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the hospital and had undergone recuperation, he could walk around after getting out of bed. However, he still couldn't engage in strenuous exercise, so Lin Meng held him to prevent him from overexerti...At this time, he couldn't have imagined that his most trusted subordinate would directly perform a play in front of him!

This is also because Rong Ling has reached her limit!

He can repeatedly compromise and hold himself back, but once his bottom line is crossed, nothing can stop him!

His bottom line is Lin Meng's departure!

Things were so serious that Lin Meng was going to run away, so what else could he endure This was a huge deal, nothing was more important than him losing his wife!

So, as he angrily came over to chase after Lin Meng, he also made a decision: he was going to tell her everything.

Even God can't stop it!

"I... I've been awake the whole time!" Lin Meng mumbled. She was finally rested and had a bit of energy, enough to turn her head and face him. She didn't understand why he yelled at her like that. She had been awake the whole time, hadn't he noticed

By now, she was very clear that she had heard something extraordinary!

But, didn't he tell her to listen to it!

He was so loud, and he even used a loudspeaker! Wasn't he just trying to make her hear it!

But he yelled at her in the end, and slammed the phone down so harshly that it left her feeling uneasy. What she had just heard was enough to make her understand the seriousness of the situation! Even if she racked her brain, she never would have imagined that Rong Ling would be such a person, and Li Lanqiu turned out to be...

The former shocked her, the latter left her speechless!

That woman really ruined her admiration and yearning for that mysterious profession!

What's wrong with that man's gloomy face right now! Why is she looking at him like that! Could it be, he really didn't know she was awake all along! Did he just realize it now! Then… what should we do now She heard everything! He… will he get into trouble!

"You—heard it all!" he asked in a low voice, his eyes black and fathomless.

She didn't dare to answer, she always felt that his current appearance made her afraid. It was a fearful worry. (..tw無彈窗廣告)

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

"I'm finished!" he suddenly exclaimed, letting out a long sigh and running his hand through his hair in frustration.

She panicked immediately. The thing she feared most had actually happened.

"Rong Ling, I...I didn't hear anything. I heard nothing at all." She stammered nervously. She thought about it for a moment and realized that someone with his status doing such things must be kept secret. Plus, their conversation had just revealed Rong Ling's rejected application and hinted at danger to his life. This was enough to make her understand how serious it would be if she had accidentally overheard anything!

Rong Ling shook her head.

"You heard it all!"

Yet it is an affirmative sentence.

Then I can pretend not to hear anything, you tell the person just now that I didn't hear anything.

They'll find out, this can't be hidden, I'm done for!

He spoke as if he were about to die. This frightened Lin Meng, causing her to burst into tears.

"Rong Ling, you shouldn't be like this. It's all my fault, I... If I hadn't been awake back then, everything would have been fine. It's all my fault..."

“Okay!” he gently touched her face. “Since things have come to this, let’s not talk about it anymore. Besides, weren’t you planning on sneaking away from me anyway Now I'm finished, I'll definitely be locked up. You don't have to sneak around anymore, just go wherever you want, openly and freely. No one will chase after you, no one will tie you down!”

"Rong Ling!" Lin Meng panicked instantly, struggling and scrambling out of bed. With her last bit of strength, she surged forward and clung to him.

“You know I could never leave you. Don’t say things like that.” Tears welled up in her eyes, but she didn’t bother to wipe them away as she quickly explained, “This time, I just wanted to tease you, to make you confess everything honestly. I really didn't want to run away from you. I know you would definitely come after me right away, you couldn't bear to be without me. See, I deliberately took the plane at 1:00 p.m., just waiting for you to catch up.I know there are flights to Milan at 2:30 p.m., 4:00 p.m., and several more in the evening. Once you find my note, you can chase after me anytime. I arrived here in the evening and stayed at a hotel. I won’t go anywhere else, just waiting for you. For a whole night, no matter which flight you take, you'll definitely find me at the hotel.And I know you have something on me, so you can probably find my location wherever I go. I guess it might be in my anklet, but I didn’t take it off because I wanted you to find me as soon as possible. You don't know how happy I was when I saw you found me so quickly..."

Her tears started flowing uncontrollably. “I don’t want to leave you, please don’t get hurt, I want you to be okay.”

He let out a sigh. "I thought you were like four years ago, truly wanting to run away and never come back."

"How is that possible!" she argued hastily. "I just wanted to push you a little, so you wouldn't leave me. You can't think like that! I wouldn't leave you, I've attached myself to you for life!"

