error works

Three hundred and one


rim, gritting his teeth as he barked orders at Ah Yi, who was responsible for protecting the little one. This had already become a matter of going to any lengths, even risking exposing everything abou...So, the next day, all sorts of rumors about He Ya spread throughout city B just like the ancient poem says, "As if overnight a spring breeze came, thousands and thousands of pear blossoms bloomed." Of course, these rumors were nothing like the beauty described in the poem!

That woman from the He family, she's actually a flirtatious troublemaker!

This surprised some people, and some who were already predisposed to find it appealing found it even more so.

Although, at last night's birthday banquet, Old Madam He made an explanation, saying that He Ya’s behavior and being with Rong Ling and Yu Xu stemmed from a bet among young people. He Ya wanted to hold an art exhibition, with mostly nude women. She was an artist and didn't mind using herself as a human model for others to sketch, but the premise was that Rong Ling had to paint her. If Rong Ling could paint her vividly and make her satisfied, she would hang her painting; but if it wasn't satisfactory, her painting definitely wouldn't appear. At that time, when many women entered the room, it was precisely when Rong Ling was about to start painting. As for Yu Xu, he acted as a witness. Meanwhile, He Ya, who had dressed up again and looked unrecognizable from her previous disheveled state, welcomed everyone to her exhibition with a smile at the banquet!

This explanation is far-fetched because there are many inconsistencies. Firstly, where was the painting board The women don't remember a painting board being in the room at the time. Secondly, why would Rong Ling be angry Thirdly, why would He Ya cry Fourthly, what was the basis for her accusation against Yu Xu

In short, the more I think about it, the more it feels off!

But the He family insisted on this reason, and no one else could find out more. Moreover, during the night, the He family spent a lot of money to get many paintings, and the next day they set up a personal gallery and put the paintings on display. This was really lavish.

To say, the He family, a century-old clan like this, has a pretty wide network of contacts and is quite formidable in terms of strength.

Everyone was half-believing and half-doubting the words of both the old woman and He Ya, but the golden invitation in their hands proved that He Ya's art exhibition was definitely going to be held, and that too very soon, just five days later! The He family hoped that this grandly named exhibition could quickly dispel the rumors and gossip surrounding He Ya. However, this involved two heavyweight figures: Rong Ling and Yu Xu. These two people gave off an air of defiance and were known for their integrity, refusing to lie. Compared to these two, He Ya, as an "artist," seemed very thin and fragile.

Furthermore, people's impression of artists is that they have a dissolute private life! Therefore, it's quite normal for He Ya to make such bold and flamboyant performances at the time. In short, men who like to hunt for beautiful women all had the intention of getting He Ya. This kind of thought can quickly allow He Ya to feel it to the fullest.

Since she decided to hold an exhibition, she had to appear busy, at least make some people see her running around. In the process, she inevitably came into contact with some men. Those men looked at her with ambiguous and provocative eyes, and some were completely unrestrained, which made her angry and disgusted. Even worse, some men boldly and sexually touched her hand in front of others, leaned close to her, and whispered invitations to "try" with him, claiming they could make her feel good!

He Yacha was almost brought to tears by anger. She bit her lip hard to hold back the tears and slapped that clueless man right across the face. Then, she drove home, crying all the way. ( a great novel)

"Grandma, you have to help me ruin that person, ruin him! Waaah... It's too much, it's too much..."

To be this big, this is the greatest insult she has ever received!

Old Mrs. He held her, sighing repeatedly. She had already expected her granddaughter to suffer such things. They had done everything they could to salvage the situation, but some things happened and that was that. You can't erase something just because you desperately want to.

“Girl, just bear with it. Just until the exhibition ends.”

Then, when she goes abroad, she won't be attacked by rumors and gossip in the country. By the way, it can also cool down the heated situation. When she appears before Kyoto's elite with Ling's child, it will be a whole new situation. Between her and Ling, even having a child means the public can no longer doubt. That night at the birthday party was just a gamble. They could reasonably explain that Ling's anger was just a lovers' quarrel. When that time comes, it will be the He family's time to shine.

These are all agreed upon by the family members.

He Ya, upon hearing this, felt a slight ease in her heart, and gradually, her tears slowed down.

But the man who tried to assault her had to be punished, otherwise, people outside would really think that her family was easy to bully. Old Mrs. He immediately ordered someone to punish the boy. This matter had to be done openly and honestly, just to show others. When they spoke, they should be careful! Even if they thought it in their hearts, they had to swallow those words.

If the He family thinks that Rong Ling is only capable of spreading rumors, then they are greatly mistaken!

In the afternoon, computers in various companies operated by the He family suddenly went black and stopped working. If this happened to just one company, it would be understandable. However, different companies in different locations all experienced the same problem, raising suspicions of a malicious cyberattack.Immediately, IT departments in each company rushed into emergency computer repair work. However, people working in IT departments usually lack the skills of true computer experts. Most skilled experts had already moved to the IT industry. These individuals struggled for hours but couldn't solve the issue. They repeatedly stated that the attacker was too powerful and they couldn't crack it within a short timeframe. With no other options, each company began seeking help from specialized IT experts. This was a massive undertaking. Just looking at the He family's scattered company locations showed the scale of the problem. Moreover, since this was a "malicious attack," it wouldn't be easily resolved!

Look at those masters sitting in front of their computers. From the beginning, they were arrogant and indifferent. Then, as the competition progressed, they started to take it seriously, becoming focused and determined. Their brows furrowed, their eyes narrowed with intensity. Finally, sweat beaded on their foreheads, and their gaze became vacant and unfocused. It was clear that they had been completely overwhelmed! The attacker was obviously a master among masters; these were just amateurs in comparison. Immediately, they picked up their phones and called for backup from even more skilled colleagues. The experts arrived, started tinkering with their computers, and an hour passed… then two hours… then three hours...

The Master rose to his feet, frowning, his face darkening.

"Sorry, there's nothing we can do about your company's affairs!"

Saying that, he led his men away, not even taking the money. He and the other party weren't on the same level at all; he was afraid that if he kept making a fuss, he might accidentally incur retaliation. By then, it could be their company's computers that were crippled collectively. As IT personnel, their company's computers were the last line of defense, a symbol of prestige. If they were ultimately brought down, then there would be no need for them to continue working! An IT company where someone else can bring their computers to a standstill would only be a laughingstock; no clients would come knocking. Moreover, it was obvious that this He family's company had gotten involved with something dangerous. They, who had no connection to begin with, didn't need to get caught up in this.

After the company withdrew, no other computer companies came calling for a while. They're all in the same industry, so any little ripple effect is known to everyone. No one wanted to get involved with the big shot behind those computers!d, telling him to come over quickly, she was waiting for him in the room.She already knew that Rong Ling had found Lin Meng, so she dared to make a scene at this time. She also knew that Rong Ling was...