Korean-American works

Chapter 82: An Unexpected Journey of Discovery


churning her up. 。However, Jiang Yan's heart still remained cautious. She understood that if she truly wanted to, she could have found a large gold deer bicycle in town or the county long ago. 。All...Their laughter and energy, like the sunshine of spring, dispelled the previous tension and brought life to this small courtyard. 。Zhang Qingfang's appearance undoubtedly made Li Min's previous warnings seem excessive. She realized that the friends around her were not entirely trustworthy. 。During this period, Liao Jun also frequently advised Zhang Qingfang, emphasizing that making friends is not wrong, but it requires careful selection. If you encounter confusion, you may as well seek advice from relatives and friends. 。Chang Ching-fang originally intended to use this opportunity, under the guise of visiting a friend, to secretly investigate Li Min's true nature. This was Liao Jun's suggestion, although she didn't understand his intentions, she trusted his judgment. 。Before his father and uncle left, they warned Zhang Qingfang that although Liao Jun had ulterior motives, the existence of her family was her shield. As long as her family remained, she could rely on Liao Jun's protection. 。Therefore, Zhang Qingfang decided to temporarily put aside her worries and flamboyantly invited her female friends over for a dinner party at home. However, before doing so, she quietly sought Jiang Yan's opinion. 。Jiang Yan and He JianGuo held considerable influence at the educated youth point. Any decision would first seek their opinions, while others followed suit. 。Jiang Yan had a good impression of Song Weihong, despite the latter's straightforward personality, similar to Zhang Qingfang. However, Song Weihong was pure and innocent, always willing to help others. She never forgot Jiang Yan's rescue of her and was filled with gratitude. This made Jiang Yan feel a sense of being relied upon as an "older sister". 。When He JianGuo carried the two captured rabbits home, he discovered that a tail was trailing behind his wife. It was Song WeiHong who was full of gratitude towards Jiang Yan. 。As night fell, the five girls did not leave, but instead drew in other village girls like Niu Xiaolan, Xinghua, and Dayiner. Their laughter and chatter echoed in the air. 。Three male young intellectuals were working and listening in the yard. He Jianguo was also infected by the laughter, he noticed Jiang Yan's rare cheerfulness, and was secretly surprised in his heart. 。Although Jiang Yan's inner defenses were apparent, he was certain that even Hua DaAuntie, the most well-informed person in the village, probably didn't know about Jiang Yan's family background. Although she seemed to get along well with Lingzhi and Xiuer on the surface 。Song Weihong was enthusiastically sharing the city's scenery, especially the White Pagoda Park with an 800-year history. Her narration captivated the young intellectuals from Qingshan溝. 。A few years ago, radical movements were flourishing. Fueled by free networking, many young revolutionaries were active across the country. They claimed to "criticize capitalist lifestyles" and rigorously scrutinized any behavior deemed non-revolutionary. 。Once they discover intimate acts between couples, they will ruthlessly criticize them and sometimes even take physical action, forcefully cutting off clothes deemed inappropriate. They may even justify their actions by claiming to be "striking down feudal remnants." 。Rural areas, especially those bearing historical traces, have been almost untouched by their destruction. 。Next, these discontented young people turned their eyes to the white tower that symbolized tranquility. 。During a large-scale action, Red Guards within the city, in order to promote their “bold revolutionary spirit,” carried supplies laden with paint and rubble and launched a comprehensive act of vandalism and attack against the White Tower. 。Every drop of paint splashed, every hit scored, would be met with cheers. The once pristine white tower was being covered in blemishes. 。Even the gods seemed to be unable to endure such blasphemy. When a brick struck the niche where the Buddha statue resided, the base of the White Pagoda trembled subtly beneath it. 。Song Weihong paused her speech, took a sip of water, and waited expectantly for their reaction. 。"At the time, they thought it was an earthquake. Some even thought it was divine punishment. What do you think happened" 。She paused deliberately, creating a captivating suspense. 。"What's wrong

" 。Everyone eagerly questioned 。"It wasn't an earthquake, you know," 。She sold a dummy. 。"The tower fell" 。Speculation is rife. 。"No, I saw it with my own eyes not long ago." 。


Song Weihong emphasized her words.

