error works

Slightly adjusted for time


choosing things in a craft shop on the street when suddenly, Rong Ling's whole body tensed up. Without even thinking, he rushed towards Lin Meng and pulled her into his arms with all his might."Let's...It seems even the sticky notes were intimidated by his fierce gaze, trembling for a moment before finally falling down with a start. He reached out with his large palm and snatched them up.

With a look as if he were about to burn a hole through the paper, he looked at the contents of the sticky note again, chewing over each word.

Rong Ling, I'm leaving. Things have been hectic lately, and I've been easily agitated and hurt. I haven't received an explanation from you, so I think it's best not to burden you any further. You continue with your work. I'll go out for a while to clear my head. I don't know when I'll be back, please don't worry.

As for my son, he'll stay with me for now.

If you wish to find someone new, then sign a divorce agreement and send it to my email. I will do the same!

Lin Meng

Last of all, that PPS is what she truly wanted to express!

To dare to question him about finding a new lover and say "me too," she's practically asking for death! This little woman, he will definitely make her pay.

He crumpled the paper into a ball with a sullen hand, pressed it into his palm, and clenched it into a fist. He squeezed with all his might, grinding it. For a moment, all that could be heard was the sound of bone joints cracking in his palm from the force. This easily made one feel a chill. His eyes, meanwhile, flashed with an eerie and sinister light, flickering on and off. Sometimes, a horrifying flash of red would streak across them – blood seeping from his wounds, forming brilliant drops that silently fell.

He looked like this, as if he were allied with the darkness, living on blood, sending shivers down one's spine! No matter who he was, even someone with immense courage, wouldn't dare to offend him.

Such a terrifying scene finally ended with his letting go.

The moment the giant palm released its grip, a flurry of paper scraps drifted down like snowflakes. The large sheet of paper, crumpled into a ball, was crushed by his terrifying strength into fine shreds, even finer than snow!

Those who know him well all know that anyone capable of infuriating him to this extent is definitely going to die!

He pulled out his phone and commanded in a voice so cold it could freeze people to death.

"Find out where she is now!"

After a while, there was a message from the other end of the phone.

"Boss, the target is moving, very fast. I estimate she's on a plane. As for direction…"

After a while, an initial estimate was finally given.

"Seems like they're flying to Europe!"

Rong Ling changed the number and assigned a new one.

"Investigate today's flights, international ones particularly those headed to Europe, to see if Lin Meng is on any of the flights currently in the air."

Then he probably answered, Rong Ling then hung up the phone.

Then, he noticed his hands. They were still covered in fresh blood. He sullenly pursed his lips and thought that since he was going to be on a plane soon, he'd have to go to the bathroom first and clean up. If that little shrew hadn't left, he wouldn't have bothered. He would have used this very hand to shame her, see if she could still live so comfortably after throwing him away.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He only roughly treated the wound on his hand, didn't even apply medicine, and just haphazardly wrapped it with a gauze.

"Why is the package so good When she finds that stupid woman, then this will be her problem!"

Glaring at the photo on his nightstand, he left the bathroom and sat back in bed.

It instantly caught his eye, stinging him like a brand. The woman's smile, angelic and otherworldly, made him feel sick. Cuddled against him, her eyes shining with love as she gazed into his face—it was the ultimate mockery!

The fire in his heart grew even stronger, he reached out with one hand and slammed the picture frame down hard.

Out of sight, out of mind!

He remembered there was a photo frame on the bedside table, and he felt a surge of anger, childishly wanting to smash it too. But looking at the woman in the frame with her alluring, long, narrow eyes, embracing her even shyly blushing, he boldly and intimately kissed her face, laughing so brightly that even the sunlight hitting her couldn't outshine her. He had already reached out his hand, but hesitated just before pressing down.

These two photos were taken when they went abroad for their wedding photos. On top, there are two little kids. The boy who looks so much like him caused him a very cold glare.

You little brat, I raised you for so long, and when you ran away with your mommy, you didn't even say a word. You're such a white-eyed wolf! Just wait until I catch you, I'll teach you a lesson!

He let out a cold snort in his heart, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

It's just that the photo frame, wasn't pressed at all, so it was just left there.

A while later, his phone rang. He jumped up like a carp leaping over a waterfall, instantly sat upright, and with a composed face, answered the call. The news he received was that Lin Meng was on a flight to Milan and would arrive there around 6:00 PM local time.

