<The young men ar works

Chapter 10


to have become worse after the fire, right"Baijing thought for a moment: “That’s right. Before, it was just that they weren’t close. Now, Empress Dowager seems to dislike Wangye very much whenever sh...Rong Zhaonan narrowed his eyes, but before he could speak, Tang Zhenzhen couldn't take it anymore.

She wasn't here to watch two men protect Ning Yuan.

Tang Zhenzhen, her face darkened with anger, gritted her teeth and looked at Huang Xuehong and Qin Xiaoxia on the side: "You guys speak!"

Tang Zhenzhen looked at Huang Xuehong and Qin Xiaoxia: “Xuehong, Xiaoxia, do you think the things in this cookie tin disappeared this morning”

Huang Xuehong hated Ning Yuan with all her being, nodding frantically: “That’s right, I saw it myself. Zhenzhen's money and food were gone this morning, Ning Yuan stole them!”

Qin Xiaoxia stammered: “The things in this box are gone, and there’s only five yuan left.”

She didn't lie, she just spoke ambiguously. As for what others think, she couldn't control it.

As soon as the two of them testified, the crowd erupted in a buzz of discussion.

Especially Tang Zhenzhen's popularity among the educated youth was always high, plus Ning Yuan "willingly degraded herself" and mixed with bad elements from the capital who were sent to work in the cow shed.

All the following educated youths rushed to speak up for Tang Zhenzhen.

"That's right, everyone else went to work this morning, but you weren't there."

She is a righteous person. Yesterday, when she thought you Ning Yuan was in trouble, she even ran away her shoe to call for help!

"That's right, Ning Yuan, you stole something from someone, you have no conscience!"

Li Yan saw the anger on the young people's faces and looked at Ning Yuan, his brow furrowed: "Ning Yuan, you..."

He was about to say something when a cold, distant voice suddenly cut him off: “You haven’t even seen Ning Yuan steal anything. Words without evidence are worthless. Do you have any proof”

Ning Yuan looked at Rong Zhao Nan, who had been silent the whole time. She was a little surprised. He was always taciturn in front of everyone because of his "special" status.

This time, she even spoke up twice in a row and helped her speak

As soon as Rong Zhaonan spoke, everyone's attention instantly focused on him.

Huang Xuehong angrily pointed at him: "You bad guy, it's you who corrupted Ningyuan and made her steal things!"

Her outburst of anger immediately resonated with Zhiqing and the villagers.

“That’s right, maybe he, the bad guy, instigated Ning Zhiqing to steal things!”

"You see, Ning Yuan wasn't like this before, she would never even think of hitting someone. She must have been influenced by bad people!"


Ning Yuan listened more and more, finally understanding why Rong Zhao Nan always kept his presence low and rarely spoke in public. -

People who have been labeled as bad guys are often viewed as guilty, even if they are innocent.

Whenever something bad happens in the group, most people blame this person!

This is the power of prejudice!

"Hold on! This has nothing to do with Dr. Rong. I didn't steal anything, let alone money! I have proof!"

Ning Yuan couldn't help but step in front of Rong Zhao Nan, and with all her might, she shouted.

Suddenly, it drowned out the noise and insults from the others.

Li Yan gave Rong Zhaonan a cold look. You're just adding to the chaos!

Then, he looked at Ning Yuan and said in a deep voice: “Comrade Ning, if you have any evidence, just bring it out. The brigade will not wrong a good person.”

When Li Yan, as the head of the squad, spoke, the villagers and the educated youth all fell silent.

Ning Yuan turned and entered the small hut beside the cow shed. After a while, she came out in a hurry, holding something up: "Tang Zhenzhen, is this what you meant by cookies and candy"

Since material resources are extremely scarce right now, even "high-end cookies and candy" is causing such a stir.

After decades, talking about current events feels like a joke, but Tang Zhenzhen mostly uses it as a springboard for her own creativity.

Ning Yuan had a bag of cookies and the remaining handful of White Rabbit candies in her hand.

Tang Zhenzhen's eyes lit up immediately, pointing at her hand: "My longevity biscuits and white rabbit toffee!"

Ning Yuan, this idiot, even took out all the evidence.

