Full Moon works

Chapter 765: Where's the Mistake?


ut she still liked her face, loved this man. 。I've told myself countless times, and made countless resolutions, but she just can't control her own heart. 。She had an outrageous idea, hoping that Joe S...Qin Jingwen continued to speak, continuing her unhappy self-talk.

I'm not sure if the people around me are Qiao Shunchen, and I'm not sure if anyone is around. 。But she just wanted to say, she just wanted to find a way out for herself in this desperate situation. 。"If I want to leave, just let me... take the children... and go." 。 。"Did you hear...Do you know what you're doing to me...What is your attitude towards me" Qin Jingwen's mouth was speaking nonsense, but in her heart she understood very clearly 。She knows she's unpleasant and that she causes people trouble. 。She also wants to change all of this, so that no one can see her. 。But what about her children, her niece, and her sister 。With them around, she couldn't even die if she wanted to. 。"You... you don't care about me, no one protects me, so... everyone can bully me" 。"Wait for me. See if I can protect myself. See if I can live without you." 。"

Qin Jingwen didn't know what she was saying, she only knew that her heart hurt. " 。The past scenes played in her mind, over and over again. All the pain she had endured felt as fresh as yesterday, allowing her to feel the sting vividly. 。She had meticulously planned her life, a plan so beautiful and blissful. 。However, nothing developed as she had expected. 。Could this be the cruel joke of fate But after teasing her for so many years, almost driving her to death, shouldn't it stop now 。"As long as you're willing, I'll protect you" 。As long as you are willing, no one can bully you. 。You are the most important person in the world to me. 。Joe Shun-chen felt a pang of sympathy, for her carrying all the weight alone, and for her enduring so much injustice. 。"Hey... isn't this an illusion... How come the sound is so close..." 。Qin Jingwen suddenly heard Qiao Shunchen's voice and raised her eyes to look at him. 。"Who are you Who are you to assure me like that" At this moment, Qin Jingwen was lying on Qiao Shunchen's lap, with Du Peng driving in front. 。"Never mind who I am, I always keep my word." 。Joe Shunchen, following Qin Jingwen's lead, pretended to be drunk too. 。Qin Jingwen scoffed, withdrew her gaze and sighed. 。"Liars, you men are all liars" 。Joe Shunchen... Joe Shunchen, you know. 。You may not know... he's the father of my son and daughter. 。"He also told me that, he said..." He said that, Qin Jingwen stopped and then used her hand to count one by one. 。Later on, she couldn't even count. 。"Sigh... I don't even know how many times he said it, but no matter how many times he...he never did it." 。"He... didn't say anything else... he said his heart hurt. " 。Late, let's keep drinking. 。Qin Jingwen didn't know what she was saying, her words were aimless. Her mind was hazy, one moment it was Qiao Shunchen beside her, the next it was Chi Chuan. 。It was like she was still drinking with Chi Chuan, but also like Qiao Shunchen was sending her home. 。Qin Jingwen fell asleep slowly, while Qiao Shunchen was trapped in endless pain. 。Although Qin Jingwen was drunk, those things had taken root in her heart. 。She's right, he promised her so many things, but he just ended all of his commitments to her with a single breakup. 。He didn't do anything, and his debt to her was only a little bit. 。After suffering so much pain, her heart had turned cold. How could his few words possibly mend her heart or soothe her wounds 。 Qiao Shunchen was worried that Qin Jingwen, who was afraid of getting drunk, would be seen by the child, so he had to open a room alone. 。All went well on the way, but as soon as I placed Qin Jingwen on the bed, she started vomiting. 。"Give me some water...please give me some water..." 。Qin Jingwen lay on the edge of the bed, vomiting uncontrollably but constantly asking for water. 。Joe Shun-chen quickly ran to find water and returned just as fast. 。When the water comes, drink some first. 。Joe Shun-chen supported Qin Jingwen as she drank water. Qin Jingwen was uncomfortable but still knew the taste in her mouth was unpleasant. 。She only opened her mouth, but didn't drink the water. 。After Qin Jingwen's condition slightly eased, Qiao Shunchen brought over hangover medicine for her to drink. 。This was the first thing he ordered Du Peng to do as soon as he got out of the car. 。Knowing that Qin Jingwen had drunk a lot of alcohol and eaten too much spicy food, both of which she wasn't good at handling, she must be suffering. 。"Drinking the medicine can help alleviate it a little bit" 。Joe Shunchen saw Qin Jingwen's unwillingness to cooperate, so he coaxed Qin Jingwen. 。“I… it hurts, it burns like fire here” 。Qin Jingwen couldn't say where it hurt, but she covered her stomach with her hand. 。"Have a shot of the hangover cure first, then take your stomach medicine." 。Joe Shun-chen knew Qin Jingwen had a stomachache, but he didn't dare to give her medicine in her drunken state. He could only let her sober up first and alleviate it. 。 Qiao Shunchen knew she was hurting herself by doing this, but if he didn't let her vent, Qin Jingwen's heart would be even more tormented. 。After they broke up, Qiao Shunchen didn't leave, but instead kept following Qin Jingwen 。Seeing her having dinner with Chi Chuan, hearing the sad things she said, and seeing Chi Chuan's hand hesitating over Qin Jingwen's head, I also saw the worry in Chi Chuan's eyes for Qin Jingwen. 。All of this Qiao Shunchen saw with his own eyes, but couldn't stop it in time. He only allowed her to vent her emotions so that she could feel more comfortable. 。Qin Jingwen didn't nag anymore, but drank the hangover medicine. 。At this time, she was still in a daze, unable to tell who the man beside her was, nor could she discern whether what was happening around her was a dream or reality. 。She just wanted to feel comfortable, no matter what kind of state she was in. Her body felt terrible. 。After Qiao Shunchen gave Qin Jingwen the medicine, he went to pour himself a cup of honey water. 。"Wenwen, get up and drink this cup of water, it might ease your stomach ache. " 。As he spoke, Qiao Shunchen helped Qin Jingwen to her feet. 。 "Sorry... I'm sorry to trouble you" 。Although she still couldn't be sure who this man was or if it had even been a dream, she felt grateful for whatever it was. 。"Don't speak, drink the water." 。Joe Shunchen didn't need Qin Jingwen's thanks. Every time she said something like that, Joe Shunchen would feel a sense of distance between them, and he hated that they were becoming distant. 。"Drink water... I'll drink water first. " 。“ Qin Jingwen drank the water in a daze, and then slumped back onto the bedpowerlessly. 。"What should I do... How can I not make everyone hate me..."Qin Jingwen didn't fall asleep immediately, but instead curled up in bed muttering to herself 。"I really need money, I have to work hard to earn money... Working hard will allow my family to live a good life... So that Qiao Shunchen won't look down on me..." 。At this moment, Chu Yang... Chu Yang, he was actually going to end the game. 。“I... ”

