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steps. She didn't see the little guy, but she already heard his giggles. When she pushed open the door, the little guy was being held by Rong Ling in his arms. The father and son were both soaked in...Jiang Cheng did not leave because of Rong Ling's warning. He was waiting for Jiang Wanyin. That's what the two of them had agreed on this morning. Jiang Wanyin would be done with his evening study session after high school, which should be around 8:30 p.m. If he takes a taxi, he should arrive by around 9:00 p.m.

Lin Meng overheard the conversation between Jiang Chengfeng and Rong Ling at the door, and her heart vaguely felt that Jiang Chengfeng might have found out something. Now seeing Jiang Chengfeng, she was nervous and a little embarrassed. She didn't dare to talk to him much because he represented justice as an enforcement officer!

With Yu Rong present, Jiang Cheng had little interest in talking. He told Lin Meng that his younger brother would be back later and picked up a magazine to read, not saying much.

When Lin Meng was swaying as she finished hanging a bottle of IV, Jiang Po浪 ran in, drenched in sweat. After coming in, there was a sunny smile on his face. "Fortunately, my brother notified me, otherwise, if you had changed wards, I would have lost you!"

Because the two people were from the same school, Lin Meng felt very kind towards Jiang Po Lang.

"How's it going, feeling better Still having trouble breathing! Nothing major happened while I was gone, right!"

Jiang Po-lang, as soon as he arrived, had a lot of questions. He wasn't shy at all. He picked up a stool and sat down by himself beside Lin Meng's bed. A pair of leopard-like big eyes, dark and shiny, stared at Lin Meng.

Lin Meng smiled, infected by Jiang PoLang's sunshine and vitality. "I'm fine, nothing's wrong!"

Jiang Po-lang took another careful look at Lin Meng before he felt at ease. Then, he suddenly slapped himself on the head, stood up in a hurry, and awkwardly glanced around at the unfamiliar faces.

"Well, my name is Jiang PoLang, and I go to the same school as Lin Meng. Nice to meet you all!"

This kid finally remembered to ask around. His honest nature drew a chuckle from everyone. Compared to his older brother Jiang Chengfeng, Jiang Bolang was rather straightforward and boisterous, with the air of an ancient swordsman. He quickly became friendly with everyone.

"Lin Meng, you haven't been to class for over a week. Tomorrow, ask your family to bring your textbooks here so I can give you some make-up lessons!"

This kid isn't a reckless brute; he's very skilled. Thus, it's perfectly justifiable for him to come to the hospital and see Lin Meng.

Lin Meng naturally refused. "How could I possibly agree to that That would be too much trouble for you!"

Now that high school students all have evening study sessions, classes end quite late every day. If Jiang PoLang still comes to the hospital to linger, it would really be a lot of hard work for him. Moreover, Jiang PoLang is a year older than her, now in his second year of high school, and will soon enter his third year. His academic pressure should be quite great at this time. To still find time to tutor others, if it were to delay his own studies, Lin Meng would feel guilty!

But Jiang Po Lang laughed and shook his head, obviously having a plan in mind. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. That being said, starting tomorrow, I'll come give you tutoring!"

The joke is on him, he spent the whole day thinking and another day inquiring about Lin Meng's whereabouts at school. After much effort, he finally came up with this way to get close to Lin Meng for a long time, how could Lin Meng refuse He discovered that Lin Meng was different from the "Lin Meng" everyone in school spread rumors about. In reality, she wasn't aloof at all, but rather a particularly adorable and charming girl. She had a bashful naivety deep down, but if they had something in common to talk about, she could chat endlessly and smile brightly. He has to seize this opportunity with Lin Meng like this.

This time, he really has a chance to get the moon first by being close to the water tower. When Lin Mengbing recovers and returns to school, facing that huge crowd of butterflies, he will be in an absolute advantageous position and lead the way!

Rong Ling gazed at Jiang Po Lang, who radiated youthful vigor, his contemplative eyes deepening. At the same age, with similar youthfulness, comparable environments, and shared topics, this was probably what Lin Meng should have experienced – this was what a girl as delicate as a flower should have gone through. So, after the brothers Jiang Po Lang and Jiang Cheng Feng left together, Rong Ling told Lin Meng, "After you recover, go back to school!"

Now, there is no one else in the ward.

Lin Bao had other plans in mind, so he deliberately created an opportunity for Rong Ling. He went to a hotel next to the hospital with his wife. Miao Qing also thought about it wrongly and didn't want to spoil her boss's good deeds, so she also took her bodyguard out.

In the room, two beds, two people.

The people he purposely avoided all thought that the other bed would be superfluous. Who knew, Rong Ling leisurely threw himself onto the other bed instead. He had compassion for her and didn't want to have any more physical entanglements with her!

Actually, he already made it very clear! Lin Meng is not stupid, she understands!

