Lucy Lus works

Chapter 853 Since You Can't Bear to Part, Don't Gi


just now, and she was thirsty now. Actually, Lu Qinan and the other young masters were quite reasonable and considerate."Who delivered the takeout to your apartment Do you have any idea""No." Zhu Xia...A familiar scene appeared on the phone screen: the green walkway at the entrance of Jun's house.

Henry was running after a car, his expression frantic, shouting as he went.

Fang Mei's heart tightened when she saw this.

In the video, the extended Lincoln sped up...

Henry ran desperately, his jaw clenched and eyes fixed on the vehicle ahead. He hoped with all his might to catch up.

I'm sorry, I was too foolish in the past.

Henry hysteria roared at the vehicle in French, but alas, the car did not stop for him, gradually disappearing around the corner. He stumbled and fell heavily.

Henry stumbled on the rough concrete, a tear tracing a path down his cheek. His beautiful hands clenched into fists, pounding at the dirt floor in frustrated defiance, drawing blood from his knuckles.

Fang Mei stared in shock at the captured security footage, "How could this be…" She couldn't believe it as she covered her mouth, watching Henry's heartbroken and disheveled appearance on the screen. She felt pain too.

She remembered, that day she set off to Egypt with Qiao Bao'er and the others. She was in the car, listening to music with her headphones on...

“I don’t know…” she whispered, her eyes brimming with tears.

She didn't know Henry was actually chasing after her car to explain...

Bai Hao handed her some tissues. His expression was complex, and he spoke in a low voice, "I've seen this man before, at our company..."

Fang Mei immediately raised her head, looking at him with tear-filled eyes, "When"

Bai Hao sighed in his heart, smiling wryly, "Just on the day I proposed to you."

That day, he came to the company with a ring because he was looking for you. In the end...he was thrown out by the company security guards. He looked really down and depressed at the time. I thought he would just give up, but I didn't expect…

Unexpectedly, this foreign guy still insisted on chasing the car.

Fang Mei was completely stunned, mumbling, "So that day wasn't an illusion, it really was Henry."

Then, he must be very sad.

She lowered her head, her expression downcast. "I don't want to hurt him," she said softly. "I just feel that since we aren't right for each other, it's best to separate..."

"If he were a scoundrel, persistent and annoying, you'd definitely hate him even more. But now you," Bai Hao smiled openly at her, "aren't you reluctant to let him go"

Fang Mei's expression was frozen in shock.

"If you're not willing to let go, why did you release it"

"We struggle in this world, ordinary as we are. In this world, we don't encounter much beauty, maybe just this once. If we miss it, it's gone."

As soon as Bai Hao finished speaking, her phone vibrated with a new text message.

Fang Mei, I have to be deported back to France within 24 hours. Can I see you one last time I promise I won't bother you again in the future.

This is from Henry.

"Henry has been sent back to France!" She clutched the phone, her hands trembling.

Just at that moment, Fang Mei's mind flashed back to the text message Jun Zhimu had sent her, "Three days, you get married. Otherwise, I'll send him back to France."

Henry was really deported...

Fang Mei scrambled to her feet from the chair, raising her right elbow to wipe the tears from her eyes, clutching her phone tightly as she ran out of the restaurant.

Bai Hao was confused and chased after her, "I'm sorry, I can't have dinner with you today. I, I have something very important to do." Fang Mei ran while quickly turning back to shout at him.

Bai Hao stopped and waved to her generously, "Take it slow, best wishes."

Although I let the rival have their way, they were so persistent. No matter what misunderstandings or mistakes there were in the past, everyone makes mistakes. They are still worthy of cherishing.

Fang Mei ran out of breath, it was rush hour now and getting a cab was difficult. She stood anxiously on the side of the road, scanning around.

Seeing a bus, I hurried over to it.

At this moment, her phone rang. It was Henry calling. Before he could even speak, she urgently exclaimed, "You...wait for me at the rented apartment..."

However, she didn't say anything else. The bus was crowded and her phone slipped out of her hand and broke.

"Sorry, sister, I didn't mean to bump into you. Your phone went black. How much do I need to pay for it..."

A high school boy in uniform nervously stared at her, but the bus wouldn't wait. The driver urged the two of them off to sort it out.

Fang Mei glared angrily as the bus drove away, while the boy standing beside her fidgeted anxiously. As a poor student, he really didn't have much money to pay for damages.

"No need to compensate."

Fang Mei waved at him, clutching her black-screened phone tightly, anxiously looking to see if any passing cars could give her a ride.

“Xiaomei, standing by the roadside, is very easy to be hit by a car.”

A sapphire blue Maserati pulled up slowly, the man in the driver's seat wearing a white branded hooded sweatshirt and sunglasses, leaning against his car door with one hand, a playful smirk on his lips.

"Lu, General Manager Lu," Fang Mei looked at the man in the luxury sports car with surprise.

Lu Qinnan acted like a charming and suave nobleman, with a beautiful woman beside him in the passenger seat.

"Mr. Lu, can I ask you to take me to Henry's apartment" she asked nervously.

If it were any other time, she wouldn't have the guts, but now she really wants to see Henry.

"...I was halfway through a call with Henry when my phone fell. He might be getting anxious, and I'm worried he might panic and run around in the street."

"Henry just texted me that he has to be sent back to France in 24 hours, I...I don't know..." She was speaking so fast she almost sounded like she was crying.

"Get in the car, I'll take you there right now." Lu Qinan was very straightforward.

The woman seated beside Lu Qi Nan also glanced at Fang Mei. Seeing that she was of average appearance and didn't seem dangerous, she said in a friendly manner, "It's dangerous to stand by the roadside, come on in the car."

He even personally got out of the car and opened the door for Fang Mei, showing her generosity.

Fang Mei quickly said, “Thank you.”

Lu Qinan drove fast but steadily. He was very familiar with the road to Henry's dilapidated rental house. Glancing at the rearview mirror, he saw Fang Mei lowering her head with her hands tightly clenched around her phone in an uneasy manner.

He smiled politely, "Don't worry, no one is going to deport him. Tell me what happened and I'll help you sort it out."

Shepherd of the people.

Fang Mei looked up and immediately said the name.

The driver, Lu Qinan, almost stepped on the brake. The woman beside him was also taken aback.

The car quickly arrived at Henry's rental house. Lu Qinan opened the door for her and comforted her, "It's okay, Zhi Mu, he was just joking." The smile on Lu Qinan's face was obviously strained.

The Lord of the Sheep never jokes. just spoke in a sarcastic and insidious tone." The door to the ward creaked open, and Mrs. Pei's face was slightly embarrassed as she walked in carrying a bowl of chicken soup."Mom."Zhu Xiaowei sat o...