Lucy Lus works

Chapter 727: The True Island Master


en't done by her." Lu Qinian couldn't stand it anymore, lazily interrupting the strange atmosphere.Joe Baoer was furious and glared at him.Who's bothering whom!!!However, in terms of momentum and pres..."Take it easy."

Raphael looked at the woman in front of him with nervous eyes. Even Count Black Cat arched his back and puffed up his fur, on high alert.

"...I don't know."

Qiao Bao'er felt as if she were being burned by a raging fire, her skin all over achingly hot.

She really wanted to throw away the staff in her hand, but no matter how hard she tried, it wouldn't budge. It was as if there was a magnetic force pulling it back into her palm.

"Now, now, what am I supposed to do!" Her insides burned with pain.

Jo Bao'er's face was an unusual shade of crimson, as if her body couldn't contain a tremendous amount of power. Her body felt like it was about to explode, even her breaths were labored and hot with discomfort. She was anxious, afraid, and overwhelmed with panic.


"What are you teaching me to... I'm in so much pain, save me—"

Qiao Bao'er was painfully struggling against herself, she was powerless to kneel on the ground, her left hand desperately grabbed her hair, and the staff in her right hand was still in her palm. She angrily threw the staff towards a big tree opposite her, as if with magnetism, the staff returned to her palm.

As long as she held onto this scepter, it felt like her insides were burning with an agonizing, searing fire.

Raphael wasn't tormenting her like Xin did, and he had no idea why this was happening. There was nothing about it in ancient texts, and for a moment, he was completely flustered. Even the Count of Black Cats looked on in astonishment at what was unfolding.

Then, something magical happened.

The once lush and green forest suddenly withered at an alarming rate. Plants began to yellow and die, their leaves turning brittle. The small grasses wilted immediately, their roots rotting away. The large trees shed their leaves rapidly, a rustling symphony of fallen foliage. Soon, the entire forest was left bare, only brown and skeletal branches remained.

Raphael and Count Blackcat froze in disbelief.

The light, withered grass was blown into the sky by the wind, and fallen leaves were scattered and whirled about in chaos. This once fertile land had instantly become barren.

"I'm in so much pain, I don't want this staff!"

Jo Bao'er was still painfully clutching at her hair, her appearance disheveled and her face contorted in pain. She roared out, her eyes filled with blame and resentment.

"You did this on purpose!" Her voice began to tremble, dropping to a low growl.

"Raphael, you keep using me!"

She glared up at him, her face contorted with rage.

Raphael noticed her normally clear eyes had become cloudy, the pupils slowly turning blood red, like the eerie glow emanating from a ruby scepter. It seemed as if something was replacing her consciousness, driving her into madness.

"I won't let you get away with this," she murmured softly.

Suddenly, as if the searing pain that had consumed her body moments before vanished, she rose effortlessly to her feet. Her spine stood tall and straight, her right hand gripping the 1.7-meter golden scepter. She no longer resisted its presence. Her expression turned aloof and indifferent, her posture holding the scepter with the bearing of an eternal monarch.

Raphael soared into the air, floating mid-air. Panic flashed in his eyes, "You... you need to control your emotions, stay calm... keep calm and composed."

Raphael's words were cut short, and he was suddenly flung by an unseen force against a nearby tree trunk. He collided head-first with the rough bark, instantly bruising his face and nose, causing blood to pour from his nostrils. Painfully, he coughed and gasped for breath.

Qiao Bao'er walked in front of him, her right hand holding the staff, she slightly raised her head and glanced at his current embarrassed and flustered appearance. There was no expression on her face, her stiff eyes were like those of a corpse from thousands of years ago, and her pupils emitting blood red light made it even more eerie.

Count Black Cat's fur bristled as he lunged at her. He was small, swift, and his claws were sharp and venomous; even the serpent god Naga, dwelling within the great waterfall, had found him a worthy adversary.

She didn't turn around, as if she had already sensed the attack behind her. She slightly waved her staff, and the black cat was thrown upwards like it was hit by a powerful force. It kept rising, going all the way up to the sky, through the white clouds. Even Count Black Cat was frightened and cried out in panic. The feeling of weightlessness filled him with fear.

If he fell, the Earl's nine lives would surely be damned.

"... Qiao Bao'er, don't hurt the Earl!" Raphael gasped and shouted loudly.

She had no interest in the black cat's life.

Her eerie crimson eyes locked onto him, "You disrupted the magnetic field of my island." A man's voice, deep, aged, and powerful, emanated from her throat.

"I set a rule, no one is allowed to move the stone coffin. You broke my rule, and you destroyed my island." His voice was filled with fury.

Her bloodshot eyes blazed with fury, her staff pointed accusingly at Raphael.

Although Raphael had mentally prepared himself, he didn't expect the pain to be so excruciating. It felt like his bones and internal organs were being crushed and shattered. An overwhelming force slammed into him, like a high-speed rocket plummeting from the sky, smashing him into the ground. The impact created a deep pit in the earth, and he lay there motionless, as still as a corpse. He could only breathe weakly, his face pale as paper.