In the darkness, she blinked, her dark eyes flickering with the light of sorrow before a self-deprecating smile played silently across her lips. She closed her eyes heavily and let out a soft "hm".

She thought she wouldn't be able to sleep because of this, and in fact, at first, she couldn't fall asleep. Her eyes were closed, but her mind was buzzing, consciousness drifting, sinking and floating, all seemingly about him. She was in a daze, half-dreaming, half-awake, as if her soul and body were separated.

But actually, she didn't care about him as much as she thought she did! When she was completely exhausted, her body naturally made a choice. She fell asleep, and slept very soundly, not waking up once during the whole time. Naturally, since she went to sleep late, she couldn't wake up early the next day. But what was rare was that he didn't wake up either, still lying on the bed beside her.

She blinked, finding the scene quite surprising. Such a man who was accustomed to rising early and greeting no one before leaving had stayed in bed even though the sun was already high in the sky. How astonishing!

His face was directly facing hers. In the span of one night, a faint trace of stubble had grown on his jaw; if you didn't look closely, you might not have noticed it. The hair that was always styled neatly, giving off an air of cleanliness, sharpness, and maturity, now seemed rather disheveled.

It seemed to notice that it was being watched, and his brow furrowed.

Lin Meng woke up abruptly, pulling back her gaze that had been boldly appraising him. Then she saw his eyelids twitch slightly, and he suddenly opened his eyes, like a cheetah, his eyes burning with intensity, directly fixed on her without the slightest deviation. Perhaps this was a habitual sense of alertness.

Lin Meng smiled at him!

He immediately got up from the bed, threw off the covers, and got down.

He was wearing the same plain short-sleeved shirt and casual pants he had on yesterday. After a night of wear and tear, they were now creased and wrinkled. He looked rather disheveled. But compared to the imposing and commanding figure he cut last night, he seemed more approachable now. Perhaps it's because this version of him feels more down-to-earth

But how could he possibly be a commoner!

He made a phone call, and naturally, an underling who had been waiting nearby handed him a clean set of clothes to change into. When he came out of the attached restroom, he was once again his suave, sophisticated self!

Look, he's up there again, this is the real him!

"I have to go!"

He always speaks very concisely, rarely wasting words. And toward her, naturally no exception!

Lin Meng smiled. "Be careful on the road!"

Just as she should care for someone who cares for her, she should also show appropriate concern and say such things.

Rong Ling nodded slightly.

She smiled, thinking to herself that this time was alright, being able to watch his back as he left. Unexpectedly, he abruptly took a few steps to her side, silently lowered his head, and placed a kiss on her forehead. The warmth of the kiss lingered instantly on her forehead.

Then, he turned and walked away, decisively!

She stood there, lost in thought, recalling the soft touch. Finally, she slowly lowered her eyes, hiding all her emotions!

What kind of kiss was this!

Until she stayed until she was discharged from the hospital, and he never appeared again, she finally understood that this must have been a farewell kiss. Fortunately, she didn't have too many expectations. So this time, she didn't cry!

It's just that my heart ached a little.

...The first release of Xiaoxiang Academy....

It had been half a month since Lin Meng left school, and she had indeed missed a lot of classes. High school wasn't like junior high where you could get away with missing a few days. Falling behind even by a few days meant putting in extra effort to catch up, let alone missing a whole month like Lin Meng had.

Jiang Po浪 is kind-hearted, and Lin Meng appreciates his kindness and feels grateful towards him.

Jiang PoLang ran to Lin Meng's place every day, though slowly. This was exactly what Jiang PoLang wanted, so he could keep making excuses to be with Lin Meng. He was a young man in love for the first time, and he had different thoughts. Looking at Lin Meng, everything about her seemed perfect!

He didn't know where the rumors about Lin Meng's bad personality came from at school. In his opinion, Lin Meng was much better than any of the other girls around him. The more he interacted with her, the more Jiang Po Lang fell for her. At the same time, he felt a little guilty because he had also said some bad things about Lin Meng before.

Lin Meng is the school flower of No. 4 Middle School. This title was bestowed upon her a month after she enrolled. With her beauty, the title of "school flower" is absolutely well-deserved. Young boys tend to judge people based on their looks more often than not, so half of the male students in the entire school have a good feeling for Lin Meng. A small number of boys are not afraid of being criticized by their homeroom teacher for early love and they eagerly want to pursue Lin Meng. Some boys try every means to get closer to Lin Meng and become friends with her. More simply harbor secret affections for her.

As soon as the lights go out in the dorm at night, if one were to talk about the girl who is most frequently discussed by boys, it would undoubtedly be Lin Meng. This girl's beauty is simply captivating; no matter how her personality is portrayed by others, she will continue to be brought up time and time again by the boys.

And Lin Meng, has never been pursued for success!

