Korean-American works

Chapter 54 Action Speaks Louder than Words


ultivated land on their own plots, it is mostly with a blind eye. 。In contrast, the situation in Hongqi Village was like a deep freeze. The relationship between the educated youths and the production...Jiang Yan without hesitation took out a bag from his backpack and put all the drafts, bookshelves, and documents on the desk into it. 。Just as Jiang Yan was busy, He Jianguo had already half-squatted on the ground. His gaze was fixed on a place... 。By the time Jiang Yan turned around, an old trunk had been pulled out from under his bed by him. 。"This is made of camphor wood, very old. Take it back to decorate, it will definitely add to the ambience." 。Although he said that, He JianGuo didn't hesitate to open the box. 。The box felt heavy, hinting at the wonders it held within. 。

The moment the box was opened, both of their eyes were immediately drawn to it.

"It is a piece of **painted porcelain**." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate! 。Both of them let out a cry of surprise. Jiang Yan patted his eyes, his gaze falling on the conspicuous porcelain under the hay. His heart beat faster. 。He Jian Guo's knowledge was naturally extraordinary. Jiang Yan's understanding came from a pair of pink-painted porcelain bottles with bat and peach blossom patterns treasured by the Jiang family. It was her grandmother's heirloom, originally intended as her dowry 。Inside the box, two vases painted with peonies and two rouge boxes depicting cats at play came into view. Jiang Yan was mesmerized by them, then gently opened a rouge box, discovering inside a delicate secret scene painted in vibrant colors. It was so detailed and lifelike that even Jiang Yan, who had seen modern art, couldn't help but blush. 。She wasn't avoiding him out of shyness, she just had He Jian Guo, a living witness, beside her. 。He JianGuo chuckled softly, then was hit playfully on the shoulder. He slid to the ground, laughing out loud. The vivacity and innocence of the woman before him made him find it incredibly interesting. 。After a few admonishing pats, he grasped those nimble hands like a cat's, gently stroking them, seizing the opportunity to confess: "Well, I know I'm not young anymore, these feelings will just be kept hidden for now. When we join hands in the future and spend our lives together, we can share all that beauty." 。Jiang Yan glared at him, muttering "slick-tongued," and tried to leave to check out other places, but He Jianguo held onto his wrist tightly. 。"I'm serious, let's be together, I will take good care of you" 。He stared at Jiang Yan, understanding her alertness, but he yearned to make her understand his feelings, that sudden surge of affection. 。"I'm not ready to think about that yet, give me some time." 。Jiang Yan scrutinized He Jian Guo, sensing his sincerity from deep within her heart. But the hardships of the apocalypse had left her with little hope for romantic relationships. 。In modern times, she also had male and female friends who pursued her, but in the end they all became close confidantes. 。In the apocalypse, men's motivations are complex. After being reborn, she focuses more on life and uncovering secrets. Romance is something she hasn't delved into deeply. 。While she considered He Jian Guo and Liao Jun to be the most outstanding men she had ever met, Liao Jun's personality and work style were far from her expectations. 。Jiang Yan was not a stubborn loner nor a love pessimist; she just needed time to understand and accept this feeling. 。"Then I'll prove it with my actions." 。He Jian Guo nodded, understanding her need. He wasn't in a hurry to achieve results after all, slowly and steadily, the one closest to the water tower gets the moon first. 。

The two of them tacitly changed the subject, shouldering boxes side by side and walking towards the commotion outside.

