After the Breakup, M works

Chapter 1369


many..." Ouyan explained.Why would anyone dare to treat him and his guests with just a few dishes After all, Si Yechen's status is beyond compare, this resort belongs to him.What about Si Ye Chen Did...Outside, the sky was overcast, and night hadn't completely ended. She couldn't help but ask, "Uncle, what time does he usually wake up"

"Normally, it would be about half an hour later. But since Mrs. came back, Mr. stays up with her. We can't say for sure what time exactly."

" ...... Li Yusa couldn't help asking, “What about my grandfather”

The old man only woke up last night. He's usually in a coma, and it's hard to tell his usual routine.

"I'm full. I guess I'll go for a morning run first. I'll have breakfast with my uncle and the others later."

At -3 degrees, even with thick clothes, Li Yusa shivered in the biting wind.

But she gritted her teeth and jogged slowly, thinking to herself, "What if my uncle or grandpa wakes up and sees me running before dawn They'd think I'm a disciplined and ambitious kid!"

So she ran for 40 minutes in the garden, braving the cold wind, but still no one woke up. She couldn't take it anymore and hurried back inside.

Half an hour later, Song Junlin was the first to go downstairs. When he saw Li Yusa sitting at the dining table with both hands holding a bowl, he couldn't help asking, "Yusa, why did you get up so early What's wrong with your face It's so red from the cold"

I went for a run outside for an hour, then stopped when it started snowing. Good morning, Uncle. Li Yuansha was still puffing out white breath as she spoke.

Song Junlin never expected that she would change like this, and even start waking up early for morning runs.

"It's a good habit, but when the weather is bad, you can do morning exercises indoors. Your aunt does that, practicing yoga inside."

"Li Yusa thought to herself, "If I had known earlier, I would have also brought a mat and practiced yoga in a visible place indoors. It's warm here, and I wouldn't have to run so tiredly. Plus, I could attract people's attention anytime..."

"By the way, Sasha, you said on the phone that you have a boyfriend When did you get one"

"After my sister came home..." Li Yusa deliberately lowered her eyes, and after a while, she forced a smile and said, "It's been half a year now. Mainly because he chased me for six years, from the first year of high school to the third year. After the college entrance exam in the summer vacation, I tried dating him."female lead in an idol drama, getting the attention of Mr. Si...Now the fantasy is shattered..."At least their temperament and looks match well, unlike the star I liked. He suddenly collapsed, you kno...