Then will you run away again

"She's not running anymore." She cried, tears streaming down her delicate face. Her eyes, clear as two springs, were so pure.

But he still pretended to be suspicious.


"Really!" If she had the strength, she would really nod her head hard.

Running once caused such a big mess, she wouldn't run again. Blinking, two lines of tears rolled down her cheeks, she sobbed softly.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like translated!

"Rong Ling, it's all my fault. If I hadn't run..."

She berated herself. Why couldn't she just endure it, wait for the moment when he could tell her everything Now, she had ruined everything!

"Well, maybe I should hide first. You tell them I didn't hear anything, and then I'll stay out of sight so they don't find me. If they can't find me, they won't be able to do anything to you either—you'll be safe."

"No!" Rong Ling immediately vetoed. This wasn't the outcome he wanted. He had put in a lot of effort to get this little woman under his control, and he certainly wasn't going to personally hand her over.

Lin Meng bit her lip and said again, “Then… then just let them arrest me. I’ll be locked up, cut off from the outside world, and they can rest assured. You said you submitted the application, right Let them keep me detained until the application is approved. That way, it should not affect you”

Rong Ling sighed inwardly, "Silly!"

This foolish woman, why does she think so much for him, why does she always take the blame on herself He is her husband, her man, how can she protect him!

Leave this to me, let me think about it. You just promised me, from now on you'll follow me, absolutely no running off, remember that!

He pulled her close.

She furrowed her brow with worry, but meekly replied with an "mm".

In his heart, he secretly felt a flicker of joy. With her promise, he would be able to save himself a lot of worry in the future. Although this promise couldn't bind her one hundred percent, this little woman always took her promises seriously. As long as nothing happened to upset her, he believed she wouldn't run away again. And for the rest of his life, he would do everything he could to avoid such things from happening!

"What are you going to do over there" she asked him anxiously.

Let me think about it.

Lin Meng stopped talking, afraid that she might disturb her train of thought.

But she was concerned and confused, foolishly falling for Rong Ling's trap again. Rong Ling always planned meticulously; since he intended to tell Lin Meng about the special agent matter, he naturally had everything well-calculated. He deliberately let Lin Meng hear everything from beginning to end, and intentionally shouted at the very end. First, he was removing suspicion from himself in front of his old superior, second, he wanted to coax Lin Meng into making a promise.

This little girl, if you don't give her a good scare, she'll keep causing chaos!

He must bind her securely!

At his old boss's place, he had already figured out how to handle it. He told Lin Meng to "think it over carefully," but that was just acting his part.

After dragging it on for several minutes, acting as if he was truly deep in thought, he finally opened his mouth and instructed Lin Meng.

"If anyone asks about what happened tonight, just tell them the truth!"

"Can this be done" she thought, finding it a little too easy.

Just remember, you only overheard my conversation with the person just now, and then you were startled by the tone of voice on the phone, so you screamed, and that's when I found you. Understand

This was easy. Lin Meng immediately replied with an "Mhm."

Okay, now just be quiet and don't speak. I'm going to call the person who was here earlier!

Lin Meng hurriedly asked, "Will you be alright!"

Pure eyes, filled with pity, watched him with special concern.

"Don't worry!"

He kissed her forehead lightly, putting on a look of deep seriousness, and then dialed the phone.

"Hey, it's me!"

"How are you" The old man's voice was a bit tense.

"She's my wife, she basically heard most of our call just now!"

"What's going on!" The old man suddenly became angry. "How could you let her hear that! How could you make such a basic mistake!"

"Head, I didn't expect it either. I thought I knocked her out, but she's still awake."


Lin Meng's face flushed red all of a sudden. This man, he... how could he even say such things, it's too vulgar!

The old man on the phone was also stunned, his mouth twitching involuntarily.

But Rong Ling continued on, with a face as thick as the city walls. "In the past, she had been by my hands so many times that she would have long since passed out. Today, I don't know what happened. She clearly fainted, but woke up again. Could it be because of the change in location!"

In the end, he uttered those words to himself.

Lin Meng's face was so red it almost seemed to be bleeding. The old man's lips twitched even more violently. No matter how intelligent he was, faced with Rong Ling's revelations, he didn't know how to react!er, was with an air of familiarity.But Lin Meng only smiled playfully, glanced at He Zhanshu who still looked stubborn, and then at He Jia's third aunt standing behind the wheelchair.When He Jia's aun...