Ye Bufan Tang Feixue works

Chapter 1055: Flying Needles Puncture Acupressure Points


aying you.""Alicia stood beside him, rolling her eyes. "You're just making excuses. You really want to take advantage of Ye,""So what It's none of your business anyway."Helena turned her head and made...Ye Bufan remained calm and nodded: "Let's begin."

Seeing his certainty, Alice didn't hesitate any longer and raised her right hand directly: "Begin!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ye Bufan calmly picked up a silver needle and flicked it with his finger.

The silver needle instantly transformed into a beam of light, accurately striking the Ren point on the chest of the acupuncture copper man. Afterward, a stream of mercury flowed out, with the needle entering and mercury exiting.

All the people present were shocked. It was really too frightening to hear.

Originally, Carfan Gen, who was mocking everyone with a smirk on his face, suddenly jumped up from his seat. His eyes widened in horror.

"This...this...this is acupuncture with flying needles."

In the tradition of Chinese medicine, there is a legend about flying needles to acupoints, but it is just a legend and no one has ever been seen using it.

Because acupuncture is a highly technical practice that requires precision and cannot afford any mistakes.

Some people cannot even grasp the proper scale when holding a needle, let alone using it to fly and strike acupoints.

People always thought this was just a legend, but today I witnessed the miracle with my own eyes.

Not only him, but even the hundreds of Chinese medicine practitioners from China were all shocked and dumbfounded.

Yet Ye Bufan ignored all of this. His fingers danced in the air, moving at a speed a hundred times faster than before.

He saw that those silver needles before him, each one as if alive, transformed into streaks of light and shot towards the acupuncture copper man.

What's most astonishing is that, not only did he strike his opponent's acupoints directly in front of him but even those on their back, those hidden acupoints at the elbow joint. He struck them all without hesitation, and he didn't move a single step.

" is this possible"

Seeing this scene, Carfan Gen and the others' eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Generally speaking, for a flying needle to achieve the feat of entering and exiting through the acupuncture point (like hitting the bullseye) is already extremely rare.

Now the young man's flying needles can actually curve, and every angle at which he inserts the needle into an acupoint is perfect. This is something only a god could do.

What he didn't know was that with divine consciousness, Ye Bufan could see every acupoint.

Meanwhile, as a master of the Tianjie Mid-Stage, adding a spiraling Qi force to the silver needle was as simple as eating and drinking. To him, it presented no difficulty whatsoever.

Right now, Lee Zhixuan's face is ashen. Before, she thought the other party was too arrogant and didn't take this young man seriously at all.

Now I realize that the arrogant one is myself, not even a grain of rice in front of others.

This acupuncture technique of flying needles, she had only heard about before, even someone like Car Fan Gen couldn't do it, she didn't even dare to think about it.

Ye Bufan's two hands moved faster and faster, like juggling. Before the crowd could react, he had already driven out all 354 silver needles.

Look again at the acupuncture copper man, each acupoint has a silver needle inserted accurately and without error. Moreover, every needle is inserted into mercury and exits, with not a single mistake.

"My God, is this still human This is truly a god!"

"The Divine Physician is truly a Divine Physician, possessing skills like those of immortals..."

"My goodness, I've had my eyes opened today, that's amazing! The Divine Doctor is truly incredible..."

Yè Búfán patted his hand and smiled at Alice beside him: "I'm done."


Alice then snapped out of her shock and hurriedly pressed the timer in her hand.

Although there was some delay, the numbers above are only 36.

36 seconds to complete 354 stitches, the whole audience was electrified in an instant.

Alice calmed her excitement and, accompanied by two members of the World Medical Association, went to examine the acupuncture copper man.

354 silver needles all had mercury flowing out, completely meeting the previous requirements.

I announce that Dr. Ye Bufan's score is 36 seconds, completing 354 silver needles.

Although she tried her best to control it, her voice still trembled uncontrollably, for she was simply too excited.

