark buildings. 。A popular tourist destination, even for visitors from other regions. 。I'll be sure to come and have a look. 。Some advanced consumer technologies are often showcased here. 。For example, the world's first soul-guidance large screen is right here. 。 Through constant updates and iterations, the large screen remains, but it's more than ten times larger than its original size. On the iconic facade of the Federal Building, the centerpiece of the central square, a 120-meter-high and 40-meter-wide screen has always been the largest display in the Federation. 。Many federal companies are willing to pay a high price to buy it to play their own advertisements, and they are proud of it. 。At this time, an advertisement was playing on the big screen, but no one paid attention to what it was about. 。Even those who would usually stop and look are now few and far between. 。Suddenly, the screen dimmed sharply. The light that had been illuminating the surroundings vanished instantly. 。People rushing past unconsciously turned their eyes towards it because of the change in lighting. 。And in that very instant, the screen flickered back to life. 。A woman with an elegant and beautiful countenance, dressed in formal attire, appeared on the large screen. 。A tremendous voice echoed through the central square via a Soul Conduit Amplifier. 。Not just here, every media outlet, every Soul Guide television station, every outdoor screen, in this instant, across the entire Federation, all became this image. 。 "Hello everyone, I am Senator Indigo." 。"Suddenly, everyone watching the screen stopped. They all sensed something, their eyes immediately turning to the screens in front of them." 。Invite your friends to come and follow. 。This has to do with everyone's future!

Mo Lan was silent for a moment, "What I'm about to announce next will be some bad news" 。As members of the legislature, as government representatives, in a matter that concerns the very existence of the Union, each and every one of you has the right to know 。"Six thousand years ago..." This is a story, a story that begins six thousand years ago, when the Abyssal Plane first descended. 。"... , were the strong ones from Shrek Academy, Tang Sect, Spirit Hall, and Wuhun Temple, leading the allied soldiers, for the first time repelling these invaders..." "... , they came back, they brought disaster once again" 。 。What you see next is the blood river array for slaying gods, forged with the sacrifices of millions. 。"...in this extremely perilous moment, it was once again Shrek's Academy and Tang Sect..." "...they wrote their magnificent brilliance with their own lives..." 。This is their once again crushing the enemy's plot. 。"The Blood River God Slaughter Array has finally been broken…"

As Mo Lan's voice echoed, the big screen began to display some previously completely confidential scenes. The scenes were carefully edited, highlighting the soul masters and soldiers who fought valiantly against the enemy in this war. >>> 。What the public sees is the soldiers' fearless fight on the battlefield. 。What you see is warriors attacking with all their might. 。The Blood River Slaying God Formation was broken, and everything seemed to return to a temporary peace. 。Defense re-established 。Just as everyone let out a sigh of relief, the scene shifted to the sea. The Sea Demon Whale King's incarnation, the Demon Emperor, appeared once again, tightening everyone's hearts. 。At that moment, Chen Xinjie, a Sea God Douluo in military uniform with shining stars on his shoulders, appeared on the sea. 。Defeat the Demon Emperorhem in advance, but those who want to try their luck at stealing the bride, you better get started. 。Xie Xie first gave a fierce look at the people around him. A boy beside him couldn't help but say,...