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at man trembled as he reached out to pick up the money, stuffing it into his pocket. He struggled to climb to his feet, clutching his immobile arm, and walked away unsteadily. The three standing by, t...Zhang instantly diagnosed a ruptured spleen, a true rupture with internal bleeding. Surgery was needed immediately. If that were the case, surgery was indeed necessary. When dealing with such a serious emergency, the surgeon could, based on their experience, omit a series of diagnostic steps, such as not taking a CT scan or an ultrasound, and prioritize saving the patient's life first.

If this were a true rupture, then multiple venous channels would need to be established. Such a surgery is beyond Zhang's capabilities; he could assist, but not independently lead it. For him to recklessly operate would risk not only failing to save the patient but also potentially killing them on the operating table. A massive hemorrhage is no joke—if uncontrolled, within ten minutes, the patient will surely die.

Just take this point for example, Zhang Yichen made a big mistake immediately!

Furthermore, not having the parents sign a surgical consent form was a major mistake. Even if the situation was urgent at the time, as a surgeon, this is something that should be ingrained in his mind from day one. If anything goes wrong because of this, it would tarnish the hospital's reputation and put the hospital in a difficult position.

But that's not all!

Several experts consulted and found that the child's condition was not as serious as recorded by Zhang Yishen.

Zhang was not a fresh graduate from medical school, but a seasoned intern who had worked in the hospital for years and now even held the qualification to be the lead surgeon. Could he possibly be unable to tell if this was a true rupture!

Here's the translation of your provided text:

This is a disease that doesn't require surgery at all, yet he told the family that the patient was in critical condition, hemorrhaging, and needed immediate surgery. What does he mean! If surgery were to be performed, it wouldn't be something he could handle, so what does that mean!

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

The dean is almost sixty years old. He has walked more paths than others have eaten salt. Thinking deeply about it, you know this matter is strange. How can one not be startled!

This child now has two lost teeth and bleeding gums; a sprain with local bleeding on the ankle, which was also twisted. However, after some adjustment and rest for a few days, there shouldn't be much of a problem. The more serious issue is a ruptured spleen. An experienced doctor can tell at a glance that surgery isn't immediately necessary. The preliminary estimate is that it's likely an intracapsular splenic rupture. He will need to be hospitalized for observation for half a month. If there are no changes, he can be discharged normally!

Overall, the child is safe and nothing serious happened!

Hospitals are places of wonders, where anything can happen. The director knew he couldn't say anything more, but the doctors present must have had some bad guesses in their hearts. The doctors looked at the director with uncertainty, seeking reassurance. Who knows what kind of powerful connections were involved when it comes to a big person's child! The director declared that if they all did their best, they could rest assured and act boldly!

Needless to say, Xiaoyou's injuries were basically nothing technically demanding. There was no need to rush. After waiting for the little one to be pushed for a CT scan and all the big and small wounds on his body were processed, Rong Ling also arrived. He was in another city and received a call, so he couldn't help but drive back at high speed.

So, he arrived even faster than Shiyu. Of course, he also came with several excellent professors from Shuangmu Hospital.

After both medical teams met and reviewed the fresh CT scan, it was almost certain that this was a subcapsular splenic rupture, which was benign and did not require surgery. Bed rest was immediately recommended. However, to prevent a sudden progression from a subcapsular splenic rupture to a more serious true rupture, the young patient needed to be hospitalized for observation for half a month.

Lin Meng naturally listened to the doctor's words, especially after Rong Ling's younger brother, Shi Yu, came. She basically felt at ease. Upon hearing that the little one was fine and didn't need surgery, she waited for the anesthesia to wear off from the little guy's body, and he became a lively little boy again. Her heart felt happy, her face showed a hint of a smile, and she repeatedly thanked the doctors, including the director.