"Amazing! As expected of a medical fairy, you're truly amazing."

"Long live Traditional Chinese medicine, long live the Medicine Immortals..."

"Come on, you clueless oafs! See who dares to compete with us!"

For a moment, all the Chinese present were stunned, while the Korean side was silent, each with an ashen face.

Currently, even though Carvan was full of confidence, his face is now pale, without a trace of blood.

Ye Bufan playfully glanced at him: "Well Fast-handed King, do you still want to have a go"


Che Fan'gen's lips moved, but not a word came out.

Only now did he realize that Ye Bufan was right. Once someone makes the first move, you truly lose the courage to retaliate.

Not only would I not do it, but I think no one else facing such an outrageous tactic would have the courage to act.

"I surrender."

After a long silence, Che Fan Gen finally managed to utter these three words. Although this decision was extremely difficult, he had lost with full conviction. The gap between the two of them was simply too great.

"From today onwards, I, Che Fan Gen, cancel the title of 'Fast Hand Needle King'. As long as there is Doctor Xian, I, Che Someone, will never set foot in China."

Faced with such magical acupuncture techniques, how could he possibly call himself a master or even the King of Acupuncture

But he was also decisive, directly canceling the title for himself, and then walked out of the venue with a dejected expression.

Lee Ji-hyeon looked up at the stage with a complicated expression, then followed Cheon Fan-geun away.

Ye Bufan once again swept his gaze across the crowd from Bangbang Country: “Does anyone else dare to come on stage”

For a moment, the audience fell silent. Joking aside, even the "Fast Hand Needle King" lost so badly that he had to cancel his own title. Anyone else going up there would only be humiliating themselves; there was no chance of winning at all.

Jin Tai Xuan stood beside him, his old face flushed red.

I originally thought Ye Bufan was hesitant to go on stage because he wasn't confident, but now I realize he simply didn't consider it worthwhile.

By now in the competition, Banging Nation has lost the first match completely and utterly with no room for argument.

Ye Bufan smiled calmly: "In that case, please have Ms. Alice announce the results."

"I now announce that the first round of the TCM and Korean Medicine Wushu Competition is over, and China has won."

Alice continued, "As per our previous wager, from now on, the acupuncture copper man belongs to Dr. Ye."

"Long live! That's great, long live the medical fairy, long live traditional Chinese medicine!"

"We won, hahaha, we won!"

"Hahaha, when the Divine Physician makes a move, who can stand against him You little Han physicians, just wait to tremble."

For a moment, cheers and shouts shook the entire venue to its core.

And those old Chinese medicine practitioners in the audience were so moved that their eyes welled up with tears, and some even cried openly.

It's not just about winning this victory, but also about retrieving the national treasure of China, the acupuncture bronze figure.

And all of this is thanks to the young man before us. He fulfilled the long-held aspirations of the Chinese people for many years. He is a hero of traditional Chinese medicine.

Some are happy, while others are sad. On the side of the Han medical practitioners, Park Jung-chun and Park Jae-sang had faces ashen with grim expressions, so dark they seemed to be about to drip water.

Originally, I thought that by taking out the acupuncture copper man and testing the speed of my needles, with heaven, earth, and people all on my side, this would be a sure win.

No one expected that not only would they lose, but they would lose so badly. Car Van Gen didn't even have the courage to make a move, and in the end, he gave up the title of "Quick Hand Needle King".

Seeing the acupuncture copper man being moved away by the staff from China, Park Jung-chun felt a pang of pain despite knowing it never belonged to his country. It was a priceless treasure after all.

But now the most important thing was to boost morale. He couldn't afford to be concerned about the pain, and stepped onto the platform.

"So you're the Divine Doctor, are you I challenge you to a duel."ed and ran away.He is now completely terrified. Being able to catch so many bullets with his bare hands, this is no longer human, it's practically a monster.They couldn't run away from Ye Tian, could...