She wanted to kill him, it would be easier than crushing an ant.

Raphael couldn't utter a single sound, even breathing felt like an immense effort. At this point, she no longer heard him at all. Qiao Baoer was like a completely different person now.

A thousand years ago, before the staff was divided, the true lord of the island.

She didn't say another word to him, and Raphael was dragged away by her.

Raphael's physical form was now merely hanging on, but she stood tall, her chest held high and her back straight. She gripped her staff like a true sovereign, leading the way. Raphael's body drifted slightly above the ground, pulled along by an unseen force that followed behind her.

The black cat Earl soared straight up into the clouds at ten thousand meters, then plummeted down at an extreme speed. Such a high-altitude jump at ten thousand meters was exhilarating, Countess Meow Meow shrieked in fright, instinctively waving its paws in the air. Her usual aloof elegance disappeared completely. Earl was terrified like he had encountered a natural enemy.

She didn't mean to take his life; in the last few hundred meters of air, she slowed her descent, bringing the Count down safely into a patch of withered grass.

The Earl's cat was nearly scared to death.

Shocked and dismayed.

The once mighty Count, now lacked even the strength to rise. He could only watch helplessly as she led Raphael towards the waterfall.

The Earl knew that one was not Jo Bao'er, but the true master of the sceptre.

The staff was deliberately broken into three pieces and hidden in various locations across the three islands. It was done intentionally to prevent future generations from reassembling the staff. So that's why.

Because history is far too ancient, records in literature have long been forgotten.

Wands beguile the heart, occupying the human body. The true master will reappear in the world, possessing unparalleled divine power and conquering all who stand before him.

Rafael taught her the ancient incantation, never expecting it to turn out like this.

He opened his eyes with a gasp, witnessing the raging waterfall split in two, parting for her like a welcoming gate. With the poise of a queen, she stepped into the veil of water, remaining completely dry.

The only way into the Water Curtain Cave was a narrow, dark passage. Suddenly, flames sputtered to life on the mountain walls. These crimson lights appeared out of nowhere, like ghosts, floating on the walls. Every two meters, there was a flickering fire, dancing and following her steps deep into the heart of the cave.

Within this dark, filthy, and fetid Water Curtain Cave, the surrounding eerie red firelight flickered. Suddenly, the entire Water Curtain Cave was illuminated.

Blood-red light bathed the entire damp and eerie cavern.

And at the same time, Raphael, who had been brought in all the way by an invisible force, suddenly lost his floating support and was thrown to the ground.

Here is the place she wanted to bring him.

The Cave of Nagas, the Serpent Gods.

"...Come out," she spoke, her voice like an echo from ancient times, long and distant, old and ethereal.

Inside the Water Curtain Cave, the snake god Naga coiled his body tightly, his eerie serpent eyes filled with fear, not daring to approach her at all.

Raphael was in pain all over, and he turned his head slightly. He saw the serpent god Nagas trembling with fear.

And just then, a group of mindless people actually dared to barge in.


The chieftain roared with a menacing air.

"Raphael, you traitor!!"

In the Great Leader's eyes, only Raphael could understand the stolen ancient books, so it must be Raphael who schemed to use that woman to steal the staff, which symbolized his status.

The Great Chief was furious, bellowing in the cave, "Raphael, your mother, Elisa, is in my hands. Surrender the staff! Or I will burn her flesh to ash!"

The chief always used this tactic to coerce Raphael, and for many years, Raphael had been held back by his mother.


A raspy, aged voice echoed from within the cave, slowly uttering that familiar name.

The chieftain's men had fully breached the Water Curtain Cave, and it seemed that this voice, ancient and weathered, slowly stirred their reason.

There are still outsiders in the Water Curtain Cave.

And they almost forgot about the dangerous serpent god Naga, who lived within the Water Curtain Cave. How could Naga be so quiet Last time, Naga had been furious and shook the valley with its enormous body, trying to break through the waterfall.

Moreover, the Water Curtain Cave was so brightly lit.

There, floating in the air on the cliff wall, were clusters of fiery crimson flames, so eerie.

At this juncture, the chieftain's men began to feel unease.


The Great Chief was astonished, the words he wanted to ask stuck in his throat. Meanwhile, his first wife, Alice, was lifted into the air.

"Who are you"

"Who are you" The crimson light swirled around them, obscuring their vision. The elders saw a figure in the center of the cave, holding a staff, familiar yet alien.

She laughed wildly, her voice a gravelly rasp. "Who am I I am the true master of this island," she declared. Her words rang out, strong and clear, echoing through the valley.

The true owner of this island. of two cribs, custom-made wooden ones with exquisite craftsmanship. Even the paint job had strict standards. Each crib head had a small rotating pendant hanging a few plush baby giraffes.Jun's shephe...