Lin Meng didn't understand these medical things very well and naturally didn't know the dangers that might be involved. Shi Yu had a hospital under his name, so he naturally understood much more than Lin Meng. After listening carefully to the whole process, without saying a word, he called someone and detained Zhang Yichen.

Rong Jia's little secrets, Rong Ling didn't tell Lin Meng, but his several brothers knew some. Smart people all know that something is unusual about this. Doctors can save lives, but they can also "reasonably and legally" kill people. There aren't a few people who die on the operating table!

Zhang Yichen was quickly transferred away. When he was being taken, Zhang Yichen was still a little unhappy and shouted at Shi Yu, asking why. Shi Yu was impatient and annoyed, so he directly ordered someone to take off his doctor's uniform, tape his mouth shut, and drag him into the car, heading for the interrogation room.

This is a society under the rule of law, but sometimes you can't rely on others. You might have to "ask" them yourself!

When the boy was brought in, he had already been admitted to a luxurious ward. The anesthetic hadn't worn off yet, and the little guy was still asleep. Lin Meng stood beside him, her eyes fixed on the child. Although the doctor had said everything was fine, she kept thinking about what had happened before, feeling a shiver of fear. She didn't know much, but she also knew that surgery shouldn't have been done in the first place. It was unusual, so she was afraid that if she closed her eyes for a moment, the child would disappear.

When Rong Ling pulled her into his embrace from behind, she trembled and turned to look at him, tears welling up before a word could be spoken.

His eyes were deep, bottomless like black holes. His aura was restrained yet held a tense tension, like a bowstring strung taut, coated with the bloody scent of impending slaughter. An arrow lay poised, ready to be unleashed at the opportune moment, sending a flurry of crimson into the sky.

He was already furious, but he would just hold it in!

Maintain a composed and impassive demeanor, keeping your emotions in check. This will prevent the other party from gaining an advantage and allow you to deliver a decisive blow in the shortest amount of time!

None of them can move!

"Rong Ling…"

Lynn gazed into this familiar and comforting handsome face, choked back a sob, half-turned her body, and reached out to tightly hug him around the waist. She leaned in, tears streaming down her face.

"I almost got scared to death..."

His big hand slowly touched the back of her head, gently pressing her against his waist. She had been sobbing intermittently, but probably feeling comforted and supported, she burst into full-blown sobs. The weight on her heart was too much; only when the man arrived did she find an outlet for her emotions.

The man remained silent, like a mountain. His lips were tightly pressed together, and his dark eyes radiated a chilling killing intent.

He knew that any words of comfort at this moment would be useless, so he simply stroked her head gently, letting her cry out loud. She needed to vent, and being able to cry was a good thing. Once she cried it out, she'd feel better.

Soon, the scalding hot tears soaked through his clothes, and he felt a dampness around his waist. This warmth brought him a burning pain. He tightened his grip, then narrowed his pupils, forcing himself to slowly release his fingers again, still gently stroking her silky hair.

She had cried enough, lifting her face that was wet with tears. Her bloodshot eyes were wide open, staring straight at him, her silver teeth almost breaking through her lip.

"About YouYou, you have to help me!"

She glared at him, brooking no refusal.

He let out a low sigh, reached out and touched her face, wiping away the tears that stained his hands. "What are you doing What's wrong with you! Yoyo's matter is also my matter!"

Slowly, tears flowed from her eyes. Lin Meng's lips moved, whispering "Rong Ling", then she hugged him tightly, pressing her face against him and sobbing, "Thankfully you're here... Thankfully you're here..."

Róng Líng lowered his eyes, his expression complicated.

Stone Feather walked into the ward, and at a glance, he saw Lin Meng sitting there holding Rong Ling's waist and sobbing. He felt a little embarrassed for a moment, wanting to call out to Rong Ling, but he hesitated again. As his figure flickered past, Rong Ling noticed it and slightly turned his head to look over. Stone Feather pointed outside and went out first.

With a knowing smile, Rong Ling patted Lin Meng's shoulder and said, "I'm going out for a bit!"