Wait a moment... the sugar is too little!

Tang YanYan glared angrily at Ning Yuan: “You stole my things again, there are only five white rabbit milk candies left, and my jade chili pepper!”

These candy cookies are nowhere to be found in the countryside; she wouldn't just eat them casually!

Ning Yuan said coldly, “This is something my relatives sent from Shanghai. Why can't I eat it”

"You're lying! This was sent to me by my family from Shanghai!" Tang Zhenzhen sneered.

Ningyuan's is hers!

Huang Xuehong also covered the bump on her head and shouted: "Yes, we all saw it, it was sent by Zhenzhen's family!"

As soon as Huang Xuehong finished speaking, the surrounding people began to discuss it again.

"Now I don't know what else Ning Zhiqing has to say. He's down in the countryside supporting agricultural construction, and it would be good enough if he didn't come steal our things."


Ning Yuan suddenly took out a package slip from her pocket without any expression: "This is my evidence. There's a Shanghai postmark on it, you can see what it says."

Tang Zhenzhen was taken aback and suddenly had a bad feeling.

Why is Ning Yuan still keeping this shipping label Several months ago, she watched the other person throw it in the trash!

Li extended her hand to take it, looked at the shipping label, and read aloud: "A box of evergreen cookies, a bag of white rabbit toffee, recipient... Ning Yuan."

As soon as the words left his mouth, everyone looked at each other in surprise.

Ning Yuan has evidence, the sugar belongs to her.

"Alright, I've already proved that I have candy and cookies. What about you How do you prove that things belong to you!" Ning Yuan sneered.

The cookies and candy she wouldn't even eat herself, which she gave to Tang Zhenzhen, became the evidence this woman used to frame her.

Fortunately, later on, she kept a Shanghai postmark stamp for her philately collection and picked up the parcel slip instead of throwing it away.

Tang Zhenzhen's face turned a bit pale, she instinctively squeezed Huang Xuehong's arm: "That only proves you had candy and cookies before. You already ate your cookies and candy, this is mine!"

Huang Xuěhóng's fat arms ached from being squeezed, so he hurriedly nodded. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

Rong Zhaonan leaned against the cart and suddenly said, “Whoever makes the claim must provide evidence. She has already provided hers, now it’s your turn. What markings are on that jade chili”

Tang Zhenzhen glared angrily at him: "Xiaoxia and Xuehong both saw me receive the package. What's more, it's not your turn to speak, you bad guy!"

How did she know what markings were on the jade chili carving!

Li Yan cast another warning glance at Rong Zhaonan, intending to shut him up.

But he still addressed Tang Zhenzhen seriously and said, “Comrade Tang, whoever claims it is the one who needs to provide evidence. Besides your roommates, do you have any written evidence to prove that these cookies, sugar, and jade chilies belong to you”

Tang Yan-jan bit her lip and, under everyone's gaze, reddened her eyes: "Testimony alone isn't enough. I don't really have anything to say. Let's just say that the cookies, candy, and even jade chili peppers all belong to her. I must have misunderstood. Is that alright"

Saying that, she looked wronged and turned to run!

She has witnesses, Ning Yuan has physical evidence. Anyway, this matter is unclear and Ning Yuan's reputation won't improve.

Keningyuan didn't know when, she took a few steps forward and stood before her, coldly saying_

"Wait a minute, Tang Zhiqing, are you just going to leave like that"

Tang Zhenzhen glared at her with displeasure: "Is that all you have to say"

Ning Yuan sneered: "But I care, and I didn't lose five yuan. Now I suspect that the five yuan in your hand is stolen from me!"

Not only Tang Zhenzhen, but even Huang Xuehong and Li Yan and the rest of them were stunned.

What does this mean

On the other hand, Rong Zhaonan shielded half his face with the mirrored lens, a strange light flashed in his eyes as he stared at Ning Yuan, lost in thought.

Tang Zhenzhen looked at her in disbelief: "What did you say!" at the village elementary school back to their small hut in the cow shed.She clutched a stack of old newspapers, watching Rong Zhaonan effortlessly pull a rickety cart piled high with broken furnitur...