“Ending the game is also an option, I… I can still think of other ways to make money” 。But I don't want to lose Yaoyao...Yaoyao and Chu Yang, these two friends 。Qin Jingwen lamented to herself, tears welling up and flowing down her cheeks unknowingly. 。...she herself didn't realize it... 。They must have been brainwashed by Qiao Shunchen, they all abandoned me. 。How could Qiao Shunchen not tolerate me... Lao Chi, help me analyze, where did I go wrong 。"

Men don't like me, friends don't like me... you... do you like me If you do, let's just make it work, so that Qiao Shunchen can see that I'm not unwanted. >>> 。Qin Jingwen didn't know if she was being intentional, but at this moment, she truly hoped that Qiao Shunchen could hear her say these words. 。I hope his heart will tremble just a little for her words. 。"Wen Wen..." Qiao Shunchen called out, then wanted to express his thoughts, even if Qin Jingwen was dizzy and confused, even if she woke up she might not remember anything, he wanted to say... 。But Qin Jingwen didn't want to listen. 。"Quiet, I'm going to sleep." 。Went to sleep... Anything in my dreams. 。Qin Jingwen intercepted Qiao Shunchen's words. Whether it was reality or a dream, she didn't want to hear Qiao Shunchen say anything, explain anything. 。Whether Qiao Shunchen's words were true or false, she simply didn't believe him and didn't care. 。However, she couldn't fall asleep right away, and she was still mumbling to herself. 。"Joe Shunt is a jerk, he's...he's a jerk." 。He even didn't know where he went wrong and just...apologized to me. 。He often apologizes to... 。You say how can I forgive him He's just patronizing me... It's so obvious, he... I'm talking about Qiao Shunchen... He thinks I'm a fool. 。"I...I won't forgive...Is this really true I wouldn't even forgive..." 。Let him use that on someone else... some other woman. 。< I don't care about his apology. > 。Qin Jingwen was thoroughly heartbroken. No matter if Qiao Shunchen's apology was sincere or not, she couldn't forgive him. 。It's not that I hate him to the bone, nor is it that I resent him for not being able to give me love. 。It's just that I can't bear the pain he brings. 。"No need to say anymore, let's talk when you sober up." 。I know you're feeling uncomfortable, I know you have a lot of resentment towards me, and I know I haven't done well. 。But no matter what, you can't waste your body like this. 。Joe Shun-chen couldn't stand it anymore, he couldn't bear to see Qin Jingwen in so much pain. 。She may not feel her tears, but Qiao Shunchen can see them clearly. 。Her tears, mingled with salt, fell onto Qiao Shunchen's heart, causing him a sharp, stinging pain in an instant. 。"There's nothing to talk about... I understand anyone... I don't make things difficult for anyone... Whether it's Chu Yang or Qiao Shunchen, they dislike me... I have no say in the matter..." 。"Qin Jingwen's words became more and more painful. She had to understand everyone, but her heart was made of flesh and blood. When faced with such a thing, she would feel pain, the kind that made her want to die. " 。Qin Jingwen's tears streamed down her face, and she curled up like a helpless child. 。Joseph sighed with distress, unable to bear the sight any longer. He lay down beside Qin Jingwen and pulled her into his arms. 。"Don't live for anyone else, don't think about anyone" 。You only care about yourself, and only want what's best for yourself. 。Jo Shunchen held Qin Jingwen in his arms just to comfort her. 。

Who knew, Qin Jingwen cried even harder after getting warmth.

"Ugh... I just want to ask you, where did I go wrong Tell me, where have I annoyed you" Qin Jingwen didn't want to say anything anymore. She didn't want to think about the past her, nor did she want to delve into it. 。But she really wanted to know why she had become everyone's target. 。"You are right, it's all my fault. 。If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be so miserable. If it weren't for me, you would live a very happy life. 。Faced with Qin Jingwen's question, Qiao Shunchen had no answer. After all, Qin Jingwen was not wrong 。But he had to give an answer, so he just took all the responsibility onto himself. 。bill, I'll be right back." 。Let's talk things through properly, don't beat around the bush. 。"Tao Chen comforted her with a few words and then went out." 。"I told you I'm fine. " 。Qin Jingwen wasn't...