"Where are you going" Lin Meng cried out, lifting her little face. Her hands, however, still held onto Rong Ling tightly, as if afraid he would disappear too.

"Go out and ask Shiyu about the situation, and I'll be back soon."

Lin Meng really wanted to go with him, but she couldn't bear to leave her son who was still sleeping. So she said, "Then you go quickly and come back quickly. Tell me the results after you come back!"

“Then you shouldn’t cry either.” Rong Ling reached out, his big hand gently wiping her face. “The little one is probably waking up soon. Don’t let him see you, the mother, crying like this, or else he’ll probably start crying too.”

Lin Meng sniffed and meekly replied, "Hmm." "Then go quickly and come back soon,"

Then she got up and gently pecked Rong Ling's face.

Rong Ling was slightly surprised, but Lin Meng sat down instead. Then she placed her hands on the bed, leaning her body against the mattress, her eyes fixed intently on her son.

Looking down from above, she seems so small. Her hair falls casually over her face, partially obscuring her profile and revealing her adorable little ears. One wouldn't guess that she's already a mother of a four-year-old child!

At only 21 years old, she's already terrified for a child!

Rong Ling's heart moved slightly. He leaned down and gently brushed away a strand of hair beside her cheek, his thin lips also pecking lightly on her face. She turned her head, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and her watery eyes looked at him meekly, her pupils filled with only him. He smiled slightly, reached out to ruffle her hair, and walked out.

As soon as he left the ward, his smile faded. Shi Yu approached him and whispered in his ear, piecing together what had happened based on what he knew.

This young boy, Youyou, Rong Ling is also familiar with him. He is the eldest son of Rong Qikeng and Mu Xin Feng, from their own family -- Rong Hentuo. It's roughly that yesterday his younger brother Rong Hendao lost to Youyou in a fight, so today this older brother came over to find a fight for his younger brother.

Rong Hengduo, a young prodigy within the Rong family, had been highly anticipated. At a tender age, he sought out renowned masters to learn martial arts. Even at seven years old, he had already enrolled in elementary school. A seven-year-old's physical prowess surpasses that of a four-year-old by leaps and bounds. Coupled with Rong Hengduo's martial arts training, the outcome of this brawl was essentially predetermined. Xiao Youyou's defeat was inevitable, and he suffered a severe beating. However, the young boy displayed intelligence, instinctively protecting his vital areas during his loss. This is an innate reaction from those who practice martial arts. Examining Xiao Youyou's injuries reveals that he likely curled himself into a tight ball, shielding his crucial points with his hands and feet.

Rong Hengtuo doesn't strike lightly, which can be seen from the numerous bruises on the young boy's arms, legs, and back. If not for the boy's quick reflexes, the injuries could have been far worse than just a bruised spleen. A broken rib could have pierced his lung, or a fractured shin might have left him with a permanent disability - both very serious matters.

The kindergarten teachers also tried to stop the fight, but Rong Hengduo and his group blocked them. The teachers couldn't or didn't dare to intervene. Speaking of which, we have to mention little Xiao Mumumu. At that time, the children were either scared stiff, too afraid to move, or crying their lungs out. They only calmed down when the teachers comforted them. Then Xiao Mumumu heard the commotion and rushed over, yelling at Rong Hengduo to stop.

Rong Sanbo's precious granddaughter, Rong Hengduo's men wouldn't know her They didn't dare to stop her, nor could they. Little Mumumu saw that Rong Hengduo didn't stop his hand, so she panicked and rushed over, pouncing on Little Youyou, her small body clumsily covering the little guy, looking like a female hero saving the beauty.