"What time is the next flight to Milan" Rong Ling asked coldly.

After a brief thought, Rong Ling made his decision. He ordered his subordinate to make connections immediately and secure the international flight that arrived around 14:00. This way, he could reach Malpensa Airport in Milan around 22:00 local time.Since the woman would disembark in the evening, she would definitely need a place to stay. Whether it was at a hotel or Xiao Yi's provided residence, by the time he arrived, considering she was with her son, they would likely be asleep together. This made finding her extremely convenient. If everything went smoothly, when he found her, chances were high that she would be fast asleep in bed.

That's good, he can take her down in one go!

That woman, when caught, he absolutely won't let her go. She dared to be with Xiao Yi again!

He was so angry that he couldn't help but curse several times in his heart!

Xiao Yi had investigated his situation over the years and had a general understanding from the very beginning. The man went abroad with a large group of people after hiding his identity, choosing Italy, once famous for its Mafia. After a bloody battle, he finally gained a foothold there and established a certain territory. That is to say, this Italy was Xiao Yi's den, the man took his woman into his own home, he didn't have any good intentions! Moreover, once someone was taken into the house, it was like putting a bone into a dog's mouth, wanting to snatch that bone back was not so easy!

He's a minute late, he's a point down!

That's why he was in such a hurry, racing against time. Of all the places that foolish woman could have gone, she had to go to Italy! It wasn't just that she ran away, but she brought that man with her, as if he were some kind of demon!

His hand clenched into a fist again, unable to resist. The cracking sound that followed announced his intense desire to punch someone!

That guy, that girl, and that kid really got on his nerves!

An angry man is terrifying, especially when that man is not an ordinary person. Then it's absolutely terrifying!

Nobody can withstand his wrath!

After more than ten hours on the plane, Lin Meng finally calmed down and fell into a sweet dream. Suddenly, she was roughly pulled out of bed. The force felt like it could dislocate her arm, making her momentarily angry. However, before she could even open her eyes, her heart skipped a beat, and a slight fear crept in.

She remembered that she was abroad now and staying in a hotel. Before going to bed, she had locked the door of her room very well, so who could be pulling her like this now!

She widened her eyes and looked intently.

Under the dim light, a blurred silhouette fell into her eyes, yet it brought her instant peace and a hint of joy.

Could it be him!

He's really fast!

She was not able to organize her thoughts and respond properly before he once again pulled her directly off the bed.

"Ugh... Pain..."

She grumbled softly.

"You hurt me!"

The commotion wasn't huge, but it certainly wasn't small either. It woke up the more alert of the little ones. He jolted upright from his bed, opened wide eyes like a young leopard, and with a slightly fierce gaze, quickly scanned the surroundings. Then the boy's pupils contracted, his tender red lips curled into a smirk, and he looked as if he were about to burst into a smile like a blooming flower. But for some reason, he forcefully suppressed the grin, just staring at Rong Ling with a hint of coolness. However, his small frame had relaxed, unlike the tense anticipation he'd been in at first.

He saw his father with a dark face, coldly dragging his mother out. His mother even said she was hurt, but his father didn't pay any attention. His father wasn't sympathetic; he was the one who felt heartbroken.

"Daddy!" he said, his face tense.

"Follow me!" Rong Ling only coldly threw down those words, continuing to drag Lin Meng outside.

Lin Meng didn't even wear shoes, just walked barefoot, and was dragged out by him.

“What are you doing Don’t pull me, it hurts!” She pushed him and tugged at his arm, trying to get him to let go. But what was infuriating was that this man was practically made of iron, hard as nails. She couldn’t budge him an inch.

"Don't do that, what are you doing"

Her voice rose slightly, expressing displeasure.

He still didn't say a word, dragging her out of the room and turning to go next door. He raised his eyes and motioned to one of his men who had followed him. The man nodded at him and went to break down the door. After some quick tinkering, the man stepped aside. Rong Ling dragged Lin Meng closer, lifted his long leg, and kicked the door open.

At that moment, a dark figure swiftly pounced towards him, its attack fierce and relentless.

Rong Ling shielded Lin Meng with one hand, and with the other, reached out to block.

Don't block the door, come in and have a drink!

His icy and sinister tone conveyed his extreme displeasure and an eagerness to oblige with a killing intent!

That black shadow instantly absorbed all the attacks.

Through the light filtering in from the corridor, one could make out the person's face. It was Xiao Yi. He lived next door to Lin Meng.

