Lucy Lus works

Chapter 734 Artificial Respiration


"It seems Qiao Bao'er's aunt doesn't like you very much."Jun, the shepherd, slammed his laptop shut with a resounding bang, his eyes flashing coldly as he spat out, "Don't push me to touch your Yi fa...Jo Baoer pulled the near-dead Rafael back from the brink of death.

Alice was moved to tears of gratitude.

Just as many ancient creatures possessed extraordinary abilities, single-celled organisms can self-replicate, some animals can reproduce asexually, and humans have also regressed in many lost skills throughout the evolutionary process.

Although there was no light source around, only the faint red glow of the gemstone scepter, it was hard to see how Raphael had survived. But hearing his cough, he rasped, 'Where am I'

Those who had originally lain around waiting for death, including Lao Gui, immediately perked up.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope for survival, they are invincible cockroaches!

Everyone looked at Qiao Baier with great anticipation, hoping she would unleash her power and maybe even teleport them back to the modern world. Sadly, controlling something like telekinesis is really difficult.

A master once said, "If one's mind is free from distractions, one can attain enlightenment."

Both animals and humans have subjective emotions. When they see something they like, they will think of some things. When they encounter unpleasant things, even if they don't do anything or speak up, they will also feel resentment in their hearts.

Jo Bao'er doesn't have that much cultivation and sentiment.

She believed she had truly tried her best, but Augustus the leader still couldn't be saved. Perhaps Qiao Baoer was subconsciously unwilling to save this father of hers.

Jo Bao'er, like a fledgling bird just learning to fly, could only do what she could, and wasn't much help.

Alice calmly saw the lifeless Augustus, the leader. She didn't feel much emotion. The decades she had spent loving this Augustus, were only a short and unpleasant memory for her.

Raphael's remains were buried, and Qiao Baoer was helpless to dig him up. This meant that Raphael would likely have to bear Tang Yu's body from now on.

No matter what, Alisa was still grateful that her son had survived. Perhaps with hope in her heart, Naga gradually regained some of his strength. Following Junzhimu's advice, Naga strained every muscle to burrow downwards in the viscous, soft mud.

The more Naga struggled in the mud, the larger the space became. Lao Gui and the others also crawled up and prepared for a final stand.

As Junzhi Mu's guess predicted, the mud became looser the deeper they went. The bottom led to a lake, and Nagas plunged into the water portion. The water would surely backflow, and they had to hold their breath as long as possible and swim out quickly.

The newly collapsed mud layer was already soft and sticky. Once the lake water rushed in, the soil would easily bury the small spaces that had been squeezed out before. So their speed had to be fast.

Even though the Shepherd and his men were usually in good physical shape, after days of exhaustion, they were only gambling on survival by escaping from here.

The chieftain's guards couldn't hold on, disappearing and sinking into the mud before they could reach open water. Even the surviving elders, unable to bear it any longer, let out a gasp, causing lake water to pour into their lungs, threatening to suffocate them.

Qiao Ba'er grabbed an old man, seemingly the Second Elder, by the hand. She dragged the half-dead elder, swimming with ease and speed, catching up to Naga first and successfully surfacing.

Jun Zhimu and they looked at each other in surprise. Before, Jun Zhimu had been worried that Qiao Ba'er would not be able to keep up physically.

Qiao Bao'er didn't know what was wrong with her, she just felt that her whole body was full of energy and she was very energetic. Anyway, no matter how much she tossed about, she wouldn't get tired, and she was also willing to help others. Several times, she jumped into the lake water and pulled several salted fish back to shore.

Lao Gui, the crab and they struggled to swim out of the lake surface, gasping for breath and coughing up several mouthfuls of lake water.

Damn, it's good to see the sun again.

Heaven will not destroy me.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime event, with countless casualties. Those who survived cherish life even more. The few salted fish that were thrown ashore were also actively given CPR by everyone, saving as many as possible.

Everyone is a rough and tough guy, so something like artificial respiration, even mouth-to-mouth, isn't really a mental barrier.

Lu Qinan, that weakling, couldn't hold on in the water. He choked in several mouthfuls of lake water and his face turned pale as death. He cried out several times but there was no response. Jun Zhimu saw something was wrong and bravely risked his life to save Lu Qinan. He gave Lu Qinan several breaths and then continuously pressed on his abdomen, barely managing to save Lu Qinan's life.

Lao Gui and the crab were also trying to buy time from Death, doing everything they could to save people.

She used to be cold-hearted and ruthless. Saving people was never her concern, but perhaps it was the sight of her boss, Junzhi Mu, kissing a man that moved her. She ended up saving someone herself.

Is Tang Yu, but to be precise, it's Raphael. Since Raphael has just recovered, his physical stamina isn't keeping up, and in a sudden burst of kindness, he contributed his first kiss. Actually, whether it counts as a first kiss is debatable. He's kissed quite a few things from childhood to adulthood, but when it comes to helping someone in need, he naturally chooses someone who looks good.

Raphael coughed a few times, his breath came back smoothly, and he quickly woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he was startled and froze, staring at the woman so close to him. She was incredibly dedicated to her work as she kissed him deeply, blowing into his mouth with effort. She held his jaw firmly in her hand. To Rafael, it felt like he was being forced by a woman.

"You woke up without making a sound!"

My lips were numb. When I looked up, I saw that the man beneath me had already opened his eyes, and I immediately felt disgruntled.

Raphael's face was pale, and he looked at her with a complex expression. He didn't explain, as he also knew this woman had given him CPR out of kindness. But somehow, his mood was a bit chaotic.

I originally wanted to kick him in the stomach, but looking at Tang Yu's face, pale and bloodless, I gave up. After all, Tang Yu is Qiao Bao'er's old flame, provoking Qiao Bao'er would be bad for me.

He turned and walked away briskly. The salted fish brother fished out of the lake was also almost rescued.

The pond at their feet, formed by the impact of the once mighty waterfall, remains a testament to its former power. Although the waterfall is now silent, having ceased due to a landslide that left the mountainside in ruins, the surrounding lake water is refreshingly cold and clear. Lush forests border the tranquil waters.

Many ferocious wild animals lurk in the undergrowth, their eyes gleaming with predatory intent.

Alissa and Naga were one, Naga truly saved them this time. However, the giant snake was exhausted, after climbing ashore it coiled up to rest. Alissa lay weakly on a large rock, breathing shallowly.

If these beasts in the forest were to charge over and surround them right now, they would probably just be swallowed whole. Luckily, though, these onlookers seem to be intimidated by Qiao Baier, and they don't dare get too close. Their eyes seem to simply be filled with curiosity.

Jo Bao'er turned around, and the beasts that had been crowding around scattered like they had encountered something terrifying, fleeing in panic.ering, "They're not doing their jobs properly and wasting time!"He Jun's family doesn't follow those chaotic trends outside.Turning to her, he chided, "You spend all night snacking instead of eating d...