Lucy Lus works

Chapter 718: LUCY, The Close Guard


ouse. However, he felt that everything around him was so strange and unfamiliar, like a different world altogether."Your house doesn't seem like the old one anymore."The old man's voice, hoarse and we...Joe Bao'er, imprisoned alone, was enduring hunger.

The guard threw her dinner, a raw, bloody piece of meat. Even when she lived with the savages, she had never sunk to the point of eating raw meat this miserably.

Why was she being held in solitary confinement I wonder how Junzhi Mu and the others are doing.

Her survival experience on this island taught her that to live, she had to rely on herself and couldn't depend on others.

She had carefully examined the cage, round and made of iron. It was square-shaped and she could only crouch down; there wasn't enough space for her to stand up. It was much like a prison cell used in ancient times to hold condemned prisoners.

A heavy iron chain, locked with a large padlock, stood before Qiao Bao'er. She looked around the empty cave and pulled and tugged with all her might, but to no avail.

Although this iron cage was rusty, it was still very sturdy. She kicked at the iron pillars with all her might, but there was no sign of them loosening, which left Qiao Bao'er feeling discouraged.

Perhaps because they thought that keeping this woman, a frail female, imprisoned in an iron cage wouldn't require too many guards, the cave was unguarded. It was very dark inside, with only the faint light of a fire outside illuminating it.

Just now, Dai Wei came in carrying a torch. When she was giving birth to the flesh, Qiao Bao'er noticed that there was a sharp rock block 60 centimeters away from the iron cage.

She was now crawling on the ground, desperately reaching out with her hand to grab the sharp stone. But it was still just out of reach. She had no choice but to turn over and use her right foot to hook it, luckily her leg was long enough that she could slowly pull the sharp stone closer with a little effort.

Just as she was about to grab the sharp stone, a sound suddenly came from outside the cave.

Jo Bao'er hurriedly picked up the sharp stones and sat upright, nervously watching outside the cave.

It seems someone is trying to come in, arguing with the guard. Qiao Bao'er heard this sharp female voice and felt a sense of familiarity...

"You blind idiot, don't you know who I am!"

Gu Ruqing looked down upon the guard, her expression arrogant as she barked, "Get out of my way!"

The guards naturally knew this arrogant and domineering mistress, Gu Ruqing was the leader's most beloved woman. Everyone usually treated her with extra care and deference, lest she whisper sweet nothings in his ear and inexplicably be ordered by the leader to be beheaded.

The guard bowed his head low and whispered, "Madam, the leader said that this matter is entirely up to the elders to handle..."

The elders' resting place was messed up by the young master, and everyone is busy catching him. They can't handle it for a moment. Make way for me! I'm going in now, do you need to agree

Gu Ruqing's beautiful eyes glared with anger, her aura radiating like a rainbow. Standing behind her, there was a sense of the traitor succeeding, very satisfying.

The two guards looked at each other awkwardly, unwilling to defy the leader's favorite concubine. They could only take two torches and accompany her in together.

When Qiao Bao'er saw who it was, she was surprised. It was her mother, Gu Ruqing.

To her surprise, the first person to visit her was her cold mother.

Gu Ruoqing told the guards to take out the key, open the iron cage, and let Qiao Baier out.

Jo Bao'er was surprised and bent down to walk out.

Before she could be moved by the gesture, thinking her mother had risked her own safety to save her, Gu Ruqing straightened her spine and glared at her face with fury, slapping her across the cheek.

Qiao Bao'er's face was burning with pain, but her mind was sluggish.

Even the two guards on duty were a little confused. They thought Gu Ruqing was taking advantage of the situation to visit her own daughter, but they didn't expect her to come here to rant and rave.

My ears were filled with Gu Ruqing's angry words, "How dare you defy your father! You made him angry and dragged me into this!"

“I brought you here through hardship and toil. What good have you done You dare to vie for the scepter with your father!”

After she finished speaking, Qiao Bao'er suddenly realized, indeed, how could her mother possibly risk her own safety to save her

Qiao Bao'er's lips curled into a self-deprecating smile. She truly couldn't expect too much from a woman who abandoned her husband like this.

Qiao Bao'er retorted with a cold face, "It was you who tied me up. I'm still struggling to get out of this awful place."

Gu Ruqing's face darkened with anger, "You have no manners and dare to talk back!" She raised her hand as if to slap her again, intending to teach her a lesson.

Joe Ba'er took advantage of the gap she was closing and grabbed her shoulder with her backhand. She then pressed a sharp stone she had found against the woman's neck, attempting to threaten her.

She wanted to get out, and she definitely couldn't miss this opportunity.

Unfortunately, Qiao Bao'er grabbed Gu Ruqing's shoulder, but Gu Ruqing's personal bodyguard immediately noticed the sharp stone she held in her other hand. The bodyguard snatched the stone away and forcefully pushed Qiao Bao'er aside. The force was great, and caught off guard, she slammed her back against the iron bars with a loud "bang," leaving her body weak from pain.

Gu Ruqing's personal guard was agile and quick-witted, Qiao Bao'er was no match for him, groaning in pain.

Gu Ruqing was still dazed, and when she saw the sharp stone block handed to her respectfully by the guard beside her, she became furious. "You, you dare attack me!" She glared at him with a ferocious expression.

The guards only then realized that this imprisoned young lady was no ordinary person. She had dared to plot and try to blackmail the madam into taking her hostage.

Fortunately, Gu Ruqing's personal guard reacted quickly, or else the two of them responsible for guarding would have also been held accountable.

Take another glance at the guards standing close to Gu Ruqing. This man, with an unremarkable appearance, a solemn expression, and a slender frame, didn't seem to be particularly skilled. No wonder Gu Ruqing trusts him so much.

The close bodyguard leaned in to Gu Ruqing's ear and whispered, "Madam, since the young miss is so unfeeling and disregards your maternal bond, why don't I take care of her"

"If she had gotten her way just now, it wouldn't have been just the lady's body that would have been hurt, but the Chieftain would surely be furious when he found out."

"...After all, the leader has already ordered the elders to take care of her. It's better to nip this in the bud before things get complicated. With Miss's temperament, her presence will only cause trouble for you. In the future, the leader will inevitably misunderstand you more. Killing her now can eliminate our worries and also please the leader."

Qiao Bao'er nervously watched the two people in front of her. She couldn't hear what the bodyguard close to her mother Gu Ruqing had said in her ear.

Gu Ruqing fell silent for a moment, her gaze fixed on her daughter who was now huddled against the iron bars in disgrace. A prisoner, she was destined to be without favor and would only bring ridicule upon them all. The chieftain's displeasure with her deepened.

"Both of you get out."

Gu Ruqing suddenly became composed, turned around, and instructed the guard sternly in a serious voice.

"But, Madam..." the guard hesitated.

"Get out!"

Gu Ruqing's voice was sharp, and she reprimanded again.


The Watchman reluctantly agreed, inserting the torch into the mountainside before retreating.

Just in case, they weren't stupid either. They also sent more people to guard the mouth of the cave, so even if it was turned upside down inside, nothing would happen.

What do you want to do

Qiao Bao'er saw that she had withdrawn the guards. A bad feeling arose in her heart immediately.ursing the company's general manager's name, his face instantly stunned."Miss, do you know our Mr. Lu" He then seriously examined Qiao Bao'er's attire. It seemed like something even a high-end boutiqu...