the talking elbow works

387. Life is like a play


imbing may not be what you understand."90-degree right-angled cliffs, climbing with bare hands.this is something that many people dare not even think about. On thecliff, there may be only one finger Li Zhongxian, other intelligence units returned without success. He personally saw Li Yuncai, Chen Sai, and Shen Dai Changming return to the intelligence office with livid faces.

it was already time to get off work, but none of the intelligence units mentioned it, so they all returned to their large offices, combing through all the files on hand, trying to find the Ching faction officials who could be arrested.

for a moment, the intelligence building was brightly lit, as if it were back to the busiest days of the federal intelligence agency.

A long time ago, when the intelligence agency was not controlled by the consortium, there was a group of intelligence agents who vowed to investigate the consortium to the end.

at that time, their main direction of investigation was that federal officials took bribes from consortia and federal officials became the umbrella of consortia.

but times have changed. Now the Intelligence Department has all become members of the consortium, and the CIA has also become the thugs of the consortium.

of course, this is not the real intelligence agency of each consortium, but a puppet standing in front of the stage. For example, Ching Shi has the Secret Service under the Shadow, Li has the "Cardinals" under the Privy Department, the Shinto has the "Baqi", Kagoshima has the "isolated Island", and Chen has the "swordsman".

now these really huge intelligence agencies are still hidden behind the scenes, but the intelligence community has been stirred up by seven groups.

of course, this also took advantage of the Federal Civil War. Today, the real elites of the intelligence community gather in the northern city No. 19, which corresponds to the location of Taicheng, which is only more than 300 kilometers away from the battlefield.

before the seven groups came out to make trouble, the intelligence community on this side of City 10 was almost forgotten.

now, however, it is a little more lively than City 19.

each intelligence unit has some secret files, such as the criminal evidence of officials of other consortium factions. when they do not tear their faces, everyone hides them and gives them a fatal blow when they tear their faces.

Lee Jong-hsien kept sending people out to arrest suspects and bring them to justice with secret files in his hands. As a result, the feedback he got was that he had been taken away by seven groups.

with an expressionless face, he tore up the secret files one by one, saying that the seven groups were too good to handle affairs, and even caught their own people, so how could this group gain a foothold in Qingshi in the future

is this crazy

unlike other intelligence units that have failed again and again, every time Qinghua comes back with suspects, the suspects are wearing black headgear one by one, and no one can see clearly the appearance of the suspect and cannot determine his identity.

then, before the other intelligence units could react, the men were sent to seven secret prisons underground.

while other intelligence units were in a hurry, they began to doubt themselves.

how could the seven teams of inspectors catch so many suspects when they didn't even leave the office

there are too many arrests!

from then on, the inner volume of intelligence begins.

the inspectors of each group sat in their offices with livid faces, and none of the agents dared to mention getting off work.

it's not only the agents who can't leave, but also the cafeteria in the intelligence department.

what they don't know is that after Qinghua and her group led the suspect into a secret prison, Qinghua said to an agent next to him, "all right, take the headband off Yang Xuyang's head."

Yang Xuyang, who has been playing the suspect, breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the light again: "I'm suffocating. Can I get a more breathable headgear"

"suddenly changing the headgear is easy to be suspected by others. Bear with it. The boss says there will be results in these two days," Qinghua said.

the fact is that Rao's brain cannot arrest people indefinitely. If you can't find evidence, you can't find evidence, and you can't force officials from other consortium factions to come back, right

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consortia follow the rules. You don't have to talk about evidence to catch ordinary people, but those who catch consortia must talk about evidence, otherwise this will be a diplomatic incident.

after you get it back, there is no evidence to convict, and then you will be eaten back.

but Qingchen had to worry the other intelligence units, so he asked the agents of team 7 to act as the suspects. Anyway, the other intelligence units had no way of knowing who was under the black headgear.

what Qingchen wants is to convince other intelligence units that team 7 is still arresting people.

anyway, there are tens of thousands of officials, large and small, in City 10, and other intelligence units are unable to confirm at once how many people have been arrested.

and the most important thing is that the record of the seven groups was so brilliant that no one doubted that Qinghua started acting now.

but no matter how Qinghua acts.

so far, no one has come to apply for membership in the seven groups.

Qinghua glanced at it. It had been a full 24 hours since the whiteboard was removed.

he glanced at the remaining agents in the secret prison: "well, are there any signs of acceptance by other intelligence units" Has anyone come to consult the members "

the agent shook his head and said anxiously, "No, there is no one to ask, sir. Do you think the boss's plan will fail" All intelligence units should still have cards, and they are not so easy to throw in the towel. This time, if we tear up our faces, we may even make ourselves restless, and maybe some big shots will be ousted by other intelligence groups. "

Qinghua glanced coldly at the agent: "this is not something you can discuss. We will do whatever the boss tells us to do."

it's just that, although he said so, he looked at the passage of time and there was some uncontrollable anxiety on his face.



at 11:00 in the morning, the canteen informed everyone that midnight snacks were ready.

has been accustomed to working overtime on this side of the seven groups, all went to eat happily, while other intelligence groups went to the canteen with sad faces.

in fact, those inspectors did not intend to let the agents eat midnight snacks, after all, they are all hot, after a busy day to catch a few three-legged cats back, but also eat midnight snacks

however, when they heard that Group 7 was going to the canteen, they quickly sent their own agents to dinner to see if they could get something from Group 7.

Chen's trainee inspector Chen pillow went to the cafeteria on the first floor and went straight to Qingzhun. unexpectedly, he took someone directly to sit down opposite Qingzhun.

Qingjun bit the steamed stuffed bun and said with a smile, "Why are you all sad isn't it going well"

Chen Pillow choked. We didn't go well. Isn't it all because you took everyone away ahead of time

however, he could not say this, so he just smiled and said, "I just can't go home from overtime. I'm a little tired. By the way, you arrested a lot of people today"

Qingjun smiled and said, "is this what you non-members can inquire about"

then Qingzhun looked at the agent next to Chen Pillow and asked, "didn't team 6 give you overtime pay" I had a bitter look on my face after eating. "

the agent was stunned for a moment: "do you have overtime pay"

Qingjun replied with a smile: "of course there is, don't you" The overtime pay for our seven groups is all packed in one car. Oh, no, I can't tell you this. "

with that, Qingjun swaggered off with a thermostat lunch box, which contained the meal he had given to Qingchen.

originally he asked the new boss to join us for dinner, but Qingchen refused.-year-old child, and his classmates make a mockery of him, no matter how strong he is.he stole a glance at the celebrating dust in the courtyard.Qingchen seemed to know nothing about this and lay on t...