Before Lin Meng was sent away, although Lin Dong coveted her, he also loved her dearly. This feeling of wanting to possess her but being restrained by morality gave him paranoid thoughts: all the men who coveted his younger sister were not good people. He couldn't have her, and neither could other men.

He already had ties with some local thugs, so he paid a few of his men to investigate the school and beat up several boys who had already taken action against Lin Meng. He also warned them: anyone who dares to touch Lin Meng will suffer the consequences!

When this news came out, those boys immediately toned it down.

After a while, things calmed down. But some restless boys couldn't let it go and continued to try to get close to Lin Meng under various pretenses. When Lin Dong learned about this, he found a group of tough guys and gave them a good beating.

Immediately, all the boys took a step back, and Lin Meng instantly became an object of admiration!

If that's the case, then it's not a big deal!

There were rumors, I don't know where they came from, that slandered Lin Meng terribly. They said she was haughty and pretentious, looking down on others and refusing to associate with them! Even one of her middle school classmates came out to confirm it, saying Lin Meng was truly such an unpleasant person. Although she was beautiful, her personality was really repulsive, so from childhood to adulthood, she only had two friends. These two friends were just pitying her and remembering their friendship from elementary school all the way through high school, that's why they didn't distance themselves from her!

Lin Meng was completely unaware of everything that was happening. Her social circle was incredibly small, living a precarious life dependent on others. She lived in constant fear and trepidation, always obeying Lin Bao's instructions without question. So, she diligently attended classes, studied hard, and went straight home after school. During breaks, she would read, doze off for a bit, or chat with her two best friends.

Lin Meng has always felt that it's better to have a few close friends than many acquaintances. So, with two friends, she feels content. Moreover, she believes that friendships are about fate. These two girls had been in the same class with her since elementary school all the way through high school. She feels that the connection between them must be very deep. When she first started school, the girls in her class kept their distance because of her beauty. This was probably because women have an inexplicable aversion to women who are more beautiful than themselves. So during that time, she didn't make any friends. When rumors began circulating from junior high, even fewer people were willing to associate with her for fear of being labeled as similar to her and ostracized!

Students, from elementary school to university, everywhere they go, there are unspoken rules and small groups!

All of this made Lin Meng a figure that girls envied and boys adored, but Qiqi dismissed him as an irrelevant… well… a rather strange existence!

When Jiang Po Lang first saw Lin Meng, he felt a flutter in his heart. He went all out to find out about her, but the information he gathered from various sources disappointed him greatly. It was like a bucket of cold water poured over his head, extinguishing the fire in his heart almost instantly. Then, the disillusioned boy acted childishly, watching Lin Meng while echoing the resentful gossip others spread. This is how Jiang Cheng Feng came to misunderstand Lin Meng at first.

Now, Jiang Po Lang feels like parting the clouds to see the sun and moon, feeling that everything before him is bright and beautiful. The restless heart of a young man has started to boil with enthusiasm again.

“Lin Meng, let’s go to school together from now on!” It was a cliché pick-up line, but for a student, it was a very practical tactic. Afraid of being rejected by Lin Meng, this guy immediately explained: “You just got out of the hospital, your body is weak, what if you faint on the way I can help you! Besides, things haven't been peaceful around school lately. With me by your side, you won't have to worry about bad guys approaching you. Hehe, let me tell you, I'm not only good at basketball, my fists are also very powerful, passed down from my dad!”

His father was the former captain of the city police station and later became deputy director of the provincial government. He was about to be promoted, his position was hard-earned through his fists. As the saying goes, "like father, like son," Jiang PoLang's skills were naturally exceptional!

Lin Meng thought about it and agreed, but not because of his reasons, but for another reason -- Lin Dong. Thinking back to what happened in their bathroom that rainy night, Lin Meng still felt a shiver down his spine. His heart was filled with unease and, naturally, worry.

As they had lived together for over a decade, Lin Dong knew Lin Meng's personality fairly well, and Lin Meng knew her brother's just as much. What she feared most was that this older brother would play tricks on her. If Jiang Po Lang protected her on the way home from school, she could lock herself in her room after arriving and wouldn't have to worry about Lin Dong doing anything bad.

Lin Meng's nod made Jiang Po Lang overjoyed. After returning, his face and eyes were full of smiles, which he couldn't hide at all.

"You shouldn't get too close to her!" Jiang Chengfeng sat on the sofa, shifting his gaze from the late-night news, narrowing his eyes and looking at Jiang Bolang who was so happy he didn't know which way was up. His soft voice had a chilling undertone.

Jiang Po Lang grinned, revealing a mouthful of healthy white teeth that glittered in the light. "Brother, are you jealous of me!"ld help Jiang family suppress Rong Sanbo, nor was she able to help Rong Sanbo himself. So, regarding his affairs, she pretended she knew nothing about it. This seemed to be the best course of action f...