error works



framed by strands of jet-black hair, instantly brought to Gao Xi's mind this line of poetry: "It is in that gentle lowering of her head that tenderness resides, like a water lily blushing shyly agains...Lin Meng looked up at him, still stubbornly and coldly.

"Don't leave unless you go out!"

Xiao Yi's anger flared, his face darkening with a barely restrained fury. He resembled the sky shrouded in heavy storm clouds, about to unleash a tempest of rage. He glared fiercely at Lin Meng, his bloodshot eyes gleaming like those of a hungry wolf, snarling and ready to tear its prey apart. Seeing that the girl before him remained unfazed, defiantly standing against him, he let out a chilling laugh laced with anger.

"Well, would I have to help you again!"

As he spoke, without waiting for her reply, he stepped forward, grabbing the front of her shirt with a large hand. His hands were just slightly pressing down, and they could easily tear the shirt open along the buttons. Lin Meng reacted quickly, grasping onto Xiao Yi's hand with her left hand.

"No!" She gritted her teeth, glaring angrily at Xiao Yi.

“This isn't up to you to decide!” Xiao Yi mocked coldly, not even moving her arm away. In his eyes, her small arms and legs couldn't possibly pose a threat. His two hands had firmly grasped the sides of her blouse, and as he slightly pulled it apart, Lin Meng let out a low growl: "If you really dare, then I won't keep my promise!"

Xiao Yi's five fingers tightened, and her long phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, appearing even colder. Did this woman know what she was saying!

Lin Meng narrowed her eyes, gritted her teeth, and said with a determined air: “If you dare to leave, then I’ll tell you, I’ll absolutely leave, and I’ll never come back!”

"Threaten me!" His voice was filled with burning anger.

Lin Meng pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow arrogantly. "Whatever you think! Now, I just want you to leave!"

Xiao Yi's breathing became heavy all of a sudden. The feeling of being threatened, controlled by someone, was really unpleasant. What made it worse was that the one threatening him was a young woman, a woman he could crush with one hand, and yet, dammit, he was helpless against her!

"Today, it's you who broke your promise!" He gritted his teeth and roared, "You publicly destroyed the agreement first, yet you still want me to keep my end of the bargain. Isn't that ridiculous!"

She was also clever, and at a critical moment, she retorted with quick wit. "I only agreed to go with you, but that doesn't mean I have to be faithful to you, does it!"

“You――” How could this woman say such things Xiao Yi was furious! Where did she learn these nonsensical things! According to her past, she followed him and remained faithful. Wasn’t that a matter of course! It was all Rong Ling’s fault, he must have corrupted her!

He snorted angrily. "Don't push me!"

"Okay, as long as you leave, I won't bother you!"

She looks like this, she really deserves to die!

“Don’t use that sharp-tongued approach with me, Lin Meng. You have to remember, you owe me. And you should also clearly understand that although we haven't explicitly said it, since you promised to follow me, the very least you should do is be loyal to me. Do I need to write down everything you should and shouldn’t do on paper for you to follow one by one! Lin Meng, I don’t want to make things awkward between us. I think you feel the same way too! This time, Lin Meng, you have to admit it, and you also need to reflect on your wrongdoing!”

"Okay, I'll think about it."

“What’s your attitude!” He, however, felt that her attitude wasn't sincere enough. Besides, how could he just let her off so easily! Reflect Reflect your ass! Who knows what she's thinking Who knows if she's actually reflecting or using the opportunity to relive this afternoon's affair!

"Damn it!" he cursed, his heart flaring with anger at the thought of what had happened this afternoon.

"Don't change the subject, I told you to wash it, right now!"

"Get out!"

The problem has returned to the beginning!

"You're mine now, so what if I watch to see if you've washed properly!"

Lin Meng pursed her lips and gave him a cold look.

His attitude was also cold.

For a moment, the two of them stared at each other in astonishment!

Lin Meng reached out and forcefully pulled away Xiao Yi's hand, which was still resting on her chest. Xiao Yi thought she was conceding, so he coldly looked at her and cooperated by retracting his hand. But who knew, Lin Meng raised her leg and walked towards the door. His heart clenched, and he remembered her harsh words just now - if she went out, she wouldn't come back. Immediately, he stretched out his arm, grabbed her waist, pulled her into his embrace, and suppressed the surging anger, asking irritably, "Where are you going!"

"Get out, I'm not washing!" she snorted, her stubbornness completely ignited by this man. "I'll wash when you leave."

“You, woman!” he roared, genuinely wishing he could strip her naked and wash her himself. But with her threat looming over him, he was helpless. He had run out of things to say. How could he possibly get through to this woman! Was she made of stone! No, she was clearly a delicate flower. So why had her temper become so foul and stubborn!

Clutching her slender waist tightly, staring at her cold and unyielding profile, Xiao Yi felt a surge of anger and hatred in his heart! No man could bear to see his woman being touched by another! This feeling of wearing a green hat has been plaguing men for centuries, making them feel humiliated and resentful!

You can't hit them, and scolding doesn't work either!

