Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 31: The Tower of Death


satisfied with this.After school, Lian Yi sent a message to Cui Xu Dong, asking him to meet at the small screening room. She left first, while Shi Jing Kai went to find Sheng Hui instead.As Cui Xudon..."Is there even a need to discuss this We absolutely have to take it! After we get it back, I'll have the three big bosses work overtime and modify our allocated energy cores guns."

Sun Wang, this silly child, was the first to speak and then received a wave of glares.

"Flying Eagle, you have to bring things back alive! Didn't you hear the captain say that everyone who takes on this mission never returns"

The earth hawk frowned and said.

"Can you refuse this mission"

Sun Wang tilted his head and asked.


Well, the poor child is telling the truth.

"After the equipment upgrade to a nuclear gun is in place, it will increase our bargaining chips in negotiations with the Capital Base. Flying Eagle was right, since we can't refuse, we should think about how to complete this mission."

At last, the Eaglewing spoke.

“Tomorrow, we'll gather information first. This includes blueprints of the Research Building, the specific locations of the equipment we need, and if anyone has ever come back alive from there. We'll collect as much useful information as possible and then make a decision after summarizing it.”


After a brief meeting, everyone dispersed. Sun Yi was left behind by the four captains and her opinion was sought out.

"Falcon, how do you feel about this mission"

"It's not great, but it's not terrible either. The mission is risky, so everyone should be careful."

After some consideration, Sun Yi still spoke truthfully.

"Can you sense specific dangers"

The eagle mastiff spoke directly.

"Not for now! Perhaps when I take on a mission and arrive at the location, I'll be able to sense things more clearly."

Sun Yi's ability has already broken through to level two. Because she accurately sensed the plant mutation last time and helped the temporary base avoid a major crisis, she is considered an officially recognized ability user by the military. This time, she was specially brought along to escort personnel to the capital base.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work! Please let us know if anything unusual happens."

Over the next three days, almost all of the team members went out to gather information. The three researchers, however, stayed quietly in their residence and didn't go out again, showing great self-awareness.

On the fourth morning, a convoy of twelve people left the K city base and headed to the research building in K city known as "the death tower".

"Did they really take on that S-class mission"

"Yes, they spent three days gathering mission information before, and set off early this morning."

"Hope they succeed."

After the head of K City and his men exchanged a few words, they dropped the matter and decided to wait until they returned alive to discuss it further.

The research building was not located in the city center. Their convoy of three vehicles took five days to reach it, avoiding large hordes of zombies along the way.

A twenty-five-story white research building stood there, giving off a very desolate feeling. The exterior of the building was covered in green plants, turning the original white building into a green one. Only occasionally were there blank spaces left, allowing them to confirm the building's original color.

Wu Lianyi looked at the building, feeling a faint sense of familiarity. She quickly searched through the original owner's memories. This place was where the original owner had become a zombie and lost many of her subordinates. Here, she had wiped out a group of mutated spiders and, after swallowing the core of the mutated spider leader, became a Level 3 zombie.

"Captain, there are mutated animals in the Research Building. They're a group of mutated white spiders."

Sun Yi's face was contorted in a frown. She regretted taking this mission; she feared things like this the most.

Everyone listened with amazement, their faces turning towards Eaglewing.

"Pupil, can you persevere"

"Just barely."

"Time is of the essence, let's move out. Since we know what we're dealing with, it's better than going in blind. Be careful and follow the plan: one team provides cover while the other retrieves the equipment as quickly as possible. Let's go!"

With a shout from the hawk, three cars slowed down and silently approached the white research building. Several vehicles were parked at the entrance of the building, apparently rented by the corpse retrieval team. It was just that they would never have the chance to return them.

Several people quietly crept over and checked the vehicle. They found the car door was wide open, clearly indicating that the person inside had left in a hurry.

"Things are on the tenth floor, let's hurry up."

The eagle mastiff made a gesture, and twelve people entered the building.

After entering the first-floor lobby, there is a security checkpoint. On the wall facing the entrance is an inscription that reads "Contribute to National Scientific Research." To the right are three elevators. Opposite the elevator shafts is the stairwell.

A crowd of people filed into the hallway, but they didn't see any zombies or mutated spiders.

As a group walked silently up to the fourth floor, the oppressive quiet grew heavier until Eaglewing raised his hand, halting them.

"Have you guys ever felt that it's weird"

"Yes! It's too quiet, and too clean! I don't believe that no one is here when the apocalypse came. As far as I know, these researchers are dedicated to their work, working day and night is commonplace. And at least five squads have come before us. Now we haven't seen any zombies, nor the spiders that Tongying mentioned, nor even a single corpse."

The eagle dog analyzed in a low voice.

Wu Lianyi was also looking around at this time. She always felt a prickly sensation in her heart.

"Ah!" Sun Yi cried out in pain, clutching her head and collapsing to the ground, writhing in agony.

"No! Something's attacking my sister!"

Sun Wang immediately stepped forward, helped Sun Yi up, and said in a low voice.

"Now everyone, attack freely!"

With a flash of his hawk-like eyes, he immediately said.

He immediately raised his hand and unleashed a wave of water needles as a probe. The Earth Eagle released earth spikes, Wu Lianyi unleashed a thunder net, and the Eagle Mastiff directly fired a shot.

After a moment, the white staircase suddenly flashed, as if a curtain had been ripped open. Behind it, the walls had changed color, and white spiders had crawled to their feet, beginning to spin their webs.

These mutated spiders were each the size of a football, and there were two or three spider faces the size of washbasins in the middle, which made everyone's scalp numb.

The next second, a teammate was dragged down by spider silk entangling their ankle and pulled away from the stairwell.

Wu Lianyi decisively drew her Lei Yao Sword, infused it with thunder power, and with a single swing, severed the spider silk binding her ankle. She then struck down the spider beneath her feet, leaping forward to the door of the stairwell landing. There, she slashed through the spider silk dragging her teammate, rescuing them.

Close your eyes!

The mastiff roared, throwing a flashbang. A white light flashed, and the white spiders swarming up the stairs, walls, and ceiling seemed startled. They scrambled backward in panic, bunching together in a mass.

"Quick! Upstairs!"

Sun Wang, supporting his elder sister, rushed forward, moving while speaking through the walkie-talkie:

The white spider on top is getting bigger and bigger, its webs are very dense, requiring a fire-based ability user to clear the way.


"Got it!"

The tail end of the line was throwing fireballs, and the teammate who had been right behind them immediately swapped positions with those around them, surged to the front, and started clearing a path.

"Among these mutated spiders, there are even species that can weave illusions!"underwent decontamination and inspection. Ripples' eyes flickered.The entire isolation chamber was filled only with machines, not even a single human being, let alone a robot. The ten people who came...