Full Moon works

Chapter 284: The Exquisite Necklace


ideas that even in today's open society, she still needed to find someone from a similar background. 。"Joe, I thought it was because my aunt and I held you and your sister back from being together. I...Qin Jingwen didn't continue the topic, because Qiao Shunchen's opinion had no influence on her. 。"I've gotten you into trouble again. Being drunk always gets you found out." 。This time I thought I was at Danny's, thinking that Tao Chen was there and someone would help me clean up. I thought I could have a drink without any worries, but in the end it still ended up in your hands. 。"

She doesn't seem to handle alcohol well at all. After a few drinks, Qiao Shunchen would either line up or circle her, rambling on and on, or he'd appear right in front of her eyes, just like now, seemingly awake and lying in bed." 。"Isn't it good to be in my hands" Qiao Shunchen asked back, his thoughts were just the opposite of Qin Jingwen's. 。Although Qin Jingwen was feeling unwell from drinking too much, he would worry and feel sorry for her. However, he enjoyed spending time with Qin Jingwen like this. 。"No good " 。If I cause you trouble, I'll feel indebted to you. 。...and this kind of mode of getting along…"

Qin Jingwen thought it would be addictive, that she wouldn't want to let go, and that it would make her lose herself.

...that way, she wouldn't be able to say anything in front of Qiao Shunchen anymore ... 。The more you say, the more he'll laugh at you. Why would you throw yourself into the abyss of pain 。“How about this way of getting along” 。"It's nothing, I have a headache" 。Qin Jingwen shifted the topic. A headache was the perfect excuse; she didn't have to say anything, nor do anything. 。Just lie there like that. 。A headache cut off the topic, but it couldn't sever Qin Jingwen's feelings for Qiao Shunchen. 。

Qin Jingwen closed her eyes and asked herself, where did Qiao Shunchen attract her, why would she love him so deeply

Everyone says she's with Qiao Shunchen for the money, but only she knows that her love for him has many reasons, and money is none of them. 。

The two of them lay in bed silently for a while. Although Qin Jingwen was keeping her eyes closed, Qiao Shunchen could tell from her breathing that she wasn't asleep

"Wenwen, why didn't you tell me the brakes failed" Joe Shunchen couldn't hold back and asked this question, but he was confident that Qin Jingwen wouldn't suspect Tang Danni told him. 。 “How did you know” Qin Jingwen unexpectedly opened her eyes, looking at Qiao Shunchen’s face. Even when he was serious and cold, his gaze could still hold hers captive. 。I kept worrying about it all day, so I called the 4S shop and asked. They said it was a brake failure caused by a person. 。" Qiao Shunchen casually used an excuse to get rid of Tang Danni. " 。He also didn't want to expose Tang Danni because Tang Danni was the only person Qin Jingwen trusted, the only person she could confide in. 。If she couldn't even confide in Tang Danyi, then Qin Jingwen would have to bear everything herself. 。"Have a good heart " Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate! 。The brake failure was indeed caused by human error. 。Qin Jingwen believed Qiao Shunchen because there was his daughter in the car, it was normal for him to care. 。"Wenwen, I've already asked Sun Xu to look into it" 。"Who do you think did it"

Jiao Shunchen continued to ask, looking at Qin Jingwen's suspicious person to see if he agreed with her.

I don't know who dislikes me, it could be anyone. 。I'm not surprised that so many people hate me. 。Qin Jingwen's words were indifferent, even Su Qin felt that it was possible. 。Whether it's Su Qin or Ye Wen, she just said that Qiao Shunchen wouldn't believe it. 。Compared to these two women, she is the one who lies, speaks insincerely, and is not trustworthy. 。"No, not that many people hate you " 。I think Song Wei has a higher chance, after all, he hasn't been caught yet. 。Qin Jingwen's self-deprecating remarks about Qiao Shunchen were rejected but understood by him. He spoke up against her words, completely because he felt sorry for her after hearing what she said. 。"It could be him." 。Since you've already asked Sun Xu to check, please let me know when you find out. 。Qin Jingwen knew he wouldn't suspect Ye Wen, nor Su Qin. 。But why doesn't he think carefully before speaking 。Compared to her, Song Wei should hate Qiao Shunchen more. 。It was he who acquired the Song family's business, causing them to go bankrupt. It was he who made things unstable for the entire Song family. 。Even if it was seeking revenge, Song Wei should go after the person responsible, not someone as insignificant as me. 。The next day, in Qiao Shunchen's office 。After a busy morning, Qiao Shunchen could finally rest for a while. He took out an exquisite necklace from the drawer. 。This necklace is a one-of-a-kind custom design by Chow Tai Seng exclusively for MG. It shares the same level of material as that diamond ring. 。This is Qiao Shunchen's birthday present for Qin Jingwen, hoping to give it to her on Qin Jingwen's birthday, and hoping she will like it. 。 Qiao Shunchen sighed and immediately got up to walk to the floor-to-ceiling window. The necklace still hung quietly in his hand, but he didn't know if Qin Jingwen would accept his heart. 。Looking at this gift, Qiao Shunchen remembered last night. 。Remembering sleeping in the same bed with Qin Jingwen felt so reassuring. 。Joe Shun-chen was reminiscing when the sound of the door opening interrupted his thoughts. 。He turned around and glared at the door. He was about to yell at whoever barged in without knocking when he saw Ye Wen walking in, carrying things in both hands. 。When Qiao Shunchen saw Ye Wen for the first time, his first reaction was to quickly tuck the necklace into his trouser pocket. Because he was in a hurry, he didn't put it away completely, and part of the necklace was exposed outside. 。Yet Ye Wen's sharp eyes caught onto Qiao Shunchen's abnormality, and she also noticed the sliver of silvery-white object peeking out from his pocket. 。Yè Wén pretended not to see, putting everything she was carrying on the coffee table. 。"I had both hands full of things so I just came in without knocking, don't mind me " 。These are all for lunch, I made them myself. 。It's about time for you to take a break, so I came over to have lunch with you. 。" She said with a sense of accomplishment, this lunch took her whole morning to prepare. Whether it tastes good or not, she can't judge, but the thoughtfulness is definitely unique. "

