Lucy Lus works

Chapter 758: The Shepherd of the Lord's First Love (Cam


. You have to coax him, whatever he does is for your own good...""Just forget about this."However, Junzhi's shepherd suddenly lowered his voice.Qiao Baoer was a little upset, "Do you have to go agains...Junzhi Mu looked at this unfamiliar city. Compared to the bustling crowds and fast pace of life in the city, life here was slower. Even the pedestrians on the roadside walked at a slower pace.

At 5 p.m., the sun gradually set in the west. The city's greenery was quite good, with a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere surrounding it. Jun Zhimu got off the taxi and chose to walk alone on this slightly deserted street.

Today is Saturday, and even the school across the wall has quieted down. Junzhi Mu glanced at the entrance of that school. It was a typical public high school building, with a football field and several teaching buildings faintly visible inside. The guard at the gate wasn't in uniform, probably just an uncle hired locally.

Occasionally, one might see a few students who stayed on campus playing and having fun inside.

In Jun Zhi's view, this ordinary, even rudimentary, campus environment was hardly worth much attention.

He called Tang Yu, who said he was near the school.

Jun Zhimu felt that he and Tang Yu could be considered friends, but he knew very little about Tang Yu's private life. Tang Yu's unique way of thinking made him exceptional in many areas. People like Tang Yu, who were gifted, were rare. Jun Zhimu was happy to talk with him.

Junzhi is the only one who knows best, even though Tang Yu also travels between various cities. He seems to have a special fondness for City , as he frequently stays there and its unclear why.

Jun Zhi Mu only wore a thin white shirt and black trousers. He was handsome, with a straight and tall figure. As he strolled down the street, men and women passing by would often glance at him curiously.

Jun, the shepherd, was used to such attention. He put on his earphones, looking at the sun slowly setting at the end of the road. Soft violin music filled his ears. Walking in this unfamiliar city, he felt inexplicably relaxed both physically and mentally.

Though Junzhi Mu kept his eyes straight ahead, at this moment he didn't even know what thoughts were swirling in his mind. The street was eerily quiet and deserted, lined with towering trees bursting forth with fresh, vibrant green buds.

Strolling along, listening to the melodious violin music in his earphones, he was lost in thought on this journey.

And just like that, as the sun set in a serene and calming manner, a figure suddenly leaped down from the large tree beside him.

The lord's shepherd didn't have time to react; he looked up, and the woman who seemed to have fallen from the sky landed on top of him. His headphones were still playing a melodious violin tune, and the hazy light of dusk cast over them, making the entire scene seem like a dream.

Junzhi Mu's entire body leaned back, falling to the ground with a thud. His back and the back of his head hurt terribly from the impact.

"Hey, can you walk"

The person on top of him quickly scrambled to his feet, because he was cushioning her fall, the instigator barely escaped unharmed. It was clearly her fault, yet she was acting like the victim now.

She didn't even wait for him to speak before turning and running away.

Junzhi's shepherd had never encountered such a thing before. He didn't want to admit that he had been scared at the time.

Who would have thought that on such a quiet street, in such a hazy twilight, a woman would suddenly rush down from the sky and pounce on him. She couldn't have meant to, because he also felt her panic as she landed on top of him.

Jun Zhi Mu felt embarrassed and humiliated. He should have been furious, but he wasn't as angry as he expected. He got up from the ground, and in the distance, her figure gradually disappeared. She ran away in a hurry, clearly fleeing in panic.

She was just bluffing.

The Junzhi herdsman looked at the figure more carefully and attentively, until it disappeared around the bend ahead.

Perhaps it was the time of sunset, when the atmosphere around held a peaceful stillness. She appeared suddenly, then vanished just as quickly, like a dream.

Jun Zhimu stood there for a while, his fallen earphones still playing softly.

"She is a student at this school," he recognized her uniform.

Junzhi Muye couldn't say why he looked at her so carefully. Her face, her eyes, her lips...and her soft body.

I found him at a regular bar in town at 10:45 PM.

"Old Ghost broke his leg, he's already had Monkey take over his investigation. I've got some things on my plate here…" As soon as he saw me, he cut straight to the chase without any pleasantries.

Because the lord preferred things to be straightforward and to the point, they had gotten into the habit of skipping any pleasantries over the years.

"Boss!" Today, however, I felt Jun Zhimu seemed a little absent-minded. I slammed my fist on the desk and stared at him with wide eyes, "What's going on"

I felt like this could be a big deal, and I couldn't help but get nervous.

Jun Zhi Mu was startled, as if he had only just come to his senses. He slowly shifted his gaze to her face.

"...Those things, you go arrange them." Jun Zhi Mu was as indifferent as ever.

But after knowing him for so many years, he always felt that he was acting strange today, even suspecting that Jun Zhi牧 hadn't quite heard what she just said.

Jun Zhimu asked the bartender to prepare a dozen cocktails, filling a table with colorful drinks. They looked quite sophisticated and beautiful, but this wasn't Jun Zhimu's style. He usually didn't enjoy those sweet and sour wines.

Junzhi Mu Guang just watched and didn't pick it up to drink.

The more I thought about it, the weirder it felt.

She knew her elder brother's father had passed away a few days ago, but she didn't think this would make Jun Zhi Mu so out of character. In her analysis, Jun Qing Cheng, who had been suffering from tuberculosis, was comforted by an early release from his pain. Jun Zhi Mu shouldn't be so dramatic; his heart was as cold and mechanical as a machine.

"Boss, did you come to the city to find Tang's illegitimate son"

He sat cautiously opposite him, and seeing that he didn't object, pressed on to try and get some information out of him.

A rough understanding is that Junzhi牧 has some profitable projects and wants to collaborate with the illegitimate son of the Tang family. That fool from the Tang family heard that he is very smart, someone who can be recognized as intelligent by Junzhi牧. That's incredibly smart.

Junzhi Mu, as if stimulated by what was said, stiffened his expression. He forgot about finding Tang Yu.

Since he met that girl this afternoon, he has been thinking about her.

Of course not because she's particularly beautiful, there are many women who are prettier and sexier than her.

Junzhi Mu himself couldn't figure it out. He really disliked this feeling, and he rejected such emotions from himself. Her sudden appearance from that tree left him unprepared. He had no defense, no way to resist. This loss of control made him very uncomfortable.

The more he thought like this, the clearer her face and expression became in his mind. Junzhi Mu was very agitated.have no savings left. My spendthrift younger brother conned me out of the last 500,000 yuan I had last month. Now I'm even poorer than you guys.”Dead Raphael called to warn her to give him money, or h...