Lucy Lus works

Chapter 859: Tang Yu Slept


ations for her now.As for the 'good mother', Qiao Bao'er decided she was going to struggle a bit, so these days she's mainly been fussing over her twin sons."I said I wanted to move the twin's cribs i...There was actually someone bold enough to grab her wrist and refuse to let go!

Then, with a furious left fist raised, he was about to strike the other's cheek. "I have a headache," came a slow, pure, languid voice.

Tang Yu.

"Let go."

Upon hearing his voice and recognizing it as Tang Yu, she quickly retracted her fist. However, she was still very unhappy and urged him, "Let go of my hand quickly, or I'll beat you!"

Although still with a fierce tone, it was much gentler than the previous cold and ruthless killing intent.

Lao Gui and Monkey simply couldn't believe their ears.

He surprisingly didn't just beat him up, and he was kind enough to give him a warning instead.

"... Could it be because Tang Yu is closer to Qiao Bao'er"

Those few smelly men racked their brains, but they couldn't figure it out.

But, even though the old man had annoyed her before, she would still lash out.

Although I can never beat them, especially the Lord of the Shepherds, my temper just won't let me back down.

“I have a headache.”

Tang Yu's slender frame sat slumped in a chair at the dining area. He hung his head low, and under the warm orange light, one could see his fair and handsome face contorted in pain.

Clutching his wrist tightly, it was instinctive, as if by doing so the pain he felt would lessen. The harder she gripped, the more forceful her hold became.

Pull back your hand with all your might, ah, her hand is about to break!

She had sparred with Tang Yu a few times before. Looking at his lean, pale frame, she realized he was actually quite tough and hard to catch.

"I'll help you, I'll help you!"

He roared in anger, but his tone was one of resigned helplessness. “I’ll help you, okay Just let go—“

It seemed her voice was the thing that made the man, tortured with pain, vaguely regain a little bit of his mind. He turned his head extremely slowly towards her.

Tang Yusheng possessed a strikingly handsome face, and his piercing blue eyes were particularly captivating.

He should have been naturally charming with his looks, but right now he seemed a little goofy and dazed, like someone who had just woken up. He even spoke slowly.

"...good." He replied in a languid voice, drawn out slowly.

This bombastic lion, facing his lethargic demeanor, could only swallow all her anger, bottling it up until she was internally wounded.

The moment Tang Yu let go of her hand, he immediately drew back, his face contorted in pain. He shook his own wrist, which was already bruised and swollen from being gripped tightly.

My heart is full of curses.

Keeping one's word and being an upright person have never been principles I've adhered to, so when I withdraw my hand, the first thought that crosses my mind is to go back on it and ignore him.

However, Tang Yu was not an easy person to fool.

He gazed at her with his piercing blue eyes, saying nothing. But from his gaze, she could read that he was waiting.

Wait for her to solve the problem.

My heart pounded with a wild desire to run, to calculate the fastest escape route. But then I met Tang Yu's gaze — a pair of pure and beautiful blue eyes that stopped me in my tracks.

She, unexpectedly, felt a twinge of guilt.

Damn it!

I've realized that I've become more lenient recently, especially since this man is so handsome and has such innocent eyes. Isn't that cheating

If it were any other man, he would definitely be putting on a show. She'd give him a punch and leave him with a bruised face and a black eye. But Tang Yu wasn't pretending; that was just his true nature.

His face was grim, and he spoke in a reluctant voice, "...Stand at attention, look straight ahead."

"Is it the same kind of headache as before Press on your temples and Fengchi point…"

Tang Yu acted like a well-behaved student, immediately adjusting his posture and sitting upright against the chair, looking straight ahead.

Stood behind him, her massage technique was extremely skilled as she kneaded his temples and other acupoints. She might have some resentment, so her strength was particularly heavy, but for Tang Yu, this bit of pressure was better than his headache.

In about a minute, Tang Yu's tightly furrowed brows eased, and the expression of pain gradually softened. He seemed to be enjoying it very much.

Lao Gui and the Monkey, separated by two seats, had their jaws dropped in shock.

Ten thousand mythical beasts running rampant wouldn't be enough to describe what they felt at this moment, goddamn it.

"Is my eyesight going bad" the monkey suddenly had this strange thought.

Lao Gui's expression was also quite complex at this time, he asked, "You guys say, is he Tang Yu now, or Raphael"

Recalling being tricked and deceived by Raphael on the island, that despicable villain was incredibly cunning. He constantly played tricks on them while they were there.

This resulted in everyone on the team being extremely wary of Raphael, wishing they could all gang up on him.

What's even more coincidental is that Raphael is also Qiao Bao'er's stepbrother.

Anyway, the relationship is complicated.

"... Actually, Tang Yu is quite formidable too." someone whispered.

They all had a good understanding of each other. As the former number one rival of their leader, Tang Yu, they were quite familiar with him. That guy looked like a weak scholar, but he was actually very capable in combat. He had suffered many losses at Tang Yu's hands before.

The biggest impression this group of people had of Tang Yu was that he was very good at making quick money, and the money from the financial markets came easily without any effort.

They would all be jealous.

To track down Tang Yu, I personally witnessed him bring down a publicly listed financial company within a week and made hundreds of millions of dollars from it.

He is a true God of Wealth.

They worked themselves to the bone, they wouldn't even be worth the price if they were packaged and sold.

Grass —

A bunch of smelly men shouted a curse at the same time.

"Are you done yet" Patience was wearing thin on the other end.

She is experienced, and if she doesn't speak up, Tang Yu will remain in this state indefinitely. About a year and a half ago, she had sparred with Tang Yu once. At that time, his mental state was not good, and he thought he had won.

In the end, he inexplicably grabbed her wrist. Dazed, Tang Yu didn't have any sense of threat from him, but she deeply understood that if she didn't help him with his headache, her life would be in danger.

Tang Yu actually fell asleep.

I massaged his acupoints until my fingers went numb. I was so exasperated that I turned my head and glared at him, only to be startled. Tang Yu had leaned against the back of the chair and fallen asleep with his eyes closed.

Her anger was about to boil over when she saw Tang Yu's handsome sleeping face. He was naturally beautiful, with exquisite features and fair, smooth skin. He looked pure and elegant even while sleeping, breathing softly.

I'm so mad I could spit blood, but there's nothing I can do about it.

She loosened her grip, and Tang Yu's large head lolled down. He slept soundly; his forehead thudded against the table with a dull sound, but he didn't seem to notice. His breathing was shallow, almost greedy as if he hadn't slept in ages.

She didn't have the heart to feel sorry for him with his red forehead, her wrist was already bruised purple!

No, I have to go find Qiao Bao'er to pay her back.

The old ghost and the monkey behind her were giving her shifty, eerie looks. She turned her head, gave them a cold stare, and they immediately stopped talking, not daring to say another word.

On a whim, I took a peek and saw Qiao Bao'er over by the card table. Without hesitation, I went over to her and asked for money.

As soon as his foot lifted, he hesitated halfway, glancing back over his shoulder.

Tang Yu seemed to be a subconscious self-protection, he lay on the table, his head resting on his arms, sleeping peacefully. birth to two children for the Jun family, there are plenty of women who can give birth to children for our Jun family. Zhi Mu will always be my son."Jiang Meili was very unhappy that this daughter-in...