"I was just about to have my secretary get me lunch, you're right on time." 。I'm going to wash my hands and we can eat together. 。"Then Qiao Shunchen returned to his desk, bent down and put the necklace in the drawer." 。From this angle, Ye Wen should not be able to see what's in his hands because of the desk in the way. 。 Qiao Shunchen put on his necklace and then went to the restroom to wash his hands. 。Although Yè Wén was busy arranging her lunch, her attention was all on Jiāo Shùn Chén. 。Although Qiao Shunchen was unseen at his desk, she clearly saw that the silvery thing had disappeared when he went to wash his hands. 。Ye Wen was struggling in her heart at this moment. The thing was very curious to her, but after last time's lesson, she didn't dare touch Qiao Shunchen's things easily. If he saw it, he would definitely get angry. 。Ye Wen arranged the dishes, and Qiao Shunchen also walked out of the rest room. 。Just as I was about to sit down for a meal, my secretary suddenly knocked and came in. 。"Joe, the cleaning lady in charge of cleaning the conference room suddenly fainted at the door. Would you like to take a look" 。It was obvious that the secretary was very anxious. It was lunchtime, and there were already fewer people on the 30th floor. Sun Xu wasn't there either. She was so flustered that she came to ask Qiao Shunchen for help. 。When Qiao Shunchen heard this, he didn't say a word and walked out. He knew that this secretary was very measured in his work, and if it wasn't absolutely necessary, he wouldn't easily disturb him. 。After Qiao Shunchen ran out, the office door closed behind him, and only Ye Wen was left in the office. 。At this time, Ye Wen was not worried about the cleaning aunt outside, nor whether the lovingly prepared lunch she had made would get cold. Instead, she was thinking about what that silvery white thing she had just seen was. 。Ye Wen struggled in her heart for a moment, and finally couldn't help but walk to Qiao Shunchen's desk. 。 Qiao Shunchen's desk had only one drawer locked, the other one Ye Wen could open. 。Inside the drawer, she saw a silvery object quietly lying there. 。Ye Wen picked it up and saw that it was an extremely delicate necklace with a pendant. 。The pendant is very ordinary, just two rings that are fitted together. But the craftsmanship and material of this necklace are extraordinary. 。Ye Wen carefully inspected every part of the necklace, finding only a "W" inscribed on the inside of the pendant. 。In general, unless it has special significance, this letter is the craftsman's hallmark. 。Ye Wen took out the necklace box again and looked at it. This time, she finally knew the basic information about this necklace. 。This is a piece handcrafted by one of MG's master artisans. It takes this artisan over 2 million man hours to craft. 。That seemingly plain necklace is worth at least five million. 。The necklace is newly custom-made, it's clearly meant for someone else. 。But who was it for Ye Wen put the necklace back in its place, then returned to the sofa and sat down, but her mind kept lingering on that necklace. 。She took out her phone and began searching online for information about the artisan. After checking, she confirmed that the artisan's seal was not W... 。Then what about this W Could it be Ye Wen's "wen" Is it a gift for her Thinking of this, Ye Wen felt a little excited. 。Continuing to think about Qiao Shunchen's deliberate dodging just now, could it be that he was afraid she would see this necklace and lose the surprise Ye Wen thought more and more excitedly, feeling that the possibility of giving herself a chance was getting bigger. 。She even began to look forward to it, wondering in what kind of romantic scenario Qiao Shunchen would give her this gift. 。

Joe Shun-chen came back after a short while, Ye Wen quickly got up 。"How is the cleaning lady," Ye Wen asked worriedly. 。"The person has woken up and someone has already taken her to the hospital. " 。"

Joe Shunchen answered in a low voice >>> 。If nothing happens, go wash your hands and we'll eat. 。Yè Wén said, looking down at her meal. 。"What are we going to do now that it's cold"Ye Wen said in a low voice, slightly disappointed. 。It's okay, just eat like this. 。I'm going to wash my hands. 。" Qiao Shunchen saw Ye Wen's dejection. Even though the food was cold, he could still eat it and didn't want to waste her thoughtfulness. " 。Tao Chen arranged everything for himself, said hello to Qin Jing, Wen and Tang Danni, then went to the prison. 。No matter what Song Yien does, right or wrong, they are still good friends. 。Since he's back in City B, he should come over and see Song Yiren. 。Few people came to see Song Yien, and the prison guards didn't say her name when they called her. 。Song Eon was thinking the whole time she was being escorted from her cell to the visitation room, wondering who could be coming to see her. 。

Is Qin Jing Wen Tang Dani still the same uncle as last time

But when he saw the people outside the glass wall, he was so surprised that he froze there.

Slowly, her eyes began to well up, becoming blurry. Tears welled and flowed freely. 。"I haven't seen you in years..." Song Yiren sat down, and after saying that sentence, she couldn't say anything more. 。uld abide by the contract and give me the child." 。...it's not like they suddenly appeared in my life with a child. 。If Grandpa found out, he would definitely suspect you had ulterior motives and say...