Ye Bufan Tang Feixue works

Chapter 414: Fang Ge


I'd be in jail by now."Alright, I've decided to cooperate with you."Ye Bufan said, taking his bag and pulling out two bundles of brand new Chinese currency, exactly 200,000."I can give you this money..."Ouch! Why did you bite me"

He reached out and wiped his lips, revealing a smear of crimson blood.

An Yimo lightly bit her red lips and said coquettishly, "Serves you right, who let you deceive me for so long Why didn't you tell me sooner that you were the piano prince"

At this moment, she felt an unprecedented sense of ease. She no longer had to face such difficult choices.

She also harbored a bit of resentment towards Ye Bufan. That bad guy, since he was the piano prince, why didn't he make it clear sooner He had caused her so much pain for so long.

Before, she had never truly accepted the man in front of her. A major reason was that there was still a place for the piano prince in her heart, but now those concerns were gone.

Ye Bufan innocently said, "You didn't ask, did you"

"If you didn't say you were the Little Prince of Piano, why would I ask"

"Why would you ask me what I'm going to say"

An Yimo rolled her eyes at him and said, "If you keep doing that, I'll bite you."

"Alright, I was wrong. It's all my fault."

A wise man avoids immediate losses. Ye Bufan immediately lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

After the matter was settled, he led An Yimò to his own seat and introduced her to Yu Wanlù.

Three people had a meal together. Ye Bufan first sent An Yimo back, and then returned to school with Yu Wanlu.

Shortly after Ye Bufan and his group left school, Wu Zihao excitedly ran to the back mountain of the school. There was a small grove of trees there, which was where he had agreed to meet Han Li for their duel.

Here were gathered twenty or thirty little hoodlums, each one with tattoos all over their bodies, wielding steel pipes and baseball bats in their hands.

A young man in his thirties, tall and well-built, with two prominent buck teeth.

He is the elder brother recognized by Wu Zihao, nicknamed "Biao Ya" (Overbite). Others are accustomed to calling him "Biao Ya Ge" (Brother Overbite).

"Big brother, you're here."

Wu Zihao respectfully said to the protruding teeth.

According to the agreement between him and Han Li, the two parties will meet here at 6 p.m. tonight.

He had always craved this kind of fighting life, and it was his first time making a fight appointment with someone, so he was especially excited.

"Bào yá patted his chest and said, 'You are my brother, your business is my business. How could I not come if my brother needs me' "

"Thank you, brother."

At this moment, Wu Zihao felt that his face was especially radiant. He thought that once he dealt with Han Li, he would have something to brag about when he returned to class tomorrow.

Based on this idea, he didn't tell Ye Bufan about this at all, and secretly ran over alone.

"Biao Ya Ge, it's about time, where are those people Did we scare them off" said a yellow-haired punk standing beside him.

The buck-toothed man said proudly: "There's still a little time, let's wait a while longer. If those people come, we must give them a good lesson and let them know the consequences of provoking my buck-toothed brothers."

"Understood, big brother."

The hooligans chorused in agreement, their voices sounding intimidating.

Just then, five people walked along the mountain path.

He was a thin, middle-aged man, looking to be around 50 years old. He wore a white practice uniform.

This person is only 1.70 meters tall and doesn't look strong at all, but there's a powerful aura about them.

Xiaohuang's eyes were sharp, and he was the first to see these people: "Is it just these guys, Bachiya"

Wu Zihao immediately saw Han Li behind the middle-aged man and shouted, "It's them."

Xiao Huangmao shouted: "Damn it, only a few people came, and they look like skinny monkeys. It's not worth us bringing so many brothers."

With a sneer, Biao Ya didn't take these people seriously and said nonchalantly, "Everyone, just get this done quickly. After we're finished, I'll treat you all to drinks."

"Got it, big brother."

As they walked, the five men arrived in the center of the forest. Han Li glanced disdainfully at Wu Zihao, not regarding these people before him at all: "Have all your people arrived"

Wu Zihao said: "Everyone's here. This is my older brother, Batian. As long as you make a move, my brothers and I will stand by your side to the end."

Han Li scanned the surroundings, not seeing Ye Bufan who had attacked him earlier, and asked, "Where's that kid who hit me this afternoon"

Wu Zihou said: "He didn't come, he is him, I am me, it's me who made an appointment with you to fight, no need for others."

"Boy, since you're looking for a fight yourself, don't blame others."

Han Li turned back to look at the middle-aged man: "Dad, these are the people who are causing trouble for me."

Wu Zihou sneered: “That’s really interesting, can’t win so you go home to find your father Is this like a child's fight”

Xiaohuangmao said with exaggerated expression: "It's easy to find a daddy, just wait until my brothers beat you to your knees and beg for mercy."

This guy thinks he has the advantage in numbers, so he wants to take this opportunity to be arrogant and have a good time with his mouth.

Before he could finish his words, a cold glint flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes. He struck like lightning, slapping him hard across the face.

This slap was incredibly powerful. Xiao Huang Mao was sent flying, crashing into a small tree beside him with a thud and spitting out a mouthful of blood mixed with teeth.

Buck teeth's expression changed.

"Brothers, attack! Take down this old geezer!"

The boss gave the order, and Wu Zihao and those hooligans responded with a shout, wielding their steel pipes and baseball bats and charging forward, overwhelming the others in sheer numbers.

It's a shame that relying on intimidation alone won't work in a fight. Although they only have five people, each one is an expert.

In comparison, Han Li was the weakest among the five in terms of physical prowess, but he could still easily defeat ten opponents.

Wu Zihao was participating in this large-scale brawl for the first time. He was both excited and nervous. After much hesitation, he swung his baseball bat toward the middle-aged man's head.

A middle-aged man didn't even look, and with a raised fist he struck. The baseball bat smashed against his fist, and with a pop, it was broken in two.


Wu Zihao didn't expect the other party to be so powerful. Before he could react, the middle-aged man's big foot appeared in front of him and kicked him flying.

Not only him, but also those little hoodlums beside him were the same. None of them were a match for the middle-aged man, and they were soon beaten to tears, crying their fathers and mothers, scrambling all over the floor.

The bucktoothed man came face to face with a tall young man, who swung a steel pipe and smashed it down hard.

A disdainful glint flashed in the young man's eyes, then he raised his arm to meet the attack. His forearm collided with the steel pipe, and instead of harming his arm, the pipe buckled and deformed into a V-shape.

Immediately, the young man punched him in the stomach with his right fist. The man with buck teeth was knocked to the ground, hunching over like a shrimp and almost vomiting up last night's dinner.

In just a few minutes, the buckteeth and his 30 men were beaten into submission, all lying on the ground crying for their fathers and mothers.

Han Li kicked Xiao Huangmao's head with one foot: "Call me dad, or I'll cripple you today."

"Daddy, you're really my father."

Now that it has come to this, Xiaohuangmao couldn't care less about face and cried out in a hurry.

A middle-aged man walked up to Wu Zihao and said, "Tell the person who hit my son that I'm Han Tiegang from the Martial Arts Association. "

>I'll still be here tomorrow night at this time, waiting for him. If he doesn't come, don't blame me for going straight to the school.

After finishing his words, he led Han Li and the others away from there.less of these. He punched directly, meeting them head-on with brute force.The fist and the bat's claws clashed, resulting in a stalemate. However, after revealing their true forms, Orajuwang's attack...