Rong Hengduo naturally couldn't kick at Xiao Mumumu. He just commanded his men to pull her away. Xiao Mumumu didn't give in, crying and yelling that she would tell her grandfather and have him punish him. Rong Sanbo stood there majestically, and Rong Hengduo didn't want to leave a bad impression on Xiao Mumumu's heart, so he stopped. He crouched down and coaxed Xiao Mumumu softly, explaining that this was his older brother avenging his younger brother. In a fight, if you are not as skilled, then admit defeat gracefully.

Xiao Mumumu started making a fuss, saying that it wasn't right to hit people like that. It was at this time that the kindergarten immediately sent a teacher up to instruct them to take Xiao Youyou onto the car and rush to the hospital. Then, Teacher Fang immediately called Lin Meng.

What followed were the events that happened in the hospital.

Shi Yu himself came from a prominent family and would never look down on anyone, even a child who had always been hailed as an angel! After all, children from influential families are rarely simple, especially the offspring of Rong Qi Keng!

Zhang Yishen was already in the hands of Lao Si Yu Xu. Don't look at Yu Xu always smiling, loving to laugh and joke, but this kid also loves killing. The bloodthirsty factor in his blood is not missing anywhere. With so many brothers under his command, there would naturally be a special way to deal with traitors like Zhang Yishen. Once Zhang Yishen fell into his hands, he showed some "true colors," and the kid was frightened, honestly confessing everything. He pointed out that he had contacted the Mu family last night, indicating that the child was supposed to be brought over soon. The illness was spleen rupture. No matter how severe the rupture, Zhang Yishen would only be responsible for taking over and then going on stage to perform surgery, causing the child to bleed profusely and die. In this way, even if the parents pursued the truth, at most they could only define it as a medical accident. Zhang Yishen might bear some responsibility, but the Mu family guaranteed to protect him. Naturally, once Zhang Yishen completed this matter, he would also receive many other benefits from the Mu family afterward!

In this way, we can deduce that Rong Hengduo acted intentionally. He started a fight with the pretext of avenging his younger brother and took the opportunity to send the young boy to the hospital. Furthermore, there is suspicion that he deliberately kicked the boy's spleen.

Of course, it was impossible for Rong Hengduo to orchestrate all this; he was too inexperienced. The mastermind behind it all was naturally his parents. They had planned everything so carefully. If Lin Meng had arrived a few minutes late, if the doctor Qi Mingyuan hadn't appeared, or if Rong Ling hadn't been there, any one of these links breaking would have resulted in an extra cold corpse on the operating table now.

This process was incredibly dangerous!

"Should we wait for the little guy to wake up and transfer him to Shuangmu" Shi Yu asked, frowning.

Rong Ling shook her head. "No, just let him stay here, don't move, until he's discharged. I want to make a big fuss about this, letting everyone know what happened, so that those with ill intentions won't dare to move again! Second brother, you quietly spread the word about this, don't be blatant, do it secretly, underhandedly, but make sure that in the end, everyone who needs to know will know!"

Shi Yu had a slight understanding and smiled faintly. "Okay, I promise to get this done for you!"

Shi Yu went out first, Rong Ling stood there in thought.

Lin Meng and Xiao Youyou's relationship being discovered didn't surprise him at all. After all, there were many people around him who cared about such things, and they would inevitably pay close attention to his actions. The day he hurriedly used a plane to find Lin Meng, he knew that basically nothing could be kept secret anymore. He had probably anticipated this and didn't want to hide it either.

Since this kind of thing was bound to be discovered eventually, it would be better for him to take the initiative and expose both mother and child to public view. This way, it would be better than having them discovered secretly and quietly dealt with!

Anyone with a discerning mind like Rong Qikeng would know, and certainly his uncle Rong Sanbo as well. Naturally, there are other members of the Rong family, and individuals from other factions who would also be aware.

He kept delaying his marriage, which was the most acceptable course of action in his mind because it would be more beneficial for his son's future rise to power. That's why Xiao Youyou suddenly appeared. The moment Rong Qikeng discovered him, he would become alert and might even act like a cat whose fur stood on end. If he suspected Xiao Youyou's identity, this suspicion would take root and grow until he inevitably took action against Xiao Youyou. Therefore, Rong Ling was waiting.

