After the Breakup, M works

Chapter 507


Chapter 101Chapter 507

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Later, she fell ill and sought out renowned doctors everywhere. Finally, through connections, she managed to invite a highly acclaimed physician. Unexpectedly, it was another young girl...


Shang Bi Zhu is unmarried and has no siblings, so she is treated like a niece by her family!

"I'm so sorry, I didn't have your parents' permission to force this little girl into being my niece!" Shang Biju laughed gleefully, "The main reason is that I particularly like her. She's genuine, unpretentious, capable, and not boastful. In short, I like everything about her."


Think again about the daughter's many identities...

Over these years, how much effort would she have to put in just to appear effortless...

On thinking this, Li Yuanfu felt even more heartache.

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"Your aunt invited you to a banquet hosted by the business owner three years ago, but you never came. Tonight, seeing your parents' faces, you finally showed up! It seems that your parents still hold more weight in your heart!" Shang Biju said this with feigned jealousy.

"You're here again!" Ou Yan saw through her pretense at once.

Remember this for one second.

"Shang Bi Zhu chuckled, placing her hand on Ou Yan's fragrant shoulder. "I specially asked the Gao family to come tonight. We'll teach them a lesson and vent your anger for you."

A question mark popped up in Youyan's mind, "I don't know them."

Please let me know if you have any other text you'd like translated!irresistible.He couldn't help but lean down and gently kiss her.Just then, the phone vibrated again.>Si Yechen casually glanced at his phone screen and saw several WeChat messages appear.>Let me know...