Ye Bufan Tang Feixue works

Chapter 350: Dislodged Golden Tooth


er How could they possibly be causing him so much stressThe deputy head of the sea rushed into the room, beaming with a fawning smile at Ye Bufan: "Mr. Ye, I'm here."Then he glanced at his watch, it w...Ganbo sat in a large boss's chair, holding a fine red wine in his hand, but his mood was at an all-time low.

Since that obnoxious Chinese man came to his diamond mine, his luck has been plummeting from bad to worse, day by day.

I almost got killed by a lion at the zoo, barely escaping with my life. But when I came back, I found that the open-pit diamond mine's output had dropped to zero.

For some reason, no matter how carefully the workers sifted, not a single diamond, even one as small as a grain of rice, was found.

He even suspected that it was Ye Bufan who stole his diamonds, but when he thought about it, it was impossible. The other party wasn't a fairy, how could they rob all the diamonds here in one go

First of all, it wouldn't be possible to carry that many diamonds even if there were enough time.

And he kept following Ye Bufan all day, the other party didn't even have a chance.

But no matter what, this Chinese person must die.

He took out his phone and called Mad Knife again, but after a whole day, the other party was still unreachable.

"Could something have happened again"

A sense of foreboding crossed Okubo's mind, but he quickly dismissed it.

"The Mad Blade is ranked within the top 100 assassins. How could anything possibly happen to him He must be hiding somewhere, waiting for the right opportunity to strike."

He had just placed his phone on the table when it suddenly rang. He glanced at it, and saw that it was a call from Ambrutite Gold Mine's manager.

It's already two in the morning. What could someone be calling for at this hour Could something have happened

He had just pressed the answer button when a frantic voice came from the other end of the line: "Boss, it's terrible! Our vault has been robbed!"

Ganbo leapt up from his boss's chair, "What How is this possible What about the guards"

On the phone, someone said: "All of us are possessed. We just stood there motionless like wooden stakes. It wasn't until shift change that we realized something was wrong. We've all been sent to the hospital now."

"Nonsense, how could you be possessed!"

Okubo roared, "What about the bank's security system What about those three iron gates How did they get in"

"Three iron doors had all been hollowed out, nobody knew how they managed to do it. The vault had also been breached and everything inside had been looted clean, not even a single diamond was left..."

"Damn you, trash, what am I raising you for!"

Okubo slammed his red wine glass to the ground and shouted, "Just you wait, I'm coming right now."

At this moment, he ached with pain. As the boss, he naturally knew how much wealth was hidden in Ambrotte Diamond Mine's vault. All those diamonds and cash combined exceeded over 100 million dollars.

He hadn't even hung up the phone when the desk phone rang again, urgently.

The phone rang, and a panicked voice shouted on the other end, "Oh no, boss, the vault has been robbed..."

In less than twenty minutes, Ganbo received 10 calls. Besides the open-pit diamond mine, which had already been mined out of diamonds, all 11 other diamond mines had been completely looted.

And the other party used the same methods. First, they strangely rendered the guards immobile, then violently broke into the vault door, and subsequently took away all the diamonds and cash.

He stood there stiffly, he didn't even have the energy to curse. All the wealth he had accumulated over the years was gone in one night.

"No, there's one last diamond mine. I have to call and tell them to reinforce it heavily. Absolutely no more incidents."

Just then, as Gambos was about to reach for his phone, it rang again. This time, it was the last diamond mine calling.

He tremblingly picked up the phone and yelled into it, "Was the vault robbed"

"Yes, boss..."

On the phone, there was an urgent report. The only difference was that after the last diamond mine was robbed, the other party left a note.

The person in charge over there said, "This is written in Chinese characters. I found a translator who said it says this is your money for buying your life. If there's another time, your life is gone."

"The Chinese, those damned Chinese, he must have done it."

Ganbosi was not a fool. Recalling the demise of the Dragon Mercenary Group and the silent disappearance of Mad Sword, he immediately concluded that this was Ye Bufan's revenge against him.

"Ye Bufan, I must make you die, make you die..."

He went on a rampage, venting his rage and smashing everything in the room.

An hour later, calm finally returned. As dawn approached, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

In a rented house, Da Jin Ya was sleeping soundly when a sudden ringing phone jolted him awake.

He glanced at the phone number and immediately asked, "What's up What happened"

"What How is that possible"

He was absolutely shocked, almost dropping the two big gold teeth in front of his door.

I just received news that all 11 gold mines under Gambos have been robbed, with heavy losses.

As the head of Longya in all of Africa, with his sharp mind, he immediately guessed what was going on after recalling Ye Bufan's previous phone call and that map.

He just couldn't figure it out. The vault at Gonpos was incredibly secure, with heavily armed security personnel and the world's most advanced anti-theft system.

Even if a fly couldn't get in, how did that young man manage it He even managed to burglarize 11 houses in one night, it was faster than going shopping.

Yet Ye Bufan didn't know about these things. As dawn approached, he returned to Andrew's manor and counted the spoils in his storage ring. There was over 100 million dollars in cash alone.

As for diamonds, they are piled up like mountains. It seems that the jade industry base won't have to worry about a shortage of goods in the short term.

He did everything quietly, and only Diao Nvzi and He Shuangshuang knew about it. However, the two only knew that he had snuck out, but they didn't know what he had done.

Went back for a nap and the next morning, Ye Bufan and his three companions went to the airport together. Andrew and his son came to see them off.

The knife maiden was sold here, and she doesn't have legal status. However, that's not a big problem, Andrew helped her get a new identity from an African country, making her a resident of South Africa.

The tickets had been booked in advance, so at the airport they picked them up. The three of them were just about to check their luggage when...

Just then, there was a commotion at the airport entrance. A squad of armed customs officers rushed in, instantly surrounding both the three individuals and Andrew and his father.

These people raised their guns in their hands and pointed them all at Ye Bufan.

Then the crowd parted, and a middle-aged man in a customs uniform walked over accompanied by Gonpo.

Upon seeing the two men, Andrew's expression changed. He addressed the middle-aged man and said, "Captain Best, what do you mean by this"

As the top businessman in South f, he naturally knew the man before him. He was Best, the captain of the Customs Anti-Smuggling Team, and also one of Gambos' good friends.

"Andrew, my friend, rest assured that we are not targeting you."

Best smiled slightly, then looked at Ye Bufan and said, "Someone reported that he smuggled a huge amount of diamonds from us to China, so I came over to investigate."ased by this woman and directly used an enhanced version of the Pleasing Sorrow Wind. This was obviously the best way to deal with this willful woman."What, you bastard, you actually poisoned me I'm...