Xiaoyou was bound to meet with disaster, he had anticipated this. Although he had made certain arrangements, secretly protecting the little one, he couldn't leave any traces, otherwise, the shrewd Rong Qikeng would surely notice. This man had been destined to become the head of the Rong family, but he was far from a fool! Once they alerted him, the situation afterward would be incredibly difficult to control, and things would become very complicated.

Xiaoyou was beaten, he knew it, but he could only endure it and prevent anyone from interfering. Sometimes, momentary pain is for the sake of ensuring long-term peace of mind. It was just during the process of being sent to the hospital that things took a turn, making him somewhat passive. He was already a brilliant person who had experienced too much scheming and deceit. With a little thought, he realized that this matter might not be over yet, so he held back until his child entered Heqi Hospital, then he hastily contacted Qimingyuan through Shiyu's relationship, asking him to take care of it.

Time was still too tight, so when Lin Meng cried on the phone, saying no to surgery and wanting a different doctor, he would jump up from his office chair, afraid that his risky move would harm his son and make this woman lose her heart forever. He clearly understood what his son meant to this woman. He basically didn't doubt that if his son was gone, this woman might just go blind in both eyes and jump off the building!

Fortunately, Qi Ming arrived just in time. That little woman knew to seek his help at the critical moment. In this way, the situation was finally brought under control, and he felt relieved. Only then could he, according to his own wishes, postpone the subsequent negotiations with all the accompanying personnel and drive here.

He couldn't make a move, enduring everything just to place the child completely in the victim's position, drawing out sympathy and pity from everyone. He had to ensure his innocence; only after the event could he emerge, playing the role of a righteous avenger for the child. If he showed himself too early or revealed any hint, Rong Qikeng would turn the tables, accusing him of sinister intentions and using the child as bait. If things escalated to this point, all his efforts would be in vain. The target of public outrage would become him, making him disliked and ostracized. Rong Qikeng could then act recklessly against the child again! If the child were harmed once more, people might not suspect Rong Qikeng but instead question him for using a "cruel trick to avoid catching the wolf" by pretending to care about the child.

In short, bear it!

Whoever's forbearance is the most outstanding, that person shall be the ultimate winner!

Look now, things are completely different, and victory has totally swung in his favor!

If Shiyu reveals the relevant information, then everyone's view of Rong Qikeng will change. Even Rong Hentuo, who is currently well-liked by everyone, will also face some condemnation. Once he makes his final move, it will basically guarantee that Rong Qikeng will never dare to make a move against the little guy again!

Rong Ling, here, used his super brain to go through everything over and over again, feeling that there were no loopholes, only then did he slightly raise the corner of his cold mouth, revealing a cruel smile.

If you want to lay a hand on him, Rong Qikeng, you better not overestimate yourself!

He straightened his face and returned to the ward. Lin Meng was sitting by the bed, still with a look of worry on her face, her eyes swollen, from crying just moments ago.

Rong Ling walked over and sat down by the bed. He forcefully pulled Lin Meng closer, making her sit between his legs and fall into his arms.

She looked up at him silently.

He whispered softly, "Hold me for a while!"

Her nose felt sour, and she thought he was also afraid. She hummed softly, her eyes welling up with tears again, but she held them back, letting her body soften and leaning quietly against his chest.

Rong Ling reached out and tightened the small waist cinch around her. His resolute jaw gently rested against her soft shoulder, whispering in his heart: "Woman, this time everything will be under my control, so don't act recklessly, don't be stupid, just give me everything, you just be obedient, I'll definitely protect you well, and... our son!"using chaos and making things messy.Finally, with the crowd behind her, she sought out Mother He alone and pleaded for help. Mother He coldly shot back at her."What! How do you check! Who knows when s...