Rong Ling pushed Lin Meng forcefully into the room. Lin Meng stumbled and almost fell. Turning back, she pursed her lips and glared angrily at Rong Ling.

Rong Ling also glared viciously at her, "Stay there and don't move!"

He raised his hand again and slapped the kid who had been trailing behind him rudely on the back of the head.

"You just stay put and keep your mouth shut!"

The little boy saw his father's expression was unprecedentedly grim, and he was a little scared, so he didn't dare to speak. He forced himself to maintain the coldness and fearlessness on his face, and maintained his normal pace, walked to Lin Meng's side, grabbed her hand, and stood still.

Ronger's subordinates immediately shut the door. In an instant, the entire room plunged into darkness; one had to strain their eyes to make out anything at all.

Xiao Yi sleeps, doesn't turn on the bedside lamp!

Complete darkness, on the contrary, will be his best protection and cover!

Lin Meng frowned slightly, knowing that what was coming next was inevitable and something she couldn't stop. Still, she spoke up.

"Rong Ling, it was Xiao Yi that I asked for—"

"Shut up!"

To hear this name from her lips, it could only pour oil on the fire that was already burning in Rong Ling's heart!

As soon as the words left his mouth, he charged towards Xiao Yi like a ferocious black panther with an insatiable thirst for blood. Xiao Yi, in turn, met him head-on like a savage wolf, fearlessly attacking Rong Ling. The two dark figures quickly locked in a fierce embrace.

Lin Meng shut her mouth and stared blankly.

Darkness, making it somewhat unclear to see, couldn't stop the ferocity revealed in every move of these two people. The occasional muffled sound of fists hitting flesh, the cracking sound of bones colliding, and the slapping sound of palms striking could make anyone feel that these two people were serious about this fight.The room's furnishings, being swept by these two men, would sometimes emit sounds as well—some broken, some knocked to the ground, either kicked or bumped over. Muffled groans, sounding like those in excruciating pain, would also rise and fall with time; heavy breathing grew increasingly audible.

Lin Meng's lips were pressed tighter and tighter together. She seemed as if she wasn't fazed at all, but the subtle way she tightened her grip on the little boy's hand betrayed her anxious state of mind. Her strength was a bit too much, causing the little boy some pain. However, he didn't care one bit. He stared with bright, tiger-like eyes that seemed to gleam green, greedily watching the duel between the two men who were undoubtedly masters of their craft.

He was excited.

He had inherited the ferocity of his father deep in his blood, boiling and eager to be unleashed. In his mind, he rapidly imprinted those vaguely defined moves, mimicking and practicing them with swiftness.

The commotion in the room gradually grew louder. It finally began to affect the rest of the neighboring guests. In this unfamiliar hotel, different languages, whether curses or shouts, echoed through the halls. At this moment, the phone inside the room also rang. It was the front desk downstairs receiving complaints from other guests and calling to inquire about the situation. But it was destined to be ignored. After all, no one had time to answer it!

After a while, a voice came from outside the door. It was in English. It basically meant that the person inside should open the door quickly, or else he would call the police!

The man identified himself as a hotel front desk staff member!

The two fighters, evenly matched, finally unleashed their ultimate moves, charging at each other. In the darkness, the Black Panther raised its sharp, gleaming claws and struck at the Wolf. The Wolf dodged nimbly, opening its maw to reveal a set of menacing white teeth. Just as it was about to bite, the Black Panther roared, unleashing a wave of power toward the Wolf. It then opened its jaws, diving down like an eagle, and bit fiercely onto the Wolf's neck!

Rong Ling's hands were gripping Xiao Yi's neck with such ferocity, so close to biting it in half!

And Xiao Yi's hand, gripped his arm tightly, blocking him!

Killing, just that little bit short, can be the absolute difference between life and death, the start of another situation!

They still had the upper hand, Rong Ling was temporarily ahead, but he didn't want to fight anymore. After all, this was a foreign land, and even if he was skilled, he couldn't act arrogantly and swagger around. Besides, he didn't have the intention of killing Xiao Yi. Otherwise, he wouldn't have dragged it on for so long and would have revealed his killing move right from the start. After fighting for so long, both sides had a common goal: to inflict as much pain on each other as possible to vent their anger.

"If it weren't for the fact that you saved her life, I would have killed you!"

Rong Lingyin killed fiercely, her gaze cold and sharp like two poisoned daggers!

