Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 1349: Love Arrives Late


he room. Wu Lianyi scanned the crowd, her brows furrowed as she spoke in a grave voice:"Ay Wing, what's going on Don't they know who I am How dare they block our way""Miss, please be sparing with your...Ripples was a little surprised. Logically, with Xin Yuan's noble status, he should at least have a long and healthy life, right How could he be short-lived

To confirm, Lian Yi specially went to the palace for a look. After returning, she had a very troubled expression on her face, feeling that Xin Yuan was really asking for trouble. Since it was his own choice, he should kneel and walk through with it.

Because she arrived then, Xin Yuan was actually living in the palace where Gu Die'er had resided before. Everything there was still arranged as it was, and even the maidservants and eunuchs were all the same ones. It was Lan Cao who served him tea.

Xinyuan raised his teacup and took a sip before opening his mouth to speak:

"This is the tea that Jingfei usually likes to drink the most"

The orchid replied respectfully:

"Yes, Jing Fei doesn't like strong tea. She says it keeps her awake at night, so she prefers this jasmine tea, saying it's light."

What does she usually do

Lancao said without hesitation:

"The Empress enjoys quietude. She often does needlework, practices calligraphy, and paints. The painting of a calico cat basking in the sun on the wall was painted by the Empress herself. She is very pleased with it so she had her maids frame it and hang it up."

Xin Yuan gazed at the painting of the leisurely calico cat basking in the sun, as if he could feel Gu Die'er's mood at that time.

"Are any of Empress Jing's embroideries still preserved"


The orchid only uttered one word, then fell silent.

Just say it directly, don't be so hesitant.

Xin Yuan said unpleasantly.

"Your Majesty, forgive me. Previously, I made some clothes for infants, including small pouches and tiger-head shoes, but ever since I learned that I was unable to bear children, I... burned all those little garments and haven't touched a needle for embroidery since."

Lancao finished speaking and immediately knelt down on the ground.

It's obvious that Jing Fei harbors resentment.

Xin Yuan heard this, only feeling a tightness in his chest. It turned out that Gu Die'er wasn't as resentful as she appeared on the surface. He was just venting in another way.

The air in the room seemed to be still. After about an incense stick's worth of time, Xin Yuan spoke again:

What did Jing Fei like to do after that

"The Empress most enjoys taking a short rest in the back garden. She says it's very bright there."

Only then did Lan Cao raise her head and reply.

"Let's go sit in the back garden."

Xin Yuan commanded.

Yes, this way, Your Majesty.

"The Empress always sits in this pavilion."

After leading the person into the small octagonal pavilion, Lancao stepped out.

There is a rocking chair in the pavilion, which is Gu Die'er's frequent place to sit. There is also an incense burner on the stone table beside it, which should be used daily.

Xin Yuan sat in the rocking chair for a while, enjoying a moment of peace before returning to his study to look over the reports.

Only after the Emperor had left did Lancao retract her expression of deference, closing the palace door behind him. She then muttered under her breath:

"This person is truly despicable. He didn't cherish her while she was around, but now that the young mistress has died, he pretends to be deeply saddened. I wonder who he's putting on a show for."

The ripples hiding in the shadows heard Lancao's rant and smiled, she thought what he said made sense, belated affection is worse than grass.

Xin Yuan was a diligent emperor, but he was unwilling to delegate power, so he overworked himself. All the major and minor affairs of the country had to await his decision. It goes without saying how much work he had. Coupled with the self-imposed persona of being deeply involved in everything, his body was always overdrawn. Day after day, year after year, his health deteriorated, and his lifespan naturally suffered as a result.

When Xinyuan reached the age of fifty, he knew his time was coming to an end. Aware that his life was drawing to a close, he drafted an imperial edict in advance, declaring his eldest son as his successor and naming himself Taishang Huang (Retired Emperor). Once his son had firmly established his position, he completely withdrew from affairs of state.

Even in his final days, he still went to the palace of Jing Fei Gu Die'er, only there did he feel at peace.

After receiving the message from the eunuch, the Empress Dowager's expression did not change in the slightest. She couldn't possibly hold a grudge against a dead man. Over the years, she had long since become accustomed to the Emperor's behavior, so she wasn't surprised or angry at all.

Until the eunuch Su personally came to deliver the news, saying that the Emperor had passed away, she only then put down her teacup. Order after order was sent out from Ci'an Palace, this time for a national funeral.

At the moment Xin Yuan breathed his last, he regained the memories and cultivation of the Nine Heavens. Then, he touched the red thread in his hand, seeming to sense something, and cast his gaze towards a mansion in Fengmi City, at the edge of the city.

There, he saw Gu Die'er, who was still graceful. She was being supported by a tall young man, and the two were talking about the younger generation's studies at private schools.

After a while, two or three little kids with backpacks bounced into the yard. They ran to Gu Die'er and hugged her legs, starting to act cute and beg for candy.

Gu Die'er lovingly patted the little ones' heads and chuckled in response to their request. The several little radish heads immediately grabbed each other's hands, tugging at her sleeves, and surrounded their grandma as they walked towards the inner hall. They were scolded by the young man a couple of times before slowing down.

After sending all his grandchildren away, a man in his fifties who was still energetic and full of life, carried a bag of snacks into the courtyard. He avoided his own son and gave the snacks in his hand to his elderly wife Gu Die'er like a treasured possession.

Gu Die'er didn't refuse either. She opened the package of snacks, took out two pieces, and gave one to her husband. She kept one for herself. The happy couple finished the snacks and then went for a walk together.

Xin Yuan suddenly felt a bit suffocated at the sight. Just as he was about to do something to vent his frustration, ripples suddenly appeared beside him and bowed, saying:

"Tiansun, your trials in this life are over. Let us return to the Nine Heavens together!"

Xin Yuan stood still, his face composed as he said:

"Fairy of Marriage, why is this happening My red thread was clearly connected to her, so why did it end up like this"

Ripples glanced at the other person and then spoke:

This fairy's red thread can only point you to your destined person, but whether the two of you can truly be together, this fairy cannot control.

You were reborn as a prince. Your goal in approaching your former self was never pure, driven by the need for stability within the empire. Even when the other party repeatedly hinted that they had no feelings for you, instead of trying to win their heart, you used an imperial decree to force them into the East Palace. I ask you, which woman would willingly accept such forceful imposition

You entered her backyard, and you didn't show Gu Die'er how much you cherish her. She was just like all the other women in your backyard, she only needed to be obedient.

As for why Gu Die'er doesn't have any children, although there was the hand of the former crown princess involved at the time, there was also Gu Die'er's own willingness. She was unwilling to conceive a child with you because she knew very well that her child would not receive favor and would, in the future, become someone else's foil or stepping stone because of her status as a merchant's daughter.

At this time, Xin Yuan's fists were already clenched.er seaside villa for a while and get together with old friends.During that time, she also attended the engagement ceremony of Honglian and Zhangzhang. The two had been flirting for three years and fin...