Full Moon works

Chapter 270 For the Child


g, what exactly do you want Whether I drink or not doesn't concern you." 。" Then Xue Yao suddenly shouted loudly, and everyone in the private room heard it, and they turned off the music. 。The privat...Qiao Liang's words suddenly made Ban Yue burst into tears.

"Why, why didn't anyone help me and my brother" 。

What did we do wrong, why can't we live with Daddy and Mommy

Even if we make mistakes, you tell us so we can correct them. Why don't you help us 。Half a month's crying made Qiao Liang feel even more heartache, and also made Qin Jing and Qiao Yu urgently run over. 。"What's wrong" Qiao Yu opened her mouth and asked, thinking the child had fallen. 。"Little sister wants grandpa to help persuade daddy... mommy, you should just stay with daddy." 。" Qiao Zixuan felt sorry for his little sister and seeing Mommy when she was so upset, he couldn't hold back his tears either. 。Although the children were speaking in broken sentences, Qin Jingwen still understood why they were crying. 。Even though she was crying, little Half Moon still had a sharp tongue. “We’ve all been working so hard for so long, why is no one helping us Is it wrong of us to want a home, or do you guys just not love us” 。Her words pierced everyone's hearts, leaving them all feeling guilty. 。Two children kept asking, but none of the adults could give the children the answers they wanted, and no one spoke up to offer help. 。Children don't understand the helplessness between adults, their hearts are pure, and what they want is transparent. 。It's just that such simple things become complicated when they reach adults. Transparent and pure ideas that adults are unable to fulfill. 。However, this scene was recorded by Qiao Yu in a video and sent to Qiao Shunchen. 。Joe Shun-chen and Ye Wen were having lunch when they saw a video from Joe Yufa, with a picture of half a moon crying. Joe Shun-chen didn't open it in front of Ye Wen. 。"You eat first, I'll go to the restroom" 。Joe Shun-chen found an excuse to leave, he didn't go to the restroom, but came to a deserted place in the safety passage. 。He opened the video and immediately saw two children crying and begging, and Qiao Shunchen's heart clenched instantly. 。Listening to the two children repeatedly asking where they went wrong, why they couldn't have both parents, why no one helped them, Qiao Shunchen couldn't control his emotions. 。Seeing the two children so eager for a home, Qiao Shunchen realized that everything yesterday was an illusion, all the facade the two children put on. They didn't intend to accept Ye Wen at all. 。Chiu Sun-chen was heartbroken. It was because of Ban Yue and Chiu Tzu-hsien's tearful pleas, because of Qin Jing turning away with her already red-rimmed eyes from holding back tears, and because of his father's helpless and pained expression. 。He quickly returned to his seat. 。"I have something urgent to attend to, you eat slowly first. I'll be going now." 。" That's how Qiao Shunchen left Ye Wen with a dumbfounded expression and quickly departed. 。When Qiao Shunchen rushed to the outskirts of the city, he didn't see the child and Qin Jingwen in the courtyard, but Qin Jingwen's car was still there. 。 Qiao Shunchen came into the room. Qin Jingyi, Qiao Yu, and her father were sitting in the living room, still no sign of Qin Jingwen and her son. 。And the child Qiao Shunchen asked eagerly. 。The upstairs bedroom, I think it's where you're sleeping. Just tap lightly 。" Qiao Yu answered Qiao Shunchen, her voice fell and Qiao Shunchen's figure had already quickly moved away 。For Qiao Shunchen's sudden appearance, Qin Jingyi and Qiao Liang were both surprised. 。But Qiao Yu knew what was going on. 。After she posted the video, she guessed that Qiao Shunchen would definitely come if he saw it, but she didn't expect Qiao Shunchen to come so quickly. 。 Qiao Shunchen came upstairs and was sure that Qin Jingwen's old room was right here. 。He stood at the doorway, taking a moment to steady his emotions before gently pushing the door open. 。The two children had indeed fallen asleep. Qin Jingwen sat beside them, wiping the tears from their eyes with one hand and her own with the other. She didn't notice Qiao Shunchen's arrival. 。Yet when Qiao Shunchen saw this scene, his heart ached. 。He walked slowly to the bed and wiped Qin Jingwen's tears with his hand. It was only then that Qin Jingwen realized Qiao Shunchen was standing beside her. 。She wiped away her tears as quickly as she could, not wanting Qiao Shunchen to see her vulnerable side. 。"How did you get here"Qin Jingwen asked in a very low voice, afraid that the two children would continue to cry if they heard. 。"Knowing the child is crying, I'm worried and come over to take a look. " 。" Qiao Shunchen's voice was also very low. The three people he cared about most were all in pain now, how could he continue to eat 。Qin Jingwen unexpectedly looked at Qiao Shunchen, not understanding how the child's crying was known by Qiao Shunchen. 。 Let's talk. 。Joe Shunchen looked at Qin Jingwen, who was dumbfounded, and didn't explain. The child was asleep; talking too much would wake him up. 。"Enough, let's get everything clear." 。You live your life, you don't have to worry about the kids here. 。Even though Qin Jingwen couldn't guess what Qiao Shunchen wanted to talk about, she felt that no matter what they talked about, it was unnecessary. 。 Qiao Shunchen didn't speak again, but instead directly pulled Qin Jingwen's hand and walked towards the restroom. 。He knew that Qin Jingwen wouldn't speak up at this time; she wasn't as strong as him. This move was much more effective than words. 。Qin Jingwen dared not make a sound and had no strength. In the end, she was forcibly dragged into the bathroom by Qiao Shunchen. 。When they reached the restroom, Qiao Shunchen took the initiative to let go of Qin Jingwen's hand. 。"We need to talk about things properly, for the sake of our child. We can't let them be this heartbroken anymore." 。Jo Shun-chen's low voice held no coldness. 。There's nothing much we need to discuss. If you have any thoughts about the child, feel free to share them. 。Qin Jingwen shut herself off, unwilling to hear another word of deceit or mockery from Qiao Shunchen. 。Children's affairs are our affairs. Only when we figure out our own affairs can children be happy. 。" Qiao Shunchen denied Qin Jingwen's statement. In his view, the key to the problem lay with the two adults. " 。No, to be precise, the problem lies solely with him. Qin Jingwen is not at fault. 。Qin Jingwen lowered her head and said nothing. A child's happiness is very simple, but no matter how they talk, they can't give it. 。"Wen Wen, no matter what kind of relationship we have, we can't deny that the child is innocent." 。When I heard Bàn Yuán kǒu repeatedly asking himself where he had gone wrong, I felt like slapping myself twice. 。"A child's heart is always filled with sorrow, yet as their father, I am unable to make it sweet. All I feel towards them is guilt and more guilt." 。" Qiao Shunchen said painfully, because his handsome brows were all wrinkled together with heartache. " 。"Like you, I feel sorry for them. My guilt will last a lifetime, but what can I do I can't change anything. There's nothing I can do to fight for them." 。"