Xiao Yi let out a fearless cold snort. "If you weren't her man, the moment you walked in, I would have shot you dead!"

Look clearly, this is whose territory here!

Two people, but both are enduring it all for the same woman!

Rong Ling narrowed her eyes, sneering coldly. "It's not just about having a gun in your hand that can kill someone!"

A gun is just a tool. The capable are fearless!

As soon as the words left his mouth, he suddenly let go of Xiao Yi, stood up, and turned to walk towards Lin Meng. His tall figure, bathed in darkness, had eyes that glinted with absolute coldness, like a blood-soaked killer who wouldn't talk emotions with anyone. It seemed as if anything that stood before him was -- kill! Kill! Kill!

Lin Meng was a little scared!

She could sometimes be a bit willful, but ever since she first met this man, she'd been dominated by him, afraid of him. So, when this man displayed pure coldness and killing intent, she couldn't control her fear. But, even if she was afraid, so what! It wasn't that she was afraid, so she didn't love him. It wasn't that she was afraid, so she surrendered. She was afraid only because of the aura he exuded at this moment, but she wasn't afraid of him as a person!

She reached out and grasped his large hand, then felt a slight stickiness. It was too familiar, it was blood. Her heart skipped a beat, then tightened. She was afraid, so she didn't dare to look directly into his eyes, especially when he seemed to merge completely with the darkness, born only to kill. But she still held onto his hand, and gripped it tighter.

Then, she let out a shriek!


Because he lifted her up all of a sudden, her soft belly collided heavily with his hard shoulder. That moment of being airborne, then suddenly feeling weightless and upside down was not pleasant at all. She felt dizzy in the head, a tightness in her chest, and pain in her stomach.

He said nothing, looking utterly indifferent. He slung her over his shoulder and strode out. His cold eyes swept over the small figure, its head barely reaching his waist but whose eyes sparkled with cunning. The little one needed no instruction; he scurried after him, half running, half walking.

The door was opened by one of his subordinates waiting by the side. The light from the corridor poured in immediately, a little dazzlingly so. Those who were excitedly shouting and calling out were abruptly silenced by the two subordinates brought by Rong Ling, who had stopped the front desk staff coldly outside the door. Looking at the tall figure that suddenly walked out of the room, they all fell silent.

Racial and skin tone differences do not affect how someone carries themselves. Rong Ling emanated an aura of "Don't mess with me, don't provoke me unless you want to die," which terrified the receptionist, leaving him frozen like a frog, eyes bulging but unable to move. Because he was too frightened, he couldn't even budge.

This Eastern man was simply more frightening than any of the Sicilian chieftains he had ever laid eyes on, even from afar! The chieftain made him want to flee, but this man gave him the feeling—that he would die!

The air was so thick, they didn't even dare to breathe.

Even those neighbors who had complaints and planned to confront the person inside once they came out were speechless, their faces pale with terror. They found this tall man covered in bruises frightening, almost more terrifying than a demon rising from hell. His eyes, they could eat you alive!

Thus, in absolute silence, Rong Ling carried Lin Meng back to her room. The little ones following behind straightened their chests even more diligently. With an air of coldness and arrogance approaching his father’s, they followed closely behind. However, anyone who knew better could tell from his unsteady steps that he was secretly proud, gloried in his father’s achievements, and brimming with excitement!

This is just a kid who has an instinctive worship of his father!

The door, gently pushed open by the little child, blocked everyone's view. Rong Ling's people moved their position, guarding the front of the door. Another group of people, belonging to Xiao Yi's forces, quickly appeared, persuading the front desk staff and guests to leave.

In the room, Xiao Yi, who had already stood up, narrowed his eyes, with a sinister light flowing in them. This battle was beyond his expectations. Rong Ling's skill was as agile as it used to be after all these years, but he shouldn't have been able to suppress him. For five years, he had brought people here and clashed with the existing forces here, basically coming through hail of bullets. The tempering of facing death many times made his strength far superior to that of five years ago. He should have been fully capable of defeating Rong Ling, but in the end, how did Rong Ling get a slight upper hand!

That's pretty interesting!

His eyes flashed suddenly, becoming extremely bright!

This busy man in business, these years, what exactly has he been using to hone his skills!

He felt as if he had glimpsed a secret, and then, with a slight thrill of excitement.'t just going back because she was moved by him, but rather, she was a little worried about him. The rumors outside were intense, serious accusations that he could end up in jail. Thinking about it, i...