His heart was filled with rage, but his body felt numb and cold. He was overcome by a mixture of helplessness and disappointment!

"Lin Meng, you cheated!"

He let go of her hand and forcefully pushed her away, shoving her hard against the side. She hit the bathroom tiles, wincing in pain. He didn't care; his heart was stone cold right now. Taking large strides, he grabbed the bathroom door and slammed it shut with a loud bang. His anger was evident.

I'm furious, but there's nowhere to vent my anger!

He felt like he couldn't stand it anymore, or else he might really hit this ignorant woman!

He took a few hurried steps, but at once caught sight of a white shape. There by the foot of the bed, lay the silly dog, lying in its usual manner, curled up like a pitiful little wife who had been wronged. With only those two innocent eyes, so much like the woman's, it followed him cautiously, sizing him up as he walked!

He looked, his brows furrowed suddenly. He stepped forward, lifted his foot, and with a huff, swung it towards its head as if to kick it. The puppy flinched, shrinking back with a whimper, a tiny, pitiful sound like an innocent child.

He retracted his foot, glared at it menacingly. He was just about to explode with frustration when it came right up to him. To be honest, this whole thing was the stupid dog's fault! He had taken such good care of it, bringing it to the doctor. What did it do It caused a mess! Without it, nothing would have happened today.

Xiao Yi choked on his words, glaring at the little dog who was looking at him innocently. He couldn't help but roar angrily: "You stupid dog, you deserve to die! You have no manners. Who brought you back Who feeds and waters you You don't know how to be grateful, and you even bite the hand that feeds you. Do you think it's okay for outsiders to treat me this way You ungrateful thing, I shouldn't have picked you up in the first place!"

Lin Meng's eyes reddened suddenly through the bathroom door. Xiao Yi's curses, calling her a dog, pierced her heart with every word. She didn't feel like he was cursing a dog, but rather that each sentence was a veiled insult directed at her!

She bit her lip, unable to hold it in any longer. She flung open the bathroom door and rushed out, shouting at Xiao Yi. "If you want to scold me, just go ahead! What's the point of taking it out on a little dog It doesn't even understand!"

Xiao Yi's anger flared even hotter. He turned around, his words coming out in a furious rush. "What kind of world is this I curse a dog, and it offends you! It's unruly, and I reprimand it with a shout—does that somehow wrong or unjustly accuse it! I raised it; it made me angry, so should I just bear it!"

Tears welled up and streamed down Lin Meng's face!

She furiously wiped away her tears with one hand, rushed over, and picked up DouDou in one arm. She glared at him fiercely, then suddenly dashed back into the bathroom and slammed the door shut! The resounding "bang" also revealed that the anger burning in her heart was no small matter!

Xiao Yi reacted and chased after him, but he watched helplessly as the bathroom door slammed shut in front of him.

"What do you mean!" he roared through the door, his voice thick with anger.

"Go ahead and yell, shout as loud as you want! We're both listening right here!" She screamed from behind the door.

Xiao Yi's handsome face twisted in an instant, his eyes glaring at the coffee-colored door. He suddenly raised his foot and kicked the door with all his might.

...but it was a heavy "clang"!

The door creaked open, then swung shut again with a bang!

The lock... it actually loosened a bit! It almost completely broke!

It's clear how heavy his kick was and how deep his anger runs!

"Lin Meng, you are really unreasonable!"

Having said that, his anger had nowhere to vent. He suddenly turned and left, dashing away like a whirlwind!

In the bathroom, Lin Meng was terrified, afraid that the man would break in and use violence against her. After he left, she was so angry she trembled! Suddenly, she hated both men, hating Rong Ling and Xiao Yi with every fiber of her being, a burning hatred that made her teeth ache. Holding onto her anger like fuel, she burned with fury until finally, exhausted, she collapsed onto the floor, her hand clutching Dou Dou as it drooped limply in hers. As time passed, the anger gradually subsided, and she fell into despair once more.

After all, who is to blame for this!

It's none of my business, she brought it upon herself. That's all there is to it!

Who could it be, these two men have both done her favors! Who could it be, she owes them!

Suddenly, a wave of despair washed over her, crushing her in an instant. She secretly shed tears. Looking around the enclosed bathroom, she realized there was only her. It once again became a small room, with only her inside. When feeling heartbroken and lonely, there wasn't even someone to talk to. This had been her life from childhood to now!

She was overcome with sadness for a moment, silently letting tears flow for a while. Then she calmed down and slowly wiped her tears dry. On the other side, Dou Dou squatted on the ground, resting on its two front paws, lifting its white face, blinking its jet-black eyes curiously at her. When their eyes met, she was taken aback, and gave a self-deprecating smile. She reached out, gently stroking Dou Dou's head, murmuring softly.

And by the way, there's one more for you!

I can keep her company!hat kind of sickness she might have!The next day, although Lin Meng said not to bother Jiang Xiaoxie, Jiang Xiaoxie still accompanied Lin Meng to the hospital. Her psychotherapy studio work was very r...