Lucy Lus works

Chapter 807: The Shepherd's First Love (Campus) - Part


hu Xiaowei's miscarriage, you're angry, but it's already happened. The most important thing now is that you take care of your health. What if you have another stomach bleed I'm afraid you'll develop s..."How is her injury" His tone instantly turned as cold as ice.

This was my first glimpse of how fiercely you protect those close to you.

That girl hit someone, it's fine. She got hit by someone, that's not okay!

Such blatant favoritism, if the person involved knew about it, wouldn't that girl be over the moon

Ru Shi will send photos of Qiao Bao'er's injuries taken at the hospital to Jun Zhi Mu's phone. After about ten minutes, she received a text message from Jun Zhi Mu.

An eyebrow raise, a hint of unease in her heart.

Five social thugs who were causing trouble tonight were originally in the police station giving their statements for fighting and harassing customers. Suddenly, they received a tip that immediately released them. They walked out of the police station proudly and arrogantly shouted to the officers, ‘I have someone on top!’

Before he could savor his victory, several thugs were ushered into a long limousine. The driver in a suit and white gloves kept his eyes on the road, a stern expression etched on his face. This professional-looking killer vibe was unsettlingly off.

"Who are you! Where'd you come from!"

The gang leader suddenly felt uneasy and roared in a pretentious manner.

The driver kept his eyes straight ahead, the car was locked, and he drove smoothly and quickly. With a barely perceptible air of disdain, the driver tossed out, "Jun Shao wants to see you," before driving away.


In the dim night, this black, ghostly elongated limousine zipped along the cold highway. It made several sharp turns into alleys, leaving even some local thugs bewildered as to its destination and who it was going to meet.

Midway through, these hoodlums tried to break out the door, but the car was locked and well-made. No matter how hard they kicked, it wouldn't budge. With their numbers, they wanted to attack the driver and grab the steering wheel. However, the driver simply sidestepped, raised his right hand, and pointed a gleaming gun at them. Instantly, they all fell silent.

These hooligans figured that some big shot from the underworld must have hired them for a job. Gradually, they weren't so panicked anymore. As long as they completed the task assigned by their "big brother," they wouldn't get into trouble.

They came to a place resembling an underground garage, vast and dimly lit. Strangely enough, a large platform was erected in the center. The platform was surrounded by spotlights, blindingly bright.

"Go up there."

Beneath the stage, there was a long chair set up. There was no light over there, it was dim and dark, you could only vaguely make out a man's figure sitting on the chair.

Several thugs got out of the car, just about to say something, when they heard a voice say, "Put on your boxing gloves, don't use any protective gear, go up onto the ring, and fight each other until you all break both your hands before coming down."

His voice was low and calm, spoken so matter-of-factly as if others should simply do what he said.

Several local ruffians heard this and were immediately stunned, instantly becoming enraged. "Go to hell with your crap, you..." This vulgar string of insults was cut short as the man who had been sitting calmly suddenly sprang up, delivering a swift punch that knocked the arrogant individual to the ground, blood gushing from their mouth.

Gu was standing in the dim light watching this scene, quite surprised. He didn't expect himself to lose his temper and personally intervene with these people.

"Throw it up." The blinding light cast Junzhi Mu's stern face in an eerie glow.

The man in black who was hiding in the dim light immediately came out and lifted those hooligans, tossing them onto the stage one by one. Then, Jun Zhimu jumped onto the platform himself. His face was expressionless, he didn't say a word, swept his leg to knock down one of the thugs, and then smashed his fist hard into their arm. The sound of bone cracking echoed in the vast space, barely audible along with the cries of pain.

5 thugs were beaten to a pulp, within 5 minutes. Junzhi Mu stood high above on the platform, his fists smeared with blood, as if he had vented his anger in a satisfying way. Sweat trickled down from his temple, his stern features, deep-set eyes radiating a sense of violence, he looked down at them like stray dogs.

Several hooligans, covered in bruises and with broken arms, were groaning in pain. Their faces were pale from the agony, their eyes blazing with anger but also flickering with fear. They instinctively huddled together, shrinking under the harsh glare of the ring lights. They saw the man standing above them – a figure with an air of nobility and wealth – and felt a wave of terror wash over them.

"...take them to the doctor to get them fixed up, and let them fight again."

The hooligans stared wide-eyed as Jun Zhi牧 stepped off the platform, and the surrounding black-clad men rushed forward to wipe him down with towels, respectfully.

When I heard his words, my whole body trembled.

At this moment, the physical pain surpassed the fear in my heart. I understood, what that man said before wasn't a joke. He wanted them to kill each other, or else they wouldn't be able to leave even if their limbs were broken again and again. They would remain imprisoned here forever.

To be imprisoned forever would drive one mad, to be tortured by these people until they were insane.


Finally, one of the top thugs was frightened into a stupor. He even forgot to beg for mercy and just instinctively screamed.

Jun, the shepherd, in the dim light, gracefully wiped the blood from his fists and the sweat from his brow with a towel. He then tossed the towel to the ground, got into the car, and drove away slowly, as if everything behind him had nothing to do with him.

If someone else got hurt, he would listen, even if they were badly injured. He wouldn't feel any less sympathy for them. Even his close friend Lu Qinan broke a leg in a car accident last year. As long as Lu Qinan didn't die, he still thought that this minor injury wasn't a big deal.

But it's different when she's hurt.

Jun Zhimu looked at the photo on his phone. Her arm was bruised and swollen, her broken wrist bandaged.

He unconsciously furrowed his brows, gritted his teeth, and even felt his own bones aching along with her. It was as if her pain was being felt by him, his wrist joint stiffened, seemingly fractured, the agony even more intense than hers.

Driving, I stealthily glanced at the rearview mirror, catching a glimpse of Jun Zhimu's pained and complicated expression. My heart sank. What if he found out that Qiao Baor was actually Tang Yu's childhood sweetheart betrothed by their families This could be disastrous.

This has gone too far.

The car crawled forward, gazing at the familiar scenery outside the window, that unchanging campus, lost in past memories, still a little uneasy...

"The next stop is Shi Yi Middle School. Passengers getting off, please be ready." The mechanical voice rang out on the bus, and several students in their school uniforms got off slowly.

Suddenly awoke from that distant memory.

Oh, God, what a nightmare of a memory.

That year, things went about as she had expected. When Junzhimu learned that he had fallen for the woman Tang Yu loved, a man so proud could never allow himself to do such a thing. Anyway, for the past six months, the girl had hardly known he existed. He could pretend nothing had happened at all.

Jun Zhi Mu that year did indeed leave.

He returned to his life abroad, but things were not as they used to be. He became more difficult to get along with, unpredictable and moody. Afterward, he impulsively found a girlfriend and seriously started a relationship.

Only by realizing that this girlfriend was simply a carbon copy of the girl from before did he realize that incident was still unresolved in his heart.he had woken up and inexplicably aged several years.Qiao Bao'er was very unwilling to accept this, "I don't have any surgical scars in my belly, and it's not loose. I definitely haven't been pregnant!...