匿名 works

Chapter 76 I'm Not Interested in Dating


d as "Husband" is Huo Chenxi.This was something she had saved before, after the divorce she only blocked his number, but forgot to change the note.Previously, she had told Huo Chenxi righteously to fo...Zhao Binrui had finally worked up the courage, but when Qin Shi interrupted him like this, he felt deflated like a punctured balloon.

Looking at the powerful Huo Chenxi, who was now lying weakly in a hospital bed, he no longer had the courage to ask the question that lingered in his heart.

Zhao Binrui, who didn't know how to face Huo Chenxi, fled the ward in a sorry state.

He hurried forward, not caring where he was going, until he bumped into someone. A sweet and familiar scent wafted towards him, and he finally woke up as if from a dream.

Looking at the girl he had been thinking about, right in front of him, Zhao Binrui's heart nearly jumped out of his throat.

Zhao Binrui took a deep breath, trying to appear less nervous: "Su He, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you"

Su He shook her head. "I'm fine. It's you, looking lost. What's wrong"

She had just returned to the door of her ward when she saw a somewhat familiar figure passing by downstairs. She remembered that person was He Lijing, and realized that the floor she appeared on happened to be the obstetrics and gynecology department. She couldn't help but want to go over and take a look.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I reached the stairwell, I saw Zhao Binrui walking out like a lost soul, nearly bumping into several patients' families along the way.

She didn't want to meddle, but Zhao Binrui had once kindly given her a ride, and he was He Lijun's brother. So she thought she should ask him what was wrong.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Binrui rushed straight towards her.

Zhao Binrui lowered his head and looked at Su He. A trace of worry appeared on his face, which had originally been bright and cheerful.

In Huo Chenxi's ward, Zhao Binrui almost blurted out: "Did you really used to be with...Huo Chenxi" seeing Su He's faint concern on his face.

Zhao Binrui had previously known that Huo Chenxi was married under his grandmother's pressure. He had only heard the girl's name and hadn't met her as many times as he had Qin Shi.

In the few descriptions Zhao Binrui had, Huo Chenxi's wife seemed to come from the countryside. She was pretty but meek and lacked any spark of interest.

He never put Su He and that girl together.

He didn't know about the relationship between Su He and Huo Chenxi until he saw the press conference.

He still refused to believe it.

He fell in love with the boss's ex-wife at first sight, and the boss even publicly declared his intention to win her back. Is he going to fight the boss for a woman

The sudden and rather impolite question left Su He a bit stunned. However, thinking about his relationship with Huo Chen Xi, he nodded: "And yes, I was married to him for three years."

Zhao Binrui's heart sank, but he unwillingly asked, "If he said he wanted to pursue you again, would you accept"

Su He turned her head to look out the corridor window, it was the hospital's small garden.

At the end of winter, the cold wind howled, but in a corner, a wild plant pressed against a stone peak still stubbornly emerged, shaking its slender body in the icy wind.

"No," Su He answered softly, her voice small but firm. "I know what I want."

What she wanted, did not include stepping back into a marriage.

"Do you not accept him, or do you not accept anyone" Zhao Binrui pressed on, wondering if she was simply heartbroken and not ready for a new relationship

Su He looked at Zhao Binrui, seeing the urgency in the clear eyes of the boy. It was as if he saw himself from the past.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will strive to seize it, so that my loved ones can see the humble me.

"I'm not interested in dating." Su He spoke slowly. "I have important things to do now."

Zhao Binrui's eyes dimmed, but the next second, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly raised his lips and smiled: "You don't want to talk about love now"

Before Su He could answer, he eagerly said, "Can I queue up first When you're ready to fall in love, I'll be the first one you consider"

Maybe when she wants to fall in love, the big boss will have returned to his former disinterested attitude towards romance.

This way, he wouldn't be competing with the boss for women!

Su He was amused and exasperated. Just as she was about to speak, Zhao Binrui, who had regained his composure, spoke first: "You can refuse me, but you can't stop me."

"I can't stop you, but I still have to refuse you." Su He looked at the serious boy and replied just as seriously, "Thank you for your liking, but I don't have the habit of keeping backups."

Her straightforward refusal, on the contrary, made Zhao Binfeng even more smitten.

He has seen too many girls who ride donkeys to find horses, kicking their previous boyfriends when they meet better conditions.

"Good!" he said with a bright smile. "Let's just be friends before we start thinking about dating."

Looking at his pure smile, Su He nodded lightly: "Yes, he is a friend."

"A pregnant woman fell! Don't push anymore!" A scream suddenly came from downstairs.

Su He subconsciously looked over. A group of people surrounded a circle, and in the middle was a woman in a light blue suit kneeling on one knee. Documents from her bag were scattered all over the floor, and she was diligently picking them up.

"Miss He"


Su He and Zhao Binrui almost spoke at the same time. The two quickly exchanged glances, then turned and hurried downstairs.

Zhao Binrui had long legs and arrived before Su He.

When Su He arrived, Zhao Binrui had already driven the onlookers away. He was holding a medical report in his hand, staring at He Lijun with a strange expression.

With delicately applied makeup and her hair meticulously styled into an updo, Ho Li-Chun's expression was stern as she stated, "If you dare utter a lie, I will send you back to Africa for another year!"

Thinking back to the last time he ran into Su He at the police station, Zhao Binrui was furious. After all, it was because of Su He that he had inexplicably been dumped by He Lijun in an unnamed tribe in Africa for a whole month.

Clutching the report in his hand, Zhao Bin raised his chin: "You disobeyed your parents' wishes, chasing after a man all day long, tarnishing our family's reputation. It's bad enough, but now you're pregnant with a child who knows not whose father! If they find out, who knows where they'll send you – maybe even Africa!"

He Lili is pregnant

Su He stared in surprise at the woman with her sky-high heels, his gaze unconsciously drawn to her stomach.

A flat stomach, showing no signs of pregnancy.

Upon seeing Su He appear, He Li Jun was also taken aback, and immediately shifted her gaze in a nervous and uneasy manner.

She strode a few steps to Zhao Binrui's face and snatched the report from his hand, glaring at him menacingly: "If you dare to lie, I'll have your garage full of sports cars smashed to pieces, not one left!"

“You dare!” Zhao Binrui was so angry that he clenched his fists and took a deep breath. “Don’t want to make a scene in front of Mom and Dad, just tell me honestly, whose child is in your belly”

"It's none of your business." He Lijun glared at him with displeasure, her gaze shifting to Su He. "You better mind your own business first!"

Su He and Li Jun's eyes met unexpectedly. He Lili forced a smile and gave Su He a slight nod as a greeting.

Seeing He Lijing turn to leave, Su He quickly caught up: "Miss He, is the child in your belly my elder brother's"

He Li-jun's steps faltered, her straight back becoming even more rigid.rove up and surrounded the shopping mall."Listen up inside, you are surrounded. Please cooperate with the police and do not harm any innocents." The voice boomed from the loudspeaker.The kidnapped gue...