Seeing Niu Wa and Er Zhu excitedly waving their hands and feet, Jiang Yan's curiosity was piqued: "What happened Did you find any treasure" 。Baby! A whole box full of treasures! 。Niua's cheer made Jiang Yan's heart race. Could it be that the legendary treasure they had been searching for was finally found She hurried over and saw Uncle Dazhuang and Uncle Fu carefully carrying a box. 。He Jian Guo put down the box in his hands, peered inside, and even though he had some expectations, he was still shocked by the gold bars filling the box. 。Then, someone brought in a chest filled with silver ingots. The glittering gold and shimmering silver left Jiang Yan momentarily dazed. 。She had just been thinking about finding the Dragon Balls, but now she suddenly possessed a treasure. This change came so abruptly. 。

Four people retrieved a letter left behind by their uncle, San Shu, from the treasure chest. The letter mentioned that Tie Niu had accidentally discovered someone attempting to dig in the mountains. He led Tie Niu to follow them and instructed them not to publicize upon receiving the treasure, to temporarily store it, and to bring it to a bank in the city for exchange at a suitable time.

They rested for a moment beside the box, looking curiously at He Jian Guo and Jiang Yan. They explained the situation briefly and clearly. 。Within the four treasure chests, two were filled with intricately crafted small fish weighing one liang each and large gold coins weighing five liang each. The silver chest overflowed with ancient horseshoe-shaped silver pieces. Their unique shapes seemed to whisper tales of history's passage, giving Jiang Yan a feeling that these precious artifacts had come together after much tribulation. 。This small military base, called a Fortress, is actually more like an archeological site. Its goal is to explore ancient tombs in the mountains. It's said that there were countless coffins inside, but the treasures are no longer there. They may have been carefully selected and taken away by the Japanese army during their retreat. 。Grandfather Five regretfully pointed out that the food in the warehouse had spoiled due to improper storage. 。Several years ago, although Qingshan溝 had a superior geographical location, it was still plagued by famine. 。Uncle San, with his wisdom, found a hidden cache in the mountains. The food there was perfectly preserved, saving the entire village from dire straits. 。Until now, the villagers still remember that kindness. 。"Fifth Grandfather, are we going to look for Third Uncle" 。Jiang Yan looked at the box on the ground, his heart filled with both joy and worry. 。The joy lies in these riches not being legendary vast treasures. The worry is that the possible treasure might have already been unearthed by others, and what they hold may be just a small fraction of it. 。

With the undamaged calligraphy works and books in her backpack, and three balls in her hand, Jiang Yan suddenly had a bold guess: could these gold and silver be a clever trap set by her third uncle Perhaps he used this to attract those interested in treasure, or to find other clues This thought sent chills down her spine, the complexity of the situation began to exceed her imagination.

Before leaving, the Fifth Grandfather spoke in a serious tone, warning everyone: "We are all in this together. Uncle Three found us a source of wealth; we must never be ungrateful." 。After you go back, you must keep this a secret. You mustn't even mention it in your dreams, otherwise, if the news gets out and the villagers are implicated, none of your families will be safe. 。“Although we should have stayed overnight in the mountains, due to the influence of these four chests of treasure and the stationed troops outside, Grandpa Five and another elder decided to return to Qing Shan Gou immediately. Time was tight, leaving no room for delay.” 。He Jian Guo displayed the ancient camphor wood chest in front of everyone. The rouge box hidden inside had been carefully stored by him, leaving behind a pile of miscellaneous items, including enamel basins, tin cups and aluminum lunch boxes left in the dormitory. He generously suggested: "These are practical items, whoever needs them can take them. This vase is a nice decoration and can be used to insert a broom." 。Several elders shook their heads and refused. Their eyes were focused on the gold and silver boxes, these trivial objects couldn't be compared with valuable treasures. 。The "foreign goods" they had acquired were all brand new from the warehouse, and as for the vases, practicality was the key factor for them. 。Jiang Yan couldn't help but be astonished. Although she had spent some time in Qingshan Gou, she hadn't truly witnessed the villagers' prosperity. Even when visiting her neighbors, she hadn't paid attention to these details. 。rd Zhongshan Park. It was still early, and the park gates were closed. 。"Off work, off work, no tickets sold" 。She looked at her watch, it was 3:30. She sighed helplessly and started wandering around...