error works



y vigilant enough. This personality seemed to believe people too easily. That's why, she slept so soundly, like a silly little pig.However—Xiao Yi curled his lips into a satisfied smile. Perhaps it wa...The sky was full of clouds, and the sun struggled to break through them. It peeked out from time to time, casting intermittent rays of sunshine on her body, like a battle between light and darkness. She bathed in the sunlight, feeling as if the past week had been unreal, like a dream. When the clouds obscured the sun, plunging the world into gloom, she felt as though she were living in a different world altogether…

She didn't feel any lighter, her steps instead felt heavy as if she were carrying a thousand pounds. She wasn't sure how much effort it took to force herself to stand straight and leave this opulent Jade Pavilion. There were so many people coming and going, but she only focused on the path ahead, not looking sideways, afraid that if she accidentally met someone's eyes, they would see through her faade and expose the filth within her soul…

Transaction, this is a transaction, a trade of money for flesh...

No matter how she denies it, this fact that might become a lifelong humiliation for her cannot be erased!

What's even more ridiculous is that she forgot her initial intentions and got lost in this transaction of selling herself! She reveled in his fleeting tenderness, weaving dreams that she thought were beautiful. Now, waking up, it feels colder than a bucket of ice water being poured over her head!

She stumbled into a passing taxi, her legs heavy with exhaustion. The driver's low voice asked where she was going, but words failed her. She should have given him the address of her home, but was that place truly her home Her father, mother, brother, and sister - though all bound by blood, their connection felt flimsy and weak, relying solely on their shared lineage. The only comfort she found within this family was her father, yet it was he who had brought her into the world and then handed her over to someone else. (..tw好看的小說) How could she return What face could she show them How could she confront her blood-related father, the cold indifference of her mother, brother, and sister...

His lips moved several times, trying to utter that familiar address, but he remained silent. Instead -- tears came first!

My heart feels like it's been cut open, and with the slightest movement, blood gushes out.

The driver silently started the car, perhaps he had already gotten used to this kind of tearful passenger! He didn't ask her, maybe it was a kind of empathy.

Her voice trembled, every word choked with emotion, her sobs unmistakable. "… Just… just… walk around…"

These four characters, however, already represent all her effort!

Language itself, perhaps, possesses a magical power. Once uttered in words, the things buried deep within our hearts seem to surge forth as if released by an unspoken spell. She couldn't hold back her tears any longer, feeling an overwhelming sorrow threatening to crush her!

She came trembling, carrying humiliation and hoping for a swift release. Yet, she never expected that when she left, it would be with such heartache and reluctance! Why must she endure such a fate Why couldn't she remain in this state of humiliation Why did she have to meet him Why was he so outstanding Why did he choose to reveal his gentleness...

If she had met someone else, a terrible person, perhaps after this awful week, she would have cried her eyes out, and after all the crying, she would quietly bury everything and go back to her old life. But it was him she met, how could she possibly forget!

Why can these adults always be so carefree They say give away and they give away, say take over and they take over, say possess and they possess. And then—they say throw away and they throw away

Why didn't he even care about her feelings, not saying a word, just letting her leave like that The night before they could still be so affectionate, but the next day he could be so cold! And from then on, they were strangers!

She might be humble, perhaps even disgraceful or cheap, coming here for what she wants. But is she truly so insignificant, so small that he doesn't even want to keep her

Oh, Lin Meng, Lin Meng, why must you be Lin Meng If you weren't Lin Meng, wouldn't that be wonderful!


This name has been whispered in my heart countless times, but I can never utter it openly. Since this is just a transaction, I shouldn't be so good to her. I've bought her clothes, taken her out for meals, and even gone on a cable car ride with her... Even changing some business decisions because of her!

He shouldn't be this good to her, so let her revel in it, lost in the self-directed daydream. From the moment she was conscious, until now, no one has ever treated her as well as he did, so she got close to him so easily and foolishly wanted to rely on him. But he's a heaven-sent prodigy, surrounded by girls who are far better than herself, like He Ya, Xi Lan, and that Miao Qing.

What does she even think she is She's nothing!

That night, I shouldn't have been saved by him. Perhaps I would have been left out in the rain and gotten pneumonia, spending time in the hospital with a brief encounter, waiting for my release date before being handed over to my family. That would have been fine. Then, while resentful of him, I could tell myself that he was a jerk, not worth a second thought, and that I had merely fallen ill. Once recovered and discharged, it would be over!

...But strangely enough...,

She wished she could hate him more, that she could dredge up memories of his unpleasant features, but she couldn't. To her despair, she realized he was the best person in the world to her! he murmured with a languid, almost bored smile, his voice husky as he nibbled playfully at her ear. "It'll all start again soon. You don't have to leave."She blushed and shrank back.He felt a flutter...