Those people were so frightened that they scattered. Later, two young intellectuals accidentally fell in Baitasi Park, revealing a secret. 。"Song Weihong mysteriously lowered her voice, recounting this astonishing discovery. 。Two young people from the cities discovered a hidden chamber at the base of the White Pagoda as they fell. Out of curiosity, they snuck in at night and unexpectedly witnessed a deceased person who had been motionless for many years. 。This news made Jiang Yan's eyes widen. Although she wasn't particularly interested in the secret room itself, the three words "Nine Dragons" were like a bolt of lightning, instantly illuminating her thoughts. 。To He JianGuo's surprise, Jiang Yan's interest in that "little follower" exceeded his expectations. She even suggested going together to explore the mystery, which left him quite astonished. 。He originally thought this was just a temporary interest in common, but he didn't expect the other party's charm to be so great. 。"Are you really going If it's just a city tour, I can go with you." 。He Jian Guo really couldn't bear to let her go alone. A sleepless night of worry had him concerned about Shandong and her previous illness. 。"There are differences between men and women. The fun of shopping with my sisters is greatly reduced when we bring a male along." 。Jiang Yan resolutely refused Zhang Qingfang's proposal and would never bring He Jianguo along. 。A vague feeling drove her forward, though she knew there might be no new discoveries inside the White Tower. The secrets hidden behind the smashed statues called to her, making this feel like an opportunity worth pursuing. 。Perhaps there are other untouched carvings, capable of triggering other unknown mechanisms. The rules don't dictate that a secret room can only have one. 。"Alright, I've got the money and tickets ready for you. Pick whatever you want, don't hold back." 。He Jian Guo remembered the scene of his wife and daughters carefully calculating expenses while shopping, comparing clothes repeatedly. He immediately understood her needs and generously promised to encourage her not to be too concerned with small details. 。Song Weihong and several female companions quietly hid at the door, eavesdropping. Hearing this, their hearts couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy. 。Song Weihong turned her head and whispered, "Have they already decided on something" 。Chang Ching-fang and Lu Hong smiled, indicating that they had already discussed the matter of their wedding house, which elicited envy. 。They also once yearned for love. It seemed natural for young intellectuals to pair up with each other, but the distance and uncertainties of their family backgrounds made this relationship complicated. 。

If you want to make a change, it's not easy.

Have both their families agreed 。A young woman asked with a hint of doubt, 。"Isn't that obvious How else would you choose a house It was said to be He Jianguo's grandmother who casually mentioned it. An old friend's descendant happened to be Jiang Yan, so she instructed He Jianguo to take care of him." 。As a result, he found his lifelong partner. 。

"Zhang Qingfang rolled her eyes. These things have long been public, used to satisfy everyone's curiosity."

Only the third grandpa and fifth grandpa probably know. 。“Ha ha, things are getting hot now, I’ll tell you,” the educated youth happened to know a little secret, that Xi Xiu Fen who also came from Beijing had some feelings... 。Xi Xiu Fen had a crush on He Jian Guo, something that was well-known among their classmates during high school. The goddess held feelings, but the prince was uninterested. He Jian Guo's appearances were few and far between. 。Even to Xi Xiu Fen, he was a stranger. 。However, He JianGuo's bravery and family background made Xi XiuFen develop special feelings for him. 。A chance rescue event made Xi Xiu-fen fall for him completely, while He Jian-guo was oblivious to it. 。During the upheaval of going down to the countryside, Xi Xiu Fen spared no effort in searching for He Jian Guo's whereabouts. Despite her extensive network of contacts, she was unable to join him as she wished. 。Ultimately, she chose the nearby village, simply because that's how she didn't miss him. 。Xi Xiu-fen was a unique figure on campus. While she had many admirers, she also inevitably attracted some resentment. 。Among them, the one who conflicted most with her was the roommate of the female educated youth, because during the Red Flag Village incident, when Xi Xiu Fen fell into a coma, this roommate briefly showed a gleeful expression. 。However, who could have expected that He Jian Guo's visit would miraculously awaken her 。After waking up, Xi Xiu-fen received official preferential treatment, but she chose to stick to the countryside. Although people speculated about the reasons behind her decision, it could only be said that it was her personal choice. 。

Please provide me with the text you would like me to translate. I can help you with that!to pass through, urging them to act quickly. 。Li Jun didn't hesitate. Ignoring the extinguished torches beneath his feet, he grabbed Chen Qiang's hand and rushed in. Chen Qiang and Jiang Yan followed...