Qin Jingwen's mood was just as bad, and she felt the same guilt towards her child. " 。But how could she, a mortal, possibly change something that was destined to happen 。"We can't all change, but we should try." 。 。" All Qiao Shunchen could think of was this method. Last time, he told Qin Jingwen that it was because he couldn't leave Qin Jingwen 。This time, he just wants to try one last time for his child. 。Although this idea is unfair to Qin Jingwen, although this idea is selfish 。But for the sake of his child, he wanted to fight for it. 。Qin Jingwen stared wide-eyed at Qiao Shunchen, understanding perfectly what he meant by living together. He wanted her to continue being his mistress, continuing their life as before. 。Upon hearing Qiao Shunchen's words, Qin Jingwen felt a pang of pain. 。What she least wanted to hear was Qiao Shunchen saying these words, and what she least wanted to do was spend her life living under the label of a mistress. 。“Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this” Qin Jing asked softly. 。I've thought about all the possibilities, on Ye Wen's side, and on Grandfather's side. 。But I can't worry about that much, I want my child to be happy. 。How could Qiao Shunchen not have thought of the consequences of doing this If he didn't care about these consequences, he wouldn't have given up on Qin Jingwen. 。However, his methods for Qin Jingwen only yielded sacrifice and nothing else, he couldn't even achieve equality for her. 。Qin Jingwen wanted her child to be happy more than anyone else, even more than Ye Wen loved Qiao Shunchen. She even yearned to marry Qiao Shunchen more than Ye Wen did. 。But none of these had any hope. 。For Qiao Shunchen, for the Qiao family, and even for Ye Wen, Qiao Shunchen raising a woman outside was nothing to them. 。But for Qin Jingwen, it was pity and shame, a lifelong stain. 。"I also want to make them happy, but this is not the best way." 。As the child grew day by day, they went from elementary school to middle school. If their classmates knew that their mother was a mistress, they would surely ridicule them. 。This kind of blow is much harder for them, it's a severe insult, far worse than the pain they are experiencing now. 。"


Joe Shunchen tried to interrupt, but Qin Jingwen stopped him

“Let me finish my words” 。"Even if the child could accept our kind of relationship, I really couldn't." 。Being another woman's mistress is something I can't stand, especially when it's the man I love. 。I said I want to live with dignity in front of you, and I don't want you to look down on me. 。"Don't get any ideas from what I'm saying, I'm not using the child to get Mrs.'s position. " 。I am self-aware and know that I don't deserve that position no matter where it is. 。"Call me melodramatic, call me pretentious, I just can't accept the position of a third party in a relationship." 。To be honest, I would rather marry someone I don't love and be a legitimate wife than live as a mistress in front of the person I love. 。“ Qin Jingwen paused for a moment, then gave her final answer. 。"I'm sorry, I can't fulfill your request" 。" Even though Qiao Shunchen had expected Qin Jingwen to say that, hearing her words still made his heart ache. 。If you want to make the child happy, marry Ye Wen as soon as possible and cut off the child's thoughts. After a long time, the child will naturally not care about these things. 。Qin Jingwen didn't want to hear Qiao Shunchen's explanations anymore. The more he said, the more hurt she felt. 。"They can't get through, the two children simply can't get through." 。Yesterday at the park, two children almost wore Ye Wen out. 。They never considered opening up to Ye Wen. 。"

Winnie, I understand everything you said" 。I know that if I do this, you'll be the one who sacrifices the most. I owe you and I'll do everything I can to compensate you. 。Please just do this for me, for the sake of the child. 。Joe Shun-Chen's tone was full of apology, he also had no other way but to sacrifice Qin Jingwen. 。o needed comforting the most at this moment. 。"A little nervous, not particularly nervous" 。"Mom, don't worry, as soon as I start the competition, I will